Any one else suspect the software ban is a ruse to take attention away from shadowlands releas a bit?

what does that include, having two accounts online at “the same time”? or full on 10 chars at “the same time” or only when the chars do something at “the same time”

Right, but the latter isn’t what people generally think of when they say multi-boxer.
One person with one keyboard and focused on one screen whilst having a ton of boomies or DK’s just mimicking their main is what is typically imagined.

You’re correct. I’m just tired of seeing the “ackchyally :nerd_face:” cropping up in every single “yay multi-boxing now against TOS” thread.
Most of the time it’s from ex-multi boxers trying to convince themselves they’re still playing the game fairly and not abusing anything.

The official definition and the layman terms are two different things.
In the court of law the defendant is not required to know the legal / technical / professional term or definitions. The expectation and layman meaning is held in higher regard. The plaintiff is required to explain such a thing.

Aka the common player does not need to know the true definition. We all know what someone means when a common player refers to multi-boxing. The whole “actually you can multi box without software” has only recently became a thing. Prior to the TOS change to input software the go to defense was “It’s not automated therefor it’s not cheating”, which was also BS.

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So if I go farm herbs while tabbing and not breaking the rules, what would you call it? Tiddly winks?

And no the playerbase goes with definitions. Except you it seems.

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I’d call it “someone who hasn’t discovered multi-boxing software”.

I’ve known about multiboxing software since tbc , still didn’t use it, Debunks your comment.

Nope. It was just a good decision. It doesn’t change the fact that shadowlands got delayed and we all know about it. And every release comes with bugs. It’s not like it’s news.

Put your tinfoil hat down.

Ok. Someone too foolish to use the software.
Doesn’t debunk anything, exceptions to the rule do not break the rule.

so if someone has an ah alt and has that logged at the same time as he is doing other stuff isent that person as bad as the “other” multiboxers by that thought

It still technically multiboxing by the defintion. Just different way.

An irregular and uncommon way.

If I go fishing with dynamite and it uncommon and irregular, it still doesn’t mean I’m not fishing.

so why dident they remove the ability to have 8 wow on one battlenet if they really want to remove multiboxing? and ban ppl from logging in from the same ip as its not hard to have 10 battlenet accounts

Because they didn’t want to ban all multiboxing that’s why, You’ve got it! Other people haven’t, thats the point Dottie is making.

No. But if you go fishing someone assumes with a fishing pole.
Thus layman terms.

You’re acknowledging that multi-boxing without software is irregular and uncommon yet you seem to think the average player refers to the uncommon approach equally as often as the common approach?

In what world does that make sense?

i know and i know most serious boxers isent that affected by the change, you can do all but multiclick nodes (ie click one time) without going outside of addons to assis in your multiboxing

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Multiboxing is multiboxing, it doens’t matter how you define it, It already has a definition, and you’re going against it, No point talking about it more, you’re just repeating yourself.

Oh it absolutely does.

If you asked me if I wanted to go out fishing on my boat and then you blew a hole in my boat with dynamite I could sue you because the expectation of “going fishing” does not involve explosives. I did not agree to be around explosives or to have explosives on board when I agreed to go fishing.

You’re just being pedantic and petty when you claim mutli-boxing as we know it did not take a hit and get slapped with ToS.

If they banned fishing poles you could still go fishing, but there would be a hell of a lot less fisherman out on the water.
Same applies to multi-boxing. In the common meaning of the word it is no more.

As I said, this petty argument only just came around.
Just 1 month back a “ban multi-boxer thread” wouldn’t have people defending software-less multiboxing but people would be defending the software as not being automated (when it was).

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still the once even remotly hard hit with the ban is not the gatherers or the stand still farmers its the player who box 5 man teams in dungeons and such endevours.

i am still very abel to gather on 10 druids takes matter of seconds more, all within the terms of the new software ban using nothing but simple addons (which mostly everyone seme to agreed on is allowed becaus it uses blizzards on api)

No , what you’re doing is, to use my earlier example. The government says “fishing with dynamite is now banned” Then you go around shouting “fishing is now banned!!” instead of mentioning the dynamite part. Then when legal fishermen are sitting using their pole and nets to fish you have an army of people holding pitch forks screaming “that’s illegal/banned” down their ear.

Then you have people who don’t constantly read news about fishing or buy magazines just randomly reading “fishing banned” then they join in attacking people who aren’t breaking the rules, That’s exactly what you’re doing. While calling the fisherman that’s using a rod dumb for not using dynamite.

You’re trying to force your personal opinion onto a definition, Doesn’t matter what you try to sprinkle on it. There is people who think all multiboxing is banned because of comments you’re defending, You’re ok with that as it doesn’t effect you. obviously

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