Api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0.dll missing

DX11 working for me in Win 7 now too, thanks all. :smiley:

I just hope that Win 7 compatibility continues at least until the end of Dragonflight and they don’t do what they did with Vista and drop support during an expansion, stopping the game working for those who bought it while their OS was on the supported list. If you’re going to drop support for Win 7 please at least do so between expansions so we can make an informed decision on whether to purchase or not.


Just had this error again for first time since it was fixed nearly 3 weeks ago.

LFR queue popped up ready (have been doing it all day with no problems) , pressed accept and the DLL error appeared and game crashed back to Windows (7) desktop. Re-logged and my queue was gone, annoying as it had taken over an hour to pop!

Very strange as everything has been working fine for weeks and I haven’t changed anything.

Actually, can’t be 100% it was the same DLL that caused the error, it was definitely Api-ms-win-core something DLL that it said was missing, but to be fair it may not have been that same one as before.

Didn’t even re-boot PC, just reloaded WoW and queued for same LFR part again… totally fine this time, no error and completed run. Very weird!

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