Hi All,
Looking for a guild that is still actively raiding and in need of a healer. I can be relatively flexible with raid times although something starting after 7-7.30pm GMT would be ideal and fit in with my pesky daughter’s sleeping patterns. I would favour a two day raid week with Tues/Thurs as one of the raid days, and ideally not a Wednesday.
I have a Monk/Shaman/Priest all in the 395-400 ilevel range and will happily play whichever is preferable.
I have been healing since Burning Crusade and played mainly as a Disc Priest since Cataclysm in Mythic (or the equivalent). However, I have played all healers at various points throughout the last few expansions.
Whilst previously I have done Mythic raiding, this time around I would prefer to stick to an AOTC focused group. This would also better suit the amount of time I can realistically devote to playing nowadays.
Thanks for reading 
Discord: AMH#5226
Hello there we(https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-circle-of-justice-defias-brotherhood/47987) would gladly welcome a new healer as we’re in process of getting curve for all guildies that don’t have it yet. I sent you a message on discord 
Hello Peardrop
We are a normal/heroic focused guild, we will dabble in the first 1/2 mythic bosses but our times are always the same and we will always see heroic raiding as end game for us. We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays from 20:00 to 22:00 server, so 2hrs per raid sess.
We use to raid 3hrs a session but life and age and all that jazz
so 2 hrs per night is enough. There would be no problem if u were to join us a little later as u stated say 19:30 or whatever, u just might miss out on a few bosses.
I know u also said Wednesday might be an issue for u, sadly its always been a main raid day for us so we could not change that one.
Ether way if ur interested drop me a pm @ Discord Razorstorm#7563
If not i wish u and urs the best
Kind regards
Hey Peardrop,
My guild Fury - Silvermoon is currently on the lookout for raiders for both our team for season 2. Our Chillers team is an AOTC raiding team that still has some vacant slots. You can read all about us in our recruitment post:
Fury - Silvermoon [EU] - is recruiting! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
Be sure to hit met up if you are interested in joining us.
Kind regards,
Discord: Xarial#9250
Thanks for the reply. I am not really much of a DPS-er though 
Hey Peardrop, we have a healer spot opened up so if we did sound interesting, feel free to add me