AOE limit should be raised to 10

Really? You don’t…? Seriously?

So you’re telling me certain classes being most represented in M+ doesn’t have anything to do with their face roll rotations to do top AOE damage?


Then make the trash more dangerous… Fewer and stronger…
Trash that needs to be interrupted etc. so you can’t pull the entire room all at once.

They’re fixing the problem in the wrong end in my opinion.

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How does that matter? Take Tol Dagor, you can pull the entire outside area with a frost mage in the party and not get hit as a tank. If he goes into melee, he’s dead but if they’re all being constantly slowed by frozen orb/blizzard, they’ll never hit the tank. Meanwhile, the frost mage has several frozen orbs out at the same time, doing millions of dps.

Sure, because every dungeon has a gigantic open area to run around in every single room for every single trash pull… And every single trash mob is melee.

Poor demon Hunters… imagine sacrificing everything to have that eye beam nerfed…


Freehold, Shrine, Atal, Underrot, Motherlode, Junkyard and siege all have enough space to do it in, in several places.


Why would AoE not be the answer in dungeons which are primarily about killing trash :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Also known as not every place…

And that’s BfA dungeons. If they wanted to fix this, then make the trash more dangerous as in you need to pay attention. Not just nuke an AoE.
For example, mobs that must be interrupted, debuffed, dispelled etc. In the Shadowlands dungeons.

And your only example is Frost Mage frozen orb, why not just say that you can’t have more than 1 Frozen Orb out at the same time?

Becouse its boring aoe fest?

You normally can’t. This happens as a result of huge trash pulls and Blizzard not being limited. Blizzard reduces the CD on frozen orb. Pull enough mobs and you’ll reset frozen orb with blizzard rather than just reduce the CD.

Mass pulling in shrine without perfect mob control and interrupts doesnt work, neither does it in Motherlode and Underrot.

You’ll find out once you pass 17s in keys.


Hard capping the AoE won’t change that…
It’ll be the same boring mobs, except you gotta hit them 1 by 1 instead or in groups of 5.

I’d rather see they make it so you gotta think and pay attention during trash pulls.
Mobs that must be interrupted, dispelled, CC’d etc etc.

People will still pull half the dungeon now, except that it’ll take 5 times as long to aoe the trash down.

Great subjective opinion from someone that doesn’t actually play the game.

I think either way it’s gonna be bad.

Ok sure, new dungeons and new raids have the perfect amount of trash mobs, great, what about the rest of the game? Running old content especially as a class that has limited AoE in the first place is gonna result in a really bad time.

We already have the data for old content and I think very few people can disagree that it’s not gonna get objectively less enjoyable to run old content when you’re limited to 5 targets.

Exactly… Fixing the problem in the wrong end…

Make it so that you can’t just spam AoE to fix every problem in the new dungeons. Through mob mechanics and other things like it.
That way you won’t make the old dungeons a pain in the backside.

Even farming old raids for transmogs is gonna be more of a chore than it already is when you gotta slap all the trash down in tiny groups or 1 by 1.

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it could be something to do with them designing dungeons in a particular manner and them not wanting people to just use infinitely scaling AoE damage to just do entire dungeons in 3 or 4 pulls. that or they just hate their entire playerbase

It’s another step in the wrong direction.
How dumb is it to see an AoE go off visually on all targets but only a few get hit? Pretty daft in my opinion.

Also kamikaze’ing onto AV bridge with warrior won’t be the same any more.
Nor blowing up old content. There goes the power fantasy.

No doubt it will be less fun in the end.

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They wont. You wont be able to offer dmg 5 mobs while 5 mobs will be alive casting spells becouse you will run out of cc before you kill all of them and that will get you into dangerous situations.

The exact same thing can be achieved by just making it so that you need to use interrupts, CC’s and dispells during a fight with a trash pack.
Healer mobs, buffing mobs, debuffing mobs etc etc…

Making it so that you can’t pull the entire room at once no matter how much aoe you have, because the mobs fight as a cohesive unit.
Gotta take out the priority targets.

That way you’ll make the new dungeons less “AoE fests” without making all the leveling dungeons a royal pain in the backside, because they aren’t designed with this “5 aoe limit” in mind.

That depends on how the AoE works. For AoE like Blizzard, Rain of Fire, Consecration or Death and Decay that apply their AoE in multiple hits, I don’t think this will be a huge problem.

When it comes to AoE that deals it’s damage in single hit (e.g. Fan of Knives) i could see a problem there, especially if the class has no other AoE available.

But I honestly can’t imagine that Blizzard has not thought of this. Again I’d say we should wait a few weeks until the beta starts and see if these things are even an issue there.