Anyone else collecting toys to avoid the awful updated animations/models?

Every time i play i cycle through toys to go back to the OG animations and models. I really wish they didnt remove the option to use the old stuff.


No, not really. Couldn’t care less about animations. I do use manastorm duplicator and gamon’s braid every time they’re up though.

Nope, not in the slightest.

I don’t understand you the vanilla purist The game has to move on and keeping the god awful old animations and models has to end.


but the old animations are just better, you cant take the modern golf swings from melee c lasse and replace the classic tauren smash or human jump smash now they all just do the same goofy looking golf swings.

I cant stand watching it so i switched from melee to ranged player.


Classics are coming for you then.
In legion the updated melee animations made me go melee for first time since i started the game.

They could have kept the option to use old models instead of just stealth remove that option.


I really do prefer the new animations and models over the old ones. Granted I’ll still enjoy the nostalgia of what it’s gonna be like again in Classic, but clamoring to keep those in Retail is just like… why?


because they are better imo and keeping the option to use it would be nice.


I miss old nightelf and dreani faces tbh they look now like duckfaces and models pouting not every girl irl wants to look like they are sucking in there cheeks thanks .
Also human male hair looks awful imho and there run is just something like up there bottoms .


Hey guys, general question

Am i missing something important by not caring about or in general not having pets/toys?

Someone mentioned “manastorm duplicator and gamon’s braid every time they’re up though.”

What does he even mean by that? :open_mouth:

Would have been nice to have kept them for extra options. Just like the horrible facial animations.

Taurens and humans suffered the most from the new models imo

Manastorm’s duplicator makes you look like the gnome Milhouse Manastorm and yell some stuff occasionally.

Gamon’s braid is the Same except that you turn into Gamon.


I love draenei and nelf faces!

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Oh i know :wink:

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Taurens went from badass cow ppl to goofy looking.

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No they shouldn’t.

That would mean having to manage two sets of animations and rigs for a handful of holdouts who think ancient stiff and blocky character models somehow look better. Whenever they add anything new to the game, including armour and new spells, they need to make sure it fits with the models.

The original character models even back in 2005 were BAD, and some were even worse like the Tauren female and the Dwarf female. Many animations were outright broken such as the old Human Female running-- apparently I’m the only non developer who noticed this because it was entirely fixed when they updated them; and the male wasn’t much better looking more constipated than ready for battle.

The new slightly more cartoony animations fit the art style, you know, being cartoony itself. On top of that only seeing two types of swing really does feel somewhat pathetic when we are meant to be an heroic Warrior.

Gnomes would like a word.

I am still truly angry at the people who destroyed my night elf, but female gnomes …


they look like mutants who are high on something in the last minutes of a horror flick.


And that means having to remove player choice?


I like the new ones.