Anyone ever decided to delete their account?


Why would i delete my account it doesn’t make sense at all.

No, but I’ve often wanted to delete others’ accounts. Sadly that service isn’t available.


And i am glad that never will be available, otherwise you might wanna start playing one day and someone else deleted your account because they had a disagreement with you…

OP your talking to a bunch of addicts basically, not sure this is the best place to ask for advice

Just delete it if you think it will help you quit and remain that way.

It’s just a game

Some players put more time and effort into wow than their kids you can hear running riot in the background when raiding

Are you just swapping to a different game? or trying to reduce screen time?

Nope, i just unsub and don’t play for Months and when i want to play again i’ll sub for a month play and then go on a break again.

Don’t really see any need, to have my entire account deleted. :dracthyr_shrug:


Since 2009 I’ve been seeing posts like this and rarely people do.
If people were that passionate to delete their account they absolutely wouldn’t announce it on the forums.

Any kind of posting on the forums is a cry for help, at worst case, they leave for a few months and return. Someone who posts on the forum will always return. ESPECIALLY if they try to get compassion or sympathy before the due.

The game will be fine. See you in the next expansion.


I deleted an account last year that I started in 2005 and had many memories, over 1000 days played, spectral tiger and an assortment of rare mounts, titles and achievements. I told myself I was done with Warcraft and that I would never return but here I am.

In a way it was refreshing for me. I wasn’t logging in and playing characters just for nostalgia or collectables I was afraid to lose. I could just sign on and play the most fun thing and build it up again.

No, that’s not how any company works. When you ask to have your information deleted, or even your entire account, what happens is that there are new entries in the company’s database that mention this event, some code that changes the status of various stuff to “deleted” or “not owned” or “not acquired”, and then a list of additional lines in their database with every single state change for easy debugging, and reversal in-case of some catastrophic event.

They can at any moment backtrace everything. They just have been given instructions to tell that they can’t.

* Of course, depending on their data retention policy, it’s possible that after 5, 10 or 20 years any data relevant to you will have been already discarded through the deletion of older backups.

This is not a cry for help or a leaving post…
This is asking my fellow players if they would ever delete their accounts when they are done with wow, and i am not sure if i will delete this one…i have delete my alternate accounts that i used to play wow on.

I did and i am glad i did not, i am still however abselutly mad about dragonflight and missing out entire expansion because of Blizzard ignorance to fix their own game, for 2 whole years my game was not stable and crashed my system in wow, their are still users experiencing problems however mine went away finally.

It was adressed in a Radeon driver, but it broke since pre patch for dragonflight.

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Here click this link and read it, this is the final email i got without any of my information in it of course.

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Hi mate,

I have deleted my main account around 10 times over the years for the same reasons.

Thats why you see I have low achiev points but still doing very high content (experience since before on other accounts)

It works great to take a long break from the game, I also tend to delete my wow folder so all addons and settings is gone and I know what hustle it is to set everything up.

Usually ends up beeing a 6-12 month healthy break from wow. If i get temptention to come back I have o buy a new account and set everything up again and that is usually only done if I have a lot of time in the future and know there is time for some gameing.

But think about it a long time before you do it, because there is no going back without starting over and every dungeon you apply to + guild think you are a newbie with your fresh acount :slight_smile:


The reason people have for quitting are numerous, but most of them are in some way temporary, be they tied to the product or mdeveloper itself, or a financial hardship, a relationship, a new job, or any other a change in life situation,… the important thing is that any and all of these factors are susceptible to further change further down the line… new dev team, new expansion, another new job, a divorce, …

So, why would I choose a permanent solution, that while it´s all just virtual stuff is still effectively self damaging, to a potentially or guaranteed temporary reason for quitting?.. Maybe I’ll want to start again when my kid goes to college, or I´ll find a WFH job that allows me the luxury to play all day, or even just reminisce about the fun games we had back in my day when I’m in the nursing home… can’t ever do any of that if I delete my account. :beers:

I deleted my first account way way way back when molten core was the current raid.
I retured to wow later and I kinda regret i deleted the first account…i had the epic hunter bow in the old one
Ohh well /shrug
Even though I taken many many breaks but never wanted to delete a second time.

If you know for sure that gaming is damaging your life (yes gaming addiction is real) you should definitely go for it. But remember that while deleting a character can be reversed an account deletion is … permanent.

You need to think it through - I would suggest quitting significantly (as in uninstall and stay away from the game for at least a week) and then thinking it through. If after one week of game sobriety you realize it is indeed the right solution for you go ahead and never go back.

Some games required me to totally destroy them (cancel account permanemtly) to quit them. And the existence of my Wow account has brought me back several times when I would have probably never done it to a deleted account.

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Done it with my CoD account lol but not with WoW too much memories :stuck_out_tongue:

Why do you feel the need to delete it? With CoD it was driving me insane and needed to stop and only way would be delelting all my skins dark mater ect.

I guess to each his own - some people can have a healthy relation with wow while others will be addicted and lose their life to Candy Crush :grinning:

I don’t feel the need, no.
If i don’t want to play anymore i simply unsub and uninstall the game.

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Yes dude, this is exactly what the law requires them to tell you. But all data of your deleted account is still on their server and their backups, and can be restored at any point. It just becomes inaccessible to you and everyone outside the managers of the company (and their IT department). That’s what I’m trying to tell you.

If you contact them 1 year later about it, they will look you up and see that a “delete account” procedure has completed. They will still see everything they had about you, but they will tell you “Nope, we don’t have anything matching your information”. This is how every company works.

No amount of GDPR or any other law regarding protection of personal information will ever be able to trample a company’s internal data retention policies. They will simply lie about it because no-one who does not have direct access to their raw databases and knows how to extract valuable information from them will be able to check if they are saying the truth or not.

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Personally no, my very first account in vanilla was on my mums email account and then i think i made this one in wolk i think. Ive played on and off, missed whole expansions etc but havent deleted either accounts. Never recovered my original account either.
I dont think i would ever be in a situation where i thought id never play wow again. Sadly this game has been a big part of my life since my early teens. Deleting my account would be like deleting those episodes of my life