Any Hong Kong people on this server?

I said in. IN.

Why? in ten chars.

If you want to follow the shark, follow it. Deep into the depths. In the sea, part of the sea.

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I be no undead mon, I will not drown meself.

Not even a druid. You let me down, Troll. You let me down.

Part of the crew! part of the ship!


No, I be a pirate mon.

What a weirdchamp thing to say. Anyone with a little amount of IQ is aware that not everyone agrees on the same things.
It certainly helps when making such a claim to at least have some insight on what you are talking about, since i don’t know if we are talking about the same people? I haven’t personally agreed with everything they do at times, yet i can still have reasonable and normal conversations with them??? Honestly does not seem like this statement is true at all.


Jesus christ I go away for a couple of hours to roleplay and come back to literally 200 new posts.

??? What?

You’re making stuff up and taking it to illogical extremes, good job. Your own impudent rage about ‘muh roleplayer toxicity’ hasn’t really shed any great nuggets of truth on how to combat this supposed scourge either.

You don’t know me, and frankly I’d like to keep it that way.


Oh, but I do. You’re just generic roleplayer2301 who’s rude to people and then cries when said people troll him. This whole thread is a story about a lack of self awareness.

Not the first, not the last.


Ok…. what does that mean? Must you really answer back in kind just because he might have upset you?

If you say so, mister generic-edgy-teenager-who-tries-to-act-hard-on-the-internet-and-pretends-he-was-trolling-when-his-stupid-ill-informed-opinions-are-called-out-by-other-people man.

I do enjoy a good classic ‘you mad’ post, but this is just derivative.

" You either agree with me or your opinions are stupid "

And this is why you get bullied, and why roleplayers get a bad rep. You literally can’t behave. Your clique gives you the self-assurance you need, but once you’re out of it, people can see you for what you are.

Must you really answer back in kind

Yes. I never claimed to be a bastion of civility. I don’t go out of my way to instigate people, but if they insult me for no real reason I see no reason to be courteous to them.

A Human being? because all I see here is a guy passionate about his hobby which is slowly getting ruined by others.

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Righto, let’s see here.

DH? Check
Superiority complex? Check
Raider? Check
Tries hard to front on the internet? Check
“I can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy” persona? Check
Cringeposter? Check

Okay buddy I’ve gone through the checklist and it all points to you being in crisis, if you need to talk to someone you can call 116 123 or email and they’ll be able to signpost you to people that can give you the help you need; you don’t need to suffer alone, god bless.


Well… neither have I tbh, but you don’t see me imply the eye for an eye logic, that just an excuse toxic people use to justify their behavior.

Yelling " OOCers get out " isn’t going to fix that, is it?

A start would be to ask people nicely to stop trolling your RP, and if they don’t, ignore or report them.

What he’s doing is just old man yelling at the sky.

Youre new to this, arent you


Better than letting the hobby get ruined.

Doesn’t work. if it did the problem would be non-existent.