Anti Doom Broom

Yeah the ghost used to follow you indefinitely. Then in WoD they nerfed it to like 15-20 seconds on 10 min CD because apparently it put a load on the servers lol.

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The cynic in me when I saw it not being a toy: “I guess, they want us to waste time on every character we need/want it”.

but that ‘‘cAuZed LaG so We HaD to NeRf iT foR stAbiLity’’
meanwhile icecrown: 10 sec delay

Or, you know, you could just not buy it.

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has anyone even found any use for this yet?

If teh Zombie invasion has started, use it on pools of blight

i am the zombie

Prepare to meet thy broom!

I’d prefer an item to… make MORE Zombie pools! :crazy_face:

this would actually be a good toy

I regret farming to buy it.
I used it on like… 2 pools that nobody stood in anyways :joy: It’s not worth getting

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Btw Mr Retributer. I never thanked you for sending me to the Dalaran postoffice after me being salty about Invincible never dropping.

Hated you a little bit, when I had to deal with Johnny Awesome’s… “loot”, I admit :joy: But the mailtoy has been much worth it. so ty!

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anything for the alliance <3

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