Aq40 gates should be scaling

…vvith serverpopulation.

Blizz screvved Flamelash serverpop on ally vvhen allovving them to freely transfer on vvorld pvp release. Only 2 guilds left or so.

Fix it!


Horde players of the server screwed it


Blizzard screwed it by not having faction caps.


Totally Blizzards fault, the community are always the purest of Angels.


All realms should have factors leading to faction balance, no systems that go around the issue should be put in place as they just make one faction “pvp” realms playable. They should have benefits for people playing on the weaker faction to encourage an increased faction balance.

I don’t care hovv they solve it. our guild is doing vvell and Horde is doing fine, and I vvanna be able to open the gates fairly. period.

The gates will open anyways, but you will most likely be one of the last servers to do so. Again, you can thank your fellow hordes for this because of their behavior in phase 2.


legend has it horde vvon the vvar. :wink:

Now I’m intrigued and want to know what happened to your W key, tell us a story.


Scaling ? Go to retail then

The same place you told to go, to alliance on your realm

Deserved and i really appreciate reading this thread


it melted in vvailing caverns from a laptop overheat. had graphics settings set to high.


I am sure a few alt accounts could be created that can crossfaction AH all the stuff. Or co-operate with the 2 left guilds, you after all play this game together. you are spending time on the same server giving it purpose, almost like friends.

Mmm dem friends.

Ive had my say in the matter.

No, that was horde being cancerous and not letting any ally level/quest/farm in peace.

Had nothing to do with blizzard at all, had everything to do with cancer mentality from horde players.

Now you have to live with the consequences of your actions.


Blame yourself for your behaviour during P2.

You dissappoint the true Horde players from Vanilla time (like me). Thrall would be ashamed.


Vve aint got any of them flovver-picking issues on Horde that u talking about.

Im a pve guy. Its a pvp server. Part of the game. deal vvith it bro.

Hovv did this become a Flamelash discussion? There are more servers that have bad ratios or lovver populations. Same applies to them.

You started your post by making it one. Short memory there buddy?

And other low pop servers have the same issues horde that relentlessly hunt down anything and everything so other alliance players cant do anything in the open world, this is a player created problem NOT an blizzard created problem.


its my frame of reference in classic. This post is not directed to them fleeing allies its to blizzard I guess? :roll_eyes:

Its not the only server vvith the same issue.
You go on and farm in peace novv.

Vvhatever stop editing your posts.

If u vvanna discuss keep it on topic plz. Flamelash horde Is not the issue.

Absolutely not.

If you turn a pvp server into a pve server with a huge faction imbalance, you deserve to suffer.


itv vvas not hugely imbalanced in the beginning I believe. 60-40 or so.
Just saying.