Any one else suspect the software ban is a ruse to take attention away from shadowlands releas a bit?

its easyer then thinking, and nope im not native english user and cant be arsed to switch an english autocorrect they use

Letā€™s seeā€¦ Heā€™s complaining about the future state of the game and implying itā€™s a low quality product.

Nah. No free pass, sorry.

Thatā€™s true. His actual opinion takes away from his opinion. :joy:

Not everything. But if someone canā€™t even be bothered to write up something legible, then why should others take them seriously? Itā€™s a matter of give and take; not only take.

Also; punctuation is international. Thatā€™s not a matter of knowing english.

personal attacks are always the choice of the mob

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What about geniuses with dyslexia? Or people with autism that are insanely skilled in one subject but struggle with social skills, aka writing on a forum.

Itā€™s irrelevent to the subject.

It is? Across all languages? I only know one lanuage, but that seems strange to me. I might be wrong. However I canā€™t see that being true, Especially considering I know some languages write from right to left. That debunks that comment right away for me.

Well, I havenā€™t personally attacked you. But I DO think your original post is based on nonsense.

Iā€™m sorry but that is one of the more stupid things Iā€™ve read on here. So me and my son should be banned just because he has a wow account on my bnet?
I think notā€¦

and thats very fine as its your opinion.

Distraction is common practice in business and politics,nothing tin foily about it.
That being said ,with this particular situation i donā€™t think thatā€™s the case.

well you could as well have made another battlenet its not prohibited
i hope your son is below 13 years tho as its not allowed if he is older to share account

What about them?
I havenā€™t said anything about intelligence whatsoever.
I said ā€˜effortā€™. And itā€™s usually pretty clear when someone is dyslexic. The OP doesnā€™t seem to be; he just canā€™t be bothered with it. Wellā€¦ then why does he deserve anything in return?

It is, but it sets the tone.

No, but the EU ones; pretty much.

Well, these are the EU forums, so excuse me for only keeping those languages in mind. Itā€™s just logic.

Well it wasnā€™t a comment on things ā€˜in generalā€™. It was a comment on this particular threadā€™s topic. :man_shrugging:t4:

Well, there you go. :grin:

Of course I ā€˜could haveā€™, but I didnā€™t want to. Why should I when I want both of us to have access to all mounts/pets and tmogs?
And as you say, it is not prohibited.
And we are not multiboxing, only playing at the same time.

as long as he isent over 13 years its all well and fine and i dont want them to ban you even if he is as thats not the point. the point is they have so many ways of restricting multiboxing they havent done anything about.

and thats the entire point. they have not stopped it at all as so many belive.

We have lots of players from Asia and the Middle-East. I was just reading a post from someone from Iran being upset that they couldnā€™t buy gametime due to sanctions from America to Iran, for example.

I am indeed sure there are several ways they could go about to get rid of the multiboxers, but restricting the number of wow accounts is not a good one at all.
That said, I donā€™t think there is a good way to do it. To only catch the ā€œbad onesā€ (10+ farming chars and such) without it affecting the ā€œinnocentā€ ones that only do it to fill a group with their own chars for dungeoneering/old raids and that kinda stuff, that has no impact on any other player.

well they say clairly its allowed to multibox without broadcasting software so whats all the hate toward an allowed playstyle.

this is from their ingame help page

"Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of input broadcasting software may result in account penalties.

For more information on our stance about input broadcasting software, see our official news post."

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I thinkā€¦

Well it doesnā€™t matter what I think. But anyway XD
Going forward into SL no multiboxers? Will atleast curb some of the AH flooding, mat farming may become ruddy efficient to do again!

Iā€™m thinking they done this to help the economy going forward, I hope ratherā€¦

well it has made about 5% less efficient to run 10 druids if you want to so the impact on the economy would not be great. the impact on the stand still farming is even less impacted as that would be as easy for me to do now as with software. and thats raw gold being generated ant thats even more dissruptive to the health of the economy

Iā€™ve said this before but Iā€™ll repeat here.

I think the reason theyā€™re partially getting rid of multiboxing(Or at least making it much much harder) is because in Shadowlands weā€™ll have legendaries that partially come from player crafted stuff and they didnā€™t want multiboxers being able to mine the same node 10 times as thatā€™d likely have an even bigger impact on server economy than it has previously when crafted gear pretty quickly became irrelevant for many players.

but they dident make harder take the 5 seconds to click into consideration and its barely a slap in the face of the community they claim to care about.