Any Hong Kong people on this server?

You’re trying really hard.

There’s nothing wrong with DHs or raiding, though.

I’ve been roleplaying for 7 years. I literally never had issue with anyone the last year. And unlike some people here, I’ve roleplayed in Zuldazar and Nazjatar just fine, which some have described as impossible.

Of course it works. But do you really think that type of poster tried that? I bet you they threw an insult or two, and when that didn’t work they started talking smack about the people who did it. And on and on it went until a group of people decided " Hey, this dude’s a poopyhead, let’s ruin his RP every time he’s online ".

Then I will assume you were being sarcastic

Prove it, whats your RP score

But it doesn’t


None of those areas were the ones mentioned.

Assume whatever you please, based on my interactions with that poster he doesn’t seem like the type to calmly and kindly ask someone to go away.

So sayeth the man puffing his chest up really hard on a video game forum, then nervously screaming noooo, I was just trolling!

Kindly take a long walk off an extremely short pier, thanks.

Then I will assume you don’t have as much experience as you think you have, based on your posts alone.

Where did I say I was trolling? I entered this thread legitimately trying to get you to understand that just because someone hasn’t roleplayed on AD yet doesn’t mean he won’t.

" Why are we bullied, we dindu nuffin "

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It is, but not for reasons you’re aware of


Incredible wit from the person enabling the attitude that creates the problems in this thread in the first place.

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You have an extremely short memory.

I think you’re confusing bullying with annoying, and generally yes they annoy people for no reason (much like I expect you do also)

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I didn’t mean me. I’m not trolling you. I meant the people who disrupt your roleplay, as you said earlier.

Sadly my toy collection is too small :frowning:

In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king

Lots of cyclopes around, then, considering how often you call people kings.

That old chestnut - you know people have free will, right?

Aren’t you the dude that came to that duel tournament, didn’t roleplay at all and just took the money before leaving?

That’s top tier roleplay, and a great example of OOCers ruining roleplay; good job.

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I was there an hour earlier, I do believe I roleplayed quite a bit. I even spent some time talking to Morsteth (?) afterwards.

You can find a lot of ammo to use against me, but there’s no need to lie.

You know when you ask them kindly you just get told “HAHA YOU RPER YOU HAVE NO LIFE!!! HAHAHA I WILL NEVER STOP RUINING YOUR RP! HAHAHAHAH” and then u own them in a /duel cuz turns out they are really bad at the game. Then they go back to trolling u, cuz they got nothing better to do and are salty that rpers are better at the game than them.


No, I don’t. I can’t say it’s happened to me. But I’ve had plenty times asking people to leave me alone and carry on with their business. On various servers, in various games. Usually it works.

Not a lot of people are THAT sad that they just target a random person and go " I’m going to dedicate my life to trolling this person ".

Is it that AD has a LOT of psychos, or were those people irked by someone, and they are lashing back because of it? Because the latter is a two way street and judging by the tone in this thread and forum, a lot of people aren’t willing to look at their own actions and improve, either.

So why do you expect others to?

we have guilds on argent dawn, dedicated to ruining rp you know. With people who has this attitude. And then we have people who don’t rp, but still choose to be on an RP server, that is meant for people who RP. When they litterally had the choice to be anywhere else.


Great, you are one of the few lucky ones, but plenty of folk had their rp ruined because of said trolls, myself included, and asking nicely won’t exactly help most of the time, cuz in just in theri nature to be a hidrance.