AOTC: N'zoth

Having to hand over 400k or more gold speaks volumes about this game and why i quit organized raiding a long time ago.

“Oh you want to get a mount? OK we can do that. just sign here… and… 400k gold please. Just stand there with the rest of the chu… er customers… errr… players. PLAY…ERS… Yeah that’s it… players…”


My response.

"So i have to hand over 400k just for a mount and a chance at a raid spot?

Piss off."


I used to have the same issues with AoTC during Warlords of D.
Back then I ended up joining a heroic PuG for Archimonde when a mythic raider friend of mine applied to it as a group so they had to take us together.
I had already geared myself reasonably by running several times the normal mode with a certain online pugging community.

Dear OP you should really look for one of those pugging communities if you do not already raid with your guild. These pugging communities are generally higher quality than the average PuG cause the leaders are experienced raid leaders who are trying to help more people have fun doing something harder than LFR and there is some sort of personal responsibility since they involved a website registration which means that the bad apples (mostly those who are unpleasant, quit for no good reason) get filtered out.

I am super socially awkward, anxious when it comes to any form of voice chat. And overall do not talk much in chat.

I made my own groups and got antorus curve and did the raids for several weeks over. Via pugs.

You don’t need people skills to lead a pug and most of them don’t chat at all. It may take several runs before you get a run that don’t fill out rage quit mid way through the raid, but you can get there

People like to make out as if you need to do ALOT more then you actually do to pug heroic raids.

If you advertise for a “experienced easy fast clear” I’m sure you prolly do need top level communication, but your also signing up for that.

Run a chilled run and sure it will take longer to fill but they won’t expect near as much from you.

I ain’t saying the OP should or shouldn’t do this, maybe he lacks the confidence to run it this way. But There are ways to get around this problem.

My guild is a bank guild, but i managed to get AOTC from a boosting Community, will use it for AOTC’ish kind of boosts, Thanks to Puny’s link i found a good boosting community, thanks tho!


Haven’t Rleaded since MoP, so im rusty that way, but i did get AOTC yesterday, ty tho.

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I found this tier to get Aotc harder (i eventually got it too). Not because of those requirements. Because there aren’t many people forming group to raid. Lfg tool is not populated as it used to. I think active population at least halved compared to those xpacs. Other problem is Nyalotha is huge , because of the distance and trash packs killing 3-4 boss tooks an hour at least. Usually groups disband without a wipe.

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congratulations for overcomming on of the dumbest limitations that puggers tend to impose on their fellow players!
I wish you many bountiful heroic raids now

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You are spoiled.

I checked your profile. You have no experience as LFR and/or Normal runs!

I suggest doing LFR and normal runs, then you can find raid leaders who will trust you to be part of the heroic runs. From that point, you can progress until your achieve your goal.

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I’ve been reading up all the tacts as DPS, and have been watching livestreams so i wouldn’t have been that useless tbh.

But yeah i think i’ve said it like 5 times in the thread, i even made a Edit under the title that i got AOTC yesterday.

Im sorry but raids haven’t been my biggest interests in BFA, Mounts [Aka the Ahead of the Curve mount, which i now have] and Transmog is.

Much love, but now as i have the mount the only thing if i’d like to get from HC is Transmog, could care less about stats atm xD, those with all the alts, getting the HC set during Mythic dungeon weeks shouldn’t be a issue.

But much love :stuck_out_tongue:

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