Any Hong Kong people on this server?

I was mentioned. What’re you guys up to now?

Emperor’s new clothes huh?


Not much, I just got back.

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Imagine still feigning care about it and not having already moved on to the latest outrage craze like the Turkish invasion of Syria or the U.S’ inaction with the rest of the plebs.

You don’t actually care about HK, so why bother maintaining the facade any longer?

Your guild tag is a perfect response to your post.


Yeah but Alyndaria mentioned arrays which obviously went over his head.

It’s hard to believe Blizzard does coding and not wishy wooshy magic…

Good afternoon, friends!


It’s still morning here so…. good morning.

Good morfterveight!

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I also don’t care about Hong Kong, but I do care about the bat vigilante in Gotham. Civil liberties are being trampled on in the city. Good people living in fear.
I’ve seen it. He thinks he’s above the law.


So far we found out that Australia is like england where polar bears eat penguins, it is yet another russian city like Denmark and despite it being somewhere at the east there are no hong kong people here…iiiinteresting.

Australia is Redneck England.

Did OP just get cast into the shadow realm for mentioning Hong Kong? That’s wild

PS revolution of our time : )


I’m going to kick you…

Wait what happened with the OP? They literally just disappeared under the name: anon2321987321783621873216

What is this? How can you conceal your identity to such a level? lmao

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Probably dunked on by Blizz. Or it’s one of the people who shut down their accounts?

I have some doubt about it being because of the red dragon, seeing as plenty others posted about that as well and nothing came of it.

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This is actually a sneak peak into a new feature where AD forums turns into 4chan and we’ll all be anon’s


Pepe has entered the chat

Can’t wait to fight other Anons for Tripps and Green post about degeneracy.