It did make it harder. You’ll have to manually tab through 10 WoW clients to manually click each node instead of just clicking once from the “main” in the multiboxer group.
It will be harder now.
Sadly I think you’re right. The major multiboxers with 10 or 20 or whatever chars, that has this as a job basically, will just figure out ways to work around it. Wether it be via “alt-tabbing” or more harware or whatever. It’s simply to big of a business for them not to come up with other ways.
But I’m not gonna derail the thread anymore now. Back on topic:
No, I really don’t think it is a ruse. I find it more hilarious that anyone would actually think it is.
I can show you how much that slows me down if you want, Only with 3 characters though, But you could time it and imagine I’m 10 characters, it’s not much slower at all tbh, They could deplete a node before anyone reaches it just the same.
I’m on the side of not wanting it banned, However I’m telling the truth, I’m experienced with not using software that’s now banned though, They will take awhile to get used to it though.
However I honestly think most of the people farming nodes where bots, I didn’t like them either. I’m sure people who where botting will ignore the rules anyway, Just like they ignored the no botting rules.
If a no botting rule didn’t scare them, a no software input rule won’t.
One thing I can’t do is tag lots of mobs with 3 boomkins all at once, No matter how hard I click or alt tab on other screens. The herbing and mining is a different story.
no the onlything you need to do is click once in a window i have side by side on my second monitor just as i had em before. its not harder just takes a few seconds.
they banning all the fun from the game aswell
if clicking is hard i suspect you have a hard time playing at all. there is no need for advanced programs or many addons to multibox.
Doesn’t mean the game is optimized for them. It’s an EU one. With (a few) EU languages.
We aren’t talking about the game being optimised for them, We’re talking about making a forum post.
I know this sounded smart in your head, Lanthelo, but trust me - it’s not. In fact, it was probably done to attract attention to Shadowlands. Also to stop people from complaining about multiboxers in battlegrounds and other pvp.
exactly as its now aproved by blizz to multibox within paramiters
You mean the fact
That shadowlands legendaries have been noted throughout time to be a major problem with multibox farming existing??
Like I ain’t saying SL launch is gonna be flawless. I’m just saying there was a much larger concern at hand when it comes to involving the proffessions in a legendary crafting system.
Multiboxers would have made this experience miserable and possibly forcing alot of players to have to pay for everything due to not having the time to try and compete with mass Multiboxing farmers.
The reason they banned the software is because the concern lays with the fact they’re expecting players to craft their legendaries
Remember. The ilevel upgrades on those legendary items are tied to how quickly players can level up their reciepe. A mass multibox farmer would do this 100x faster then the regular player.
Imagine if we all had like rank 5 legendaries by mythic raid release
Well if the multibox farming is the problem why dont they ban that then?
Because they would have to bann multi accounts then. Have fun with that.
They could clairlty state that singel person running 10 gatherers to hoover up nodes is forbidden.
Actually I was of the opinion that multiboxing was software based only but someone changed my mind about it.
Actually as long as the child is legally a minor in your country they can use your account.
To multibox all you need to do is have each client open and in windowed mode like the picture I have made, for each account. And maybe some kind of warning addon when a herb appears.
No. Because banning multiboxing would also be downside of families and friends who play from same household or proximity. It is relatively common that i.e. a spouse doing quests with tab-boxing for their other half or kids. It is still multiaccounting and multiboxing, while not efficient one.
There is very specific reasons why they didn’t ban multi-accounting. Even games that do cannot enforce it as it is kind of stupid ban that doesn’t really work. However banning software allows them to deal with the issue many players have experienced in Nazjatar and it has been requested by players.
Also SL is a fan service expansion, so naturally they include fan service things.
Not true at all. It depends upon which court you are in and what the nature of the complaint is. The ‘man on the Clapham omnibus’ only applies to language used around a case and only when it is clear it cannot be confused with a technical aspect of that case. It is more commonly used by members of the judiciary when determining the meaning of a Law and setting case law precedent than by the plaintiff or defendant. So use ‘automation’ to make your position clear.
Which, again, isn’t MEANT for non-eu. Hence we only have the languages we have.
Look, this is a useless debate… I already stated what I meant by what I said.
That should be enough.
Nope, i think it’s just you that thinks that.
Imo, this change was clearly made so multiboxers don’t destroy the economy like they did in BFA.
thing is we can still very easely do all the same things with or without extra software. there isent even a need for addons to aid in it especially when it comes to grounded farming.