Any forum discord

title is there any mods are boring

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There used to be one but it got shut down. Someone made a new one yet I have no idea how is it going if it’s going at all.

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its still going, but under a different name now

Edit - its the same one Alysea linked.

Here’s a link to the current forum discord - we haven’t had that many new faces these days, but here’s hoping we get some!

(If it doesn’t work, find The Emperor’s Panda Sanctuary)

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You need a Blizzard insider who would sneakily pin it here.

Is it filled with the same cliquey self-absorbed people as the last one?

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We can only hope this is the case!

I don’t read it much, but I believe yes.

I mean… which discord isn’t a clique? Or which community, for that matter :smiling_face_with_tear:

There are non “self absorbed” peeps as well, so if it piques your interest, give it a shot.

Just because people don’t like you doesn’t mean they are “cliquey” or “self-absorbed” they just simply don’t like you and if you can’t handle people not liking you, especially over the internet, you might have bigger problems to work on then being liked by strangers on the internet. :smiley:

This, and it’s possible to be included in a clique. Being open minded and friendly is a good first step.

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