AOTC: N'zoth

maybe dont deny every solution that doesnt fit your view then =)

you probably want to hear: buhu horrible community only looks at curve buhuhu

i guess your best bet is to wait 1-2 more months with all the powerlevel increase through corruption and ilvl inflation nzoth boosts will probably be 100k soon =)

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He must have missunderstood then, i replied to doublecheck with him if its truly 10M for a single HC Kill.

I am not sure why you are upset with people here, they are all giving the same advice, Daestra above put it into bullet form, these are the 4 options. What is it about Method, is it the prestige of being boosted by them? If you can afford a boost as others have said there are other boosters out there that can give you this service at a cheaper price. What is it you are actually wanting from the community other than the answers they have given?


If they truly did read my info about the issues, they wouldnā€™t make it sound so easy, and im not upset with peoples here tbh, but i do now see how the community is on the Forum, whenever you reaches out for help you get called a troll and such, i wont be asking anymore " Help " related questions on here. donā€™t worry, this is the last i will reply regarding Daestraā€™s ideas, iā€™ve stated what my issues are with those, but as it sounds like excuses to her, then what can i do beside let go of it.

Iā€™m Done.

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The price has dropped further since and is now 400k. The longer the expansion goes on the cheaper it will get.

This for example is the pricelist currently on Gallywix

Another example, Oblivion

They have a discord I canā€™t link direct but can be reached via their website

These are just two examples of boosting communities. There are also lots of guilds and people advertising in trade etc. Do your research before hand and donā€™t get ripped off.

Or you can wait until later into the expansion and just get it yourself or pay a much lower price.


I just joined their Discord for a closer look, atleast we have one helpful player here, thanks alot Puny, really appreciate it.

Much Love.

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Yeah you are troll and want things gifted to you . I suspect you wanted a guild or community to sit there and go ā€œoh poor him lets offer him a freebieā€
We all gave you same advice and you ignored it and you call us bad people fine people like you are not worth the advice in future .

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You ignored my info, and now youā€™re being extremely salty, damn.

Another example why you took a Salt shower, i never wanted FREE Boost, you Degen.

This discussion was already finished in thanks to Puny, now you canā€™t get over it, thus you replied again all salty, then Again you are a void elf, a emotionless elf.

I agree Punyelf is a very helpful player and she always posts links to assist. But again to be fair, she is telling you the same as others have said, there are cheaper options if you want to buy a boost.

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Iā€™m gonna wait 5-6 months then when the price drops Iā€™m gonna buy an AOTC run with gold, then Iā€™m gonna whip them while yelling ā€œWork Slaves!ā€ in chat.

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I didnā€™t ignore anything I give you advice exactly the same as Puny .

If you can not converse in an adult manner without using such words and salt and things then donā€™t bother me again with a reply .

Every time you answer me I will reply because thatā€™s what I do I can carry on all day pointing out how wrong you are .

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aight Void Elf.

You donā€™t.
You have to join progressive guild with suitable raid timing.
Join community.

Or wait for shadowlands.
I donā€™t care about ce or aotc - just mount etc. Which I can get in any expansion.
75 alts - you know what to do next.

There are not many options left tbh.

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Yes!, lvl more xD

Indeed others have been saying the same :slight_smile:

troll confirmed.

and looking at your character and raid exp the people offering solutions are even being generous.

After reading your nonsense your ONLY OPTION is to buy a boost as you clearly lack some intellectual capacity. Please donā€™t make your own raid and save those peopleā€™s time.

the level of disrespect to the op is disgusting can imagine their glasses steaming up and tapping away at their keyboards frantically trying to put others down and make op out to be some sort of cheat or liar. At least he has not sunk down to your levels and has remained calm and patient waiting for some good old fashioned common senseā€¦

going through his achievements like a jealous gf, what on earth is it

Thing is - saying this to people, who do not know and I spell it out (even tho your post is clear enough, but to stress it out) - tanks are ALWAYS on different phase and player colours are so clear and tanks can find so many different ways to measure if a mob is on a spot or not.

Raid leader has nothing much to do in there. Tanks have it easiest. And it does not require voice com even. It just requires too tanks finding marking/calling method that works best for them.

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Looking at the group finder 90% of the raids donā€™t have curve as a requirement, most of them just have the boss name and/or a waitlist active.

Groups that require curve either are looking to clear the entire raid at a fast pace, are on the last couple of bosses or have a leader who doesnā€™t know what to do and just wants to get boosted.

So my advice is that you donā€™t need to rush, thereā€™s still like 7-8 months before shadowlands comes out, join groups that are on the earlier bosses for some loot and experience, research the fights, upgrade your cloak and essences and work your way from there.
Youā€™re gonna get it faster than you expect, the raid isnā€™t that hard and with some gear everyoneā€™s gonna see that.

I am certain he misunderstood you asking for the Mythic raid mount boost. He specifically states the boss is not on farm yet and that wouldnā€™t be true for Heroic Nā€™zoth.

I wouldnā€™t think Method bothers with Heroic raid boosts, which might be a reason for the misunderstanding. Once they have the Mythic final boss on farm, why would you kill Heroic and make half a mil when you can do Mythic and get ten mil for approximately the same amount of time spent on the fight.