Anyone ever decided to delete their account?

I have done and would do it again. Nothing on the Blizzard servers belongs to me and they could shut it all down at any time for any reason. My collections in the game aren’t my collections - they belong to Blizzard, who allow me access to them as long as I pay them.

And the money I spent is a sunk cost anyway, so that’s not worth considering.

That’s why I don’t feel attached to my account, and am fine with deleting it.


Never my main account. Never, ever. At most you could delete everything but the account itself? Utter madness.

I make new accounts a lot, I get the urge for the clean feeling and they get deleted fairly quickly, though I am making progress in not doing that. There is no need to delete your account. Just uninstall WoW, log out of the forums etc, make sure you keep a note of your info somewhere and don’t play it. Don’t force yourself to do something you clearly don’t want to and will clearly regret.

I’d also like to note that if you have experience in making alt accounts, deleting your main one will not deter you from playing WoW again. You’ll just make a new account. So you may as well keep this one and save yourself some time and money. If you have a real issue, you need IRL help with it.

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Furthermore, contrary to popular belief,. the GDPR or a user´s deletion request does NOT alleviate them for their federal duty to keep these records for (in most countries such as Germany ) 10 years.

The data is removed from the live servers and is inaccessible there, yes. But there are still countless (Yottabytes at this point of) backups that still contain it, and grossly oversimplified the process to restore the data to live servers merely requires grabbing one of those and remirroring the appropriate data (again, the actual process is more involved and time consuming).

So yes, they still have all of your data, and it can´t be readily accessed ny Standard CS… but it can still be subpoenad by criminal authorities, audutited by financial institutions, or restored ato live servers at any time on a 24-48h notice. :wink:

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