Any chance you will allow EU players to post on US forums?

so obviously the EU forums are dead.
they are barely frequented even by players, and certainly not by devs.

can we have posting rights on the US forums so we can participate in the ongoing debate on various versions of wow?

the PTR forum section for the upcoming BWL SOD patch is practically a ghost town.
i’ve been posting on there every time it was possible to do so, and a whopping 100 people have clicked on my post this time around for the upcoming phase 5 patch, with like 2 people leaving replies.

i’m essentially screaming into the proverbial void here, and it feels pretty bad man.
man i just wanna leave some feedback and have a chance of having it read, but it feels like we’re not allowed to.

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Honestly, for the best WOW experience you should probably just learn to deal with the ping and roll on the US servers. All the cool stuff happens there and we get to graciously accept the leftovers.

Make a US trial account, level a character to level 10 and post on the US forums.


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