They aren’t leaders. They’re glorified groupformers. Nothing more. There’s no leading involved.
True leaders can take a bunch of inexperienced people and guide them through an encounter by sharing their experience. A true leader makes adjustments after something goes wrong, tries again.
Your problem is that you are trying to get into a group that already has 12/12 Heroic on farm. Well, no duh guilds that are 12/12HC are full and farm Heroic pugs won’t take someone that’s 3/12 LFR.
You have two options:
Buy a boost from Gallywix or whoever else operates on your server, as mentioned will set you back 400-500k. I am at a loss as to why you approached the best players in the world for a Heroic boost and then act surprised and wronged when they don’t roll out the red carpet for you. What you did was like trying to buy a Ferrari to plow your potato field. No duh the car salesman looked at you funny.
Start raiding like a normal person. That means gearing up and getting into Normal groups. Progressing the bosses. Killing them repeatedly across several weeks. Once you are 12/12 Normal and decently geared, start applying for Heroic groups. Not Curve required N’zoth farm groups. Groups that are progressing Heroic. Once you get some heroic gear and some Heroic kills, you will find it easier and easier to get into better groups. And please stop giving me the bullcorn that there are no Normal and Heroic pugs that take non-curved people. LFG is region wide. If I can get into a Heroic pug on my non-curved account with either of my main characters, that means you are simply not trying enough or not good enough.
Your problem with #2 is that you want to skip raid progress, don’t do any legwork and essentially skip right to the finish line. Curve-required groups that have Nzoth on farm are not for you. Normal groups are for you. You need to start on the starting line and not on the finish line. If you want to skip paying your dues and progressing the raid, do #1.
I would urge you to give a watch (or just a listen) to Preach’s Fresh Account series. He specifically dispels the myth of ‘impossible to get curve’. It’s for Legion but all the points are relevant in BfA. Here’s the first video in the series:
You have 6-8 months before Shadowlands releases. Plenty of time to figure out how progress raiding works or farm the gold for a boost.
I’d try to join an active raiding guild. Some of those also have a social rank/non-raider rank and may take you to alt runs. Maybe not now but in 1-2 months
Yet it’s pretty clear that he was answering for the Mythic mount. You really think that Method would consider currently boosting people through HC N’Zoth too hard and need 3 weeks for it?
Thers a addon to falsify achievements, just use it for curve lul x) people wont back round check you unless they go onto 3rd party sites like WClogs etc
When will people stop being so flippin’ blasé about ‘make yer own Group’…? Not everyone has the people skills required to lead a Raid… or the capability to listen to someone else they consider too n00b to be a leader.
Too much GD greed in this game & the problem is already at epidemic/pandemic levels… keep sticking yer heads in the sand; it’s all some of you are good for.
You can buy a heroic nzoth boost from my guild next Tuesday, only 350k .
That aside, leading your own group is a good way to do it. Skitra is not as hard as you seem to believe he is. Here is how to do it: mark each skitra with a marker with a diff color, and have someone else in the other realm call which marker is on top of skitra, and then kill that one.
Did that in a LFR group on the first week and we did get it down even though LFR is mostly composed of a bunch of clowns (and the LFR dmg on skitra was bugged first week, did same dmg for killing the wrong skitra as it did on hc). With decent dps you can probs skip the walking adds, that’s what we do in mythic. If not, it’s easy enough to deal with on hc, you just need one cc to create a gap.
It’s easy just write the words chill as the title, learning raid in the description.
Had no problen doing this for 11/12 normal and 3/4hc couple days ago.
Final boss require raidwide tactics tho, when I care enough i’ll recruit and post video/in-game chat so we all on same page.
It is easily possible without knowing anything, people have to learn and many are willing to learn alongside.
You still get player who mock others for learning, lack of tactics or wrong colour mog, wow is full of these clowns, just point to the chill sign above the door and tell them they can leave if they got no paitence(you can fill their boots very quickly anyway), group finder is for player of all standard.
I’m sorry, tell me if im wrong so what you’re saying is that those who aren’t used to Rlead lacks intellectual capacity?, or is it just a personal attack?, if so Yikes big time, talk about being pure toxic, i could come back with a insult but im not going to sink to your lvl.
Yes he replied that he misread and that they don’t boost HC.
I only care for Transmog & Mounts so the 3/12 doesn’t say anything!, now i used to better than i am currently, in MoP i used to boost peoples for their looms, and for you who loooves inspect my char let me save you some time, i did they on my Wlock and not on this warr.
I wrote that AOTC was what im after i wouldn’t mind do a full run
This man speaks truth, and honestly i flamed once, but thats why i was being called a troll & other things, ofc im not going to lay still and take it.
Anyhow if a forum mod could delete this thread it would be amazing.
Got my AOTC now. So can everyone shut up now?, the issue is solved.
Good for you. But making a thread about a thing, getting advice about the thing and then telling people that gave you advice to shut up seems a bit… let’s say rude to stay PG.
I mean looking at your ilvl and the fact you have 75 necklace, I highly doubt you won’t find a guild to trial for and join that clears heroic.
If you go to wowprogress, look for some of the guilds there for your server. There are plenty around. I would forget the ones with mythic progress already, but I’m sure there are many progressing through heroic, including the ones that raid heroic only.
Perhaps look for the ones that have similar progress to you, look at the post and contact the leaders. You are in a big server and there’s plenty of time, so you should have no issues.
Personally I think that’s your best bet, I don’t think this raid is very pug friendly.
You have been given all the possible tips for getting the achievment/mount.
What other solutions can there possible be one month into a patch/raid?
You say you have issues with the solutions given to you, but what do you expect?
Nothing is gonna come to you for free, you have to work for it, and/or pay for it. As is it with anything good we want to achieve or obtain in life in general.
1 Gear up through relevant content, do mythic+, heroic Darkshore coming up for Alliance, emmisaries ++ and you should be close to 460 in no time.
2 Higher itemlevel will raise your chances to get a spot in the raid through a guild/community. Most people who apply for spots have done this gearing up before they think of getting AOTC. So should you.
3 Just buy it, its not gonna cost you anywhere near 10m and you wont have to gear up for it. You can also pay to get geared up in there as already mentioned by several people in this thread.
Its the general rule of life man, anything you want you have to work for / pay for. After months of physical inactivity im gonna get back in shape again, no one can do it for me, and i do have to work hard to get where i wanna be, its the same thing.
I dont see your issue, you say you have issues with the solutions mentioned, but those are the only possible way to achieve it, and those are the only possible ways you couldve got yourself AOTC in past expansions/raids aswell, and they are the same and only ways to do it for absolutely everyone else aswell as long as it is the current raid.
yeah and im sorry as if i seemed angry with the comment its just abit annoying repeating myself xD, but its all good, but yeah as long as i can’t play wow as serious as i used to, ill just request a boost from the community xD its easy to farm gold afterall