Any ball or formal RP event for Alliance ?

Yea, after reading it; I think so to! Alas, perhaps I got it confused with another word then D:

This entire post must be purged

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Activates Reorigination device

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Not that one. Use the Purification Protocol.

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Basic Illidari training is a 1 year internship as a bartender in the Blue Recluse.

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Thats a prettu hardcore basic training, though… I doubt anyone could make it through that xD

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I sacrificed everything


I do love it when people are kind enough to tell others how to play their character.

“But… but you’re playing it wrong!?!”

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Aye but don’t bother, they come in groups on threads like this one, derail it and call it a day. So no surprise there.

No one is telling him how to play it, though

Most, however, are just laughing at the concept, which has already been broken down to molecular level so even nuclear physicists could understand why it is weird and poor concept

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Lol making fun of me yet you can’t even read the very first replies.

Yaaarrrr deniaaal matey indeed

If the idea of a DH participating in RP events bother you guys so much, why don’t you go somewhere else instead of spamming a thread with dumb crap where I was simply asking for upcoming events?

Especially after dumping your thoughts once? But like I said, no surprises here. Since you’re doing that on purpose.

Big yikes

Other threads do not compile such ideas as

so why would I go there and spam it


Imagine posting comments not on purpose. I guess your pirate rp is evolved, but brain isnt

Anyway, get a grip y’all, take it to the Pet Peeve thread if you feel compelled to screech about DHs being played wrong.

On topic, if you check Argent Archives as well you should be able to have the best chance of spotting any upcoming Dance Balls or such- they’ve got a list of upcoming events on the righthand side of the main page, iirc.


The pinned event post at the top of the forums has information on October events now

And I do believe there’s a ball for Alliance mentioned in there.

[watches u quickly sprint away with the goalposts]

huh… weird…?

plot twist

Demons have infiltrated the ball and only Majima can stop them! :open_mouth:

Maybe you should give him advice for better concept… Where is my :popcorn:

people gave him the advice of RPing something that actually matches his class, instead of a generic socialite with some weird green glow :slight_smile:

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But he is playing it wrong, The concept of a Demon hunter is simple and not very outgrowing, they only have one class archetype. Demon hunters literally sacrificed everything to become weapons and hunt Demons till the last because that is what they are, Weapons, they aren’t people, they don’t go for long walks in the park, they don’t go home and watch Gavin and Stacey, They Hunt because that is their purpose. If you don’t want to play that why would you play a DH when you have 7 other classes which can do the things he wants like go to balls or pick up random red haired human chicks.

As the great Skekmal said (God, he is probably the best hunter in media, total bad :peach:), “Nothing can stop the Hunt.”

  1. We don’t come in groups, a lot of us dislike each other.
  2. its not derailing, you mentioned the subject of a DH going to a ball, this is on subject with that telling you that it wouldn’t happen
  3. the day is never over, as Skekmal said, nothing can stop the hunt.

its not that a DH is going to an event, its that one is going to a ball, a social event, Demon Hunters aren’t social.

There is also the fact that Balls are used as ways for people to do hook up ERP, and judging by your past we know you’re a possible booty hunter.

is a good Radio head song, absolute banger.