Any one else suspect the software ban is a ruse to take attention away from shadowlands releas a bit?

Yes really. Delays happened before and bugs also having been the norm. Especially during the oh so hailed vanilla (hello Kel’Thuzad you despawning bas…)

im not saying that is not the case but now they have a very good distraction for the playerbase to not always think of it.

It’s not really a distraction though is it.

Most people are aware of bugs because they constantly watch streamers who drone on and on about them as if it’s the end of the world, not because they have direct knowledge of them. Like- all the people who don’t have beta. How are they aware of any “failures of SL?” because they watch someone who told them it’s the case.

Blizzard releasing a statement about MBers isn’t going to stop them focusing on that given they still watch the same streamers who stoke their conspiracy theories is it? It’s not that MBers is a distraction from blizzard, it’s that their focus on whomever they’re getting their SL content from is a fixation for them, so they think everything else revolves around it and is part of it (be it an obstruction or otherwise).

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The delay was welcomed and also demanded by a lot of people so in all honesty, who cares?

And for the multiboxers. The only ones that really hated them care. The rest will just move on. Also it wont change anything if the game is as doomsdaylike as you assume on launch so theres that.

yep and the herbalist 10 man druid teams will be right there with them

Actually, one of the reasons is that they want to swap gold making focus on crafting professions, since crafted legendarys will be one of the pillar systems of Shadowlands gameplay, they don’t want multiboxers to flood AH’s with tons of mats at the start and make them feel worthless.

so me using my 60 engineers to make tonz of gold and flood the market will that be ok?

Thats not the same as a druid raid group getting 200 mats from 1 node

my grand point in all of it is that they havent banned multiboxing when they very very easely could have.

if their software can detect third party programs they certenly can detect several wow clients

that will make the nodes respawn faster so more overall nodes in teh area

Blizzard needs to realise that multiboxers are not just taking nodes but disrupting peoples gameplay when they want to finish off a bonus objective in the area like Fallhaven for example.

As someone who’s family has worked on commercial Fishing boats, I don’t think Fishing rod, I think net.

That was my point very early on. Throwing the baby out with the bath water is one way of saying it in my country.

I don’t think it would be that easy but it could be done.

Most people have multiple clients on one machine from one Blizzard account. Anti-cheat software could check many things on one machine, not just the amount of clients.

But that’s the thing, dual multiboxing is done by more players than you think. Even if it’s just for moving items across factions and wanting more than 50 characters at the same time.

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ban annyone from having more then one wow account on their battlenet is one very easy thing to do. ban ppl from having more then one wow client open in their system at one time

well they are still multiboxing and thats what ppl want banned if you read what they say here on the forum

People would just move theirs to another Blizzard account. Also the uproar from all the money people have spend would be huge.

I don’t know about you but I have a laptop.

Also, learn how to edit your post will you?

yea but most big boxers dont use different systems so they would kill off that part of the grief ppl have with the druids gathering. and well that would actually kill of that sector aloot better then their actions now

with this restrictions all they do is targeting the non invasive boxers

OP is definitely using a 5G network.

Nah im cooking dinner =)