Blizzard rarely takes old content into account when making changes to the newest part of the game. Because Blizz hasn’t cared about leveling or old content in a very long time.
It’s not gonna be a “new and improved” leveling experience if it becomes a massive chore to slog through the old dungeons who aren’t designed with this hard cap on AoE, to the point where people won’t bother with the dungeons.
Worst case scenario, but still.
And I argue that making that necessary again, is the right solution. Make the mobs more dangerous, and fighting together.
Healer mobs, CC mobs, buffing mobs, debuffing mobs.
Force the players to prioritize targets, use CC and dispells etc, and through that limiting the number of the trash pulls they can take at once. Because they can’t handle all of them simultaneously.
Not hard capping AoE. It’ll be the same mindless trash pulls, except it will take longer.
I haven’t sapped a mob in years in dungeons, because it isn’t necessary.
AOE cap is a must for classes like Feral, Affliction, SPriest and most other ranged classes to even be playable in lower level content.
Most people hard against it are people who play classes like Rogue, DH, Warrior and Mage where you’re having fun mass AOEing things down.
5 targets is still a decent amount. And for a lot of spells its 5targets a tick, each target being random and multiple ticks a second.
You’ll still see numbers flying and health bars dropping.
Packs will also naturally be a little smaller, as the game will be designed around it.
Aha, and having people do perfect interrupts, positioning, stun, etc. instead of doing mobs one by one isn’t working together?
I don’t expect people that don’t do the content to understand the amount of coordination in it, but don’t act naive towards how difficult and insane the coordination is.
Even if they didn’t consider it. This would be somthing that would cause a huge backlash in beta and would probably be fixed.
With the huge change to the leveling experience I think this would have come up during internal testing if it was an issue.
I can’t actually think of a dungeon that could cause some problems due to limited AoE. The AoE cap would take away from the ability to just pull as much trash as possible and then AoE it down, but I would argue the dungeons weren’t designed for this either. With a lot of the dungeons coming (atleast partly) from classic, where careful and controlled pulls were the way to go, I think a lot of the dungeons are actually designed for smaller pulls.
Can I see these changes being bad?
Can I see these changes being actually good and not an issue?
Also yes.
I just refuse to make my judgement on this, before I’ve actually seen these systems in action.
Yes it is.
The meta back then wasn’t to round up and mass AOE down everything in sight.
This will help achieve that.
That classes that don’t suffer from fast AOE will of course be against it.
Of course, feel free to point me to Raider IO and show me the massive amount of aff locks and feral druids. Oh wait, they’re two of the least played specs in the entire game because ramp up doesn’t work in AOE.
also have to rember that an aoe cap at 5 doesnt meen you can not pull big groups, the only difference is you only hit 5 at a time instead of 20, but at same time that aoe you do will not hit the same targets everytime, so you do hit all targets, just slower, but you would be hitting every targets, exept it take 5 spells to do so, instead of one over and over again.
It will be the same mindless crap we’re used to, except done in smaller groups.
I don’t even do m+ friend, and I don’t raid above Heroic as I can’t be bothered.
So what is the current “best” does not matter to me, I play what I like.
My opinion is that hardcapping AoE won’t solve anything.
Introducing stronger mobs that do things other than poke at you until they or you die will.
Mobs that heal, mobs that stun, CC, buff, debuff etc…
Forcing players to prioritize targets, interrupt and use CC and dispells. Instead of just using AoE until everything dies.
So you can’t pull half the dungeon, because these mobs will assist each other.
And pulling more, will result in a wipe.
they should increase their servers and remove borrowed power RNG so we can have SPELLS do damage not % procs on % proc on %proc do maybe some % proc damage