Anyone else just stopped renewing their sub?

That’s just fine timing numbers.

I think the no affix design itself is boring. Even switching between tyr and fort is better than the same thing every day. Every week for 6 months.

Super boring

This. Lol. Can’t even be bothered to spend the time for a slot.

Bis gear won’t fix the game at the design level

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Im gonna stop you right there.

Because in the past it was worse. It was: You can only push 1 week every 2 months. The rest were “no push weeks”.

So being able to push every day vs. only 1 or 2 weeks every 2 months in accordance with affix cycling is 100% a win.

So in no way or form will I agree to puting affixes back to high keys.

You’re just excusing THEM again. I didn’t design the game, I never said that being unable to do keys at all because of suck affixes was a good thing.

I’m saying no affixes are boring. Remember the relics, Wo etc? The pillar affixes that let you teleport? There have been fun affixes. Swarming.

They could have affixes that let you change routing or whatever. An affix that despawns big mobs and turn them into a huge group of tiny mobs.

There’s plenty they could try.


But you STILL would be stuck with that 1 mechanic for 4 months. It changes nothing.

If you want variety you need rotating affixes. Because next season we wont need another affix because we got different dungeons from scratch…

I mean… whats the difference between an affix like that and say… the MotS maze ? NOTHING. Some like it, some dont. Like the Pillars. Some liked it, some did not…

And I am not excusing “them”. I was a proponent of no affixes for years…

You would be stuck with a pool of mechanics which is much better than nothing at all now.

They could have like 6 affixes that rotate for an expansion. Could be fun, not overbearing.

Now is just boring as all hell. If you like it then great but I don’t want to play that.

It feels like heroic dungeons but harder. Affixes are m+

Maybe for you. And I would not call high keys “boring” in the slightest. They are hard as hell and any tiny tiny mistake will litearlly brick the key.

So before asking for MORE stuff to deal, I would be sure I am able to deal with the stuff already in the dungeon. And give keys charges to not have to ping/pong so much.

If you would have tried SV13 before the nerfs you would not say these things so openly. :slight_smile:

I haven’t logged into retail for over a month and I can honestly say that I do not miss it. I am currently playing HC so when/if my character dies I think I am done with the game.

Theres nothing in the future that is making me want to come back. Its just the same cycle over and over and frankly I am just bored of it.

I do think the game needs some changes. They replaced the tedious AP grinds from previous expacs with a gearing grind that is in many ways worse. It is so slow and RNGfilled.
It’s not fun on your Main and is a thousand times worse on alts.

I’ve given up on gearing even though I now have access to the Great Vault (what’s so great about it?) but I am not enthuses enough to use it.

Saying that, a large part of the problem is that the only carrot on a stick that the players respond to is gearing. So they can’t let players gear up in 3 weeks as they’ll unsub for 2 months when the next patch comes with more gear (doesn’t really matter what other content there is as long as there’s gear).

How do we break this cycle? That gear is the only reward players want so Bliz have to drip feed it to us?
What other rewards could be used to encourage players to keep playing once geared? Achievements? Mounts? Titles? Mogs?

Nothing you can do differently I am afraid. Gearing is the only common carrot on a stick across populations in WoW. And players will decrease their activity once hitting a goal, because anything beyond gearing is too much trouble for too little reward.

On average and in terms of engaging the game and other players in it, nobody cares really about mounts, titles and achievements. These are personal joys only.
I love achievements but that is the mostly soloplay for me and I am happy about it, I don’t care much about other players except for meeting my tasks.

Nope, loving the game still, super excited for the update tomorrow and season 2 in feb.

If you want myth track gear you should try mythic raiding. You don’t have to be in a top guild, loads of lesser guilds are dabbling in mythic now, join one.

Pretty sure i wrote i would quit before i would raid and i did.

I unironically think raiding is cringe and if they keep down this path i won’t be playing again. I want either a way in M+ to buy stuff like the dinar system or make equally powerful gear with cantrips in M+.

It’s not difficulty, i just hate raiding


You know, that’s interesting. Since I’ve been back I’ve noticed more and more people running around that aren’t in a guild. And this is the first time I’ve not had a single guild invite. I wonder if people are avoiding guilds, or if guilds are recruiting less because of people becoming ‘more insufferable’.

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I’m still subbed, just playing a lot less. I’m pretty much done with M+ and consistent raiding ever week.

I want to play other games too, primarily single player games.

A large large part of the population is now on multiple discord servers. A guild channel is not really useful anymore.

Sad truth, I also looked a lot for guilds when I came back 2 years ago and needless to say, finding a good fit is like finding a needle in a haystack…

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Yeah it’s possible.

I purely M+ in pugs and have since BFA when I ran with a group.

I honestly feel like the average M+ player is just much angrier, toxic/burnt out than normal. I could see that spilling in to a guild.

I had one random invite and the guild was almost entirely silent. People just did their own thing, if someone dared to speak and ask people for a group they were met with silence.


I’m still subbing, but I gave up with the end game and deleted all my 15(?) lvl 80’s.

Started fresh and now I’m just doing achies/collecting stuff I miss, one expansion at time. Currently doing TBC stuff.

I never stopped subbing I never stopped playing. Yes, personally a lot I don’t like about the game but that is what “I” don’t like, many like it, it is like real life, some like apples some like grapes but you do not really see the apple lovers telling grape lovers to change to apples etc. I am sure you get the idea :smiley:
Personally I feel all the “I quit/unsub” threads are pointless unless the OP wants attention or what ever.
Burnt out? Unhappy with the game? feel free to take a break, tell those in your guild and/or friends list that you go on a hiatus but leave it there.
Just my measly 5 cents!
I with everyone a nice reset week :slight_smile:

Nah, I’m keeping my sub.

I wouldn’t want you guys to miss on my daily dose of wisdom here on the WoW forums.

As a bonus, the game is still entertaining so there’s that.

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raiding is made fun by the group you run it with . if its random people you will have more problems then mythic plus pugs

exactly we dont want blakout on your wisdom sermons here .

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