Any dwarf guilds/communities around?

Hi there.
I was just wondering. Are there any dwarven guilds/communities around? I see very few dwarves around in SW. So any pointers on where to look for them are welcome!


Here are some!


Och! As the kind Forsaken above suggested, the Morodnir are a fellowship of Dwarves from across all three clans, out for adventure!

Give Frolbar or Donar a whisper in game to find out more!


Every time I’ve run into these guys it’s been a treat. They’re good dwarf rpers from what I’ve seen of them. Definitely my first pick for a dwarf guild.

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Well, there’s the Stoneforge Clan, nice and friendly bunch of ale-swigging, boar-chewing lads and lasses that enjoy both PvE and RP. Poke Baldûr for all your Dwarven questions and applications!

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