Arathi Basin Premades

You seem upset.

Why are you upset, darling?

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The only upsetting thing is that you cannot detect obvious sarcasm.

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What do u call a dead tauren ? De’Calf’inated

Isnt that easy to detect in written words. I had taken you for one of the sweaty “Need to farm PuGs due to PVP Ranking system” neckbeards as well at first.

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Was looking for a thread like this after I lost 5 Aarathi Basins in a row cause of 15 people premades with high warlord and s**t, this is not fun at all you cannot do anything, just staying at stables or last gy and get farmed. They really need to do Queue for Premades only. BLIZZARD PLEASE READ THIS


Just another coward without skill who needs Grand marshal premades to get a kill

  1. Join your realm discords.

  2. Ask there for discords where premades are formed.

  3. If there’re none (I doubt), form your own.

  4. Stop being Virgin Solo, become a Premade Chad

If you still want to be Virgin Solo

  1. Go back to Retail

  2. Queue solo

  3. Make a post or reply to existing post while you waiting in queue.

  4. Wait for #nochanges

And btw, Retail char is a must, it’s dangerous in here, no layering, people might recognize you’re that guy who nobody wants to play with :o


Sounds like the language of a teenager who always claims to have been laid. Does a grown-up actually use such stupid language?


Ok listen

  1. Form a premade or join one.
  2. choose rank 10 and above players
  3. queue
  4. enter the bg
    a. other team is premade.
    • If you see that you can win then continue pushing and they’ll resign soon.
    • If you are loosing just resign or /afk and take the 15 min penalty. Time is honor.
      b. Other team are pugs.
      Easy win. Just kill them all and go to GY and kill them more to show them whos the boss.
      Harvest them but dont delay the game cause time is honor.

Maybe you are getting easy “honor” but no REAL HONOR for you premade junkie.

Seperate queue for premades and pugs is coming and you cant stop it.


Doubt it.

But let’s assume they’re considering it, just for the fun of it.

You wanna know how they tend to base their decisions, at least for retail? (Which means it’s probably how Classic decisions will be made too.)

It’s not by following feedback. Blizzard is known to have ignored feedback for many years now, actually.
What they are known to have followed quite consistently though, is “player engagement”. This one metric is extremely important to them.

So in the end, it’s not forum posts made by one teenzy tiny fraction of a percentage of the player base that will “decide it”.

It’s simply what the server statistics looks like. How many people they see are pvping, how many are doing it in groups/raids and how many are doing it solo for WSG/AB. They don’t look at AV for things like this, due to its limitation, so even though many solo players are probably choosing AV due to “lack of other options”, they have no real way of filtering out the ones who just wants to play AV (at those specific times) from the ones who wants to queue for other BGs but feel like they can’t.

Fun, right? They stopped listening to feedback a very long time ago.

This is also why AV “map unfairness” as some people claim there is, hasn’t even been touched. Because the “player engagement” metric is probably still looking fine.
(In other words, if almost all alliance players stopped queuing for AV for an extended period of time in at the very least both NA AND EU, then that would probably raise some eyebrows over at Blizzard HQ.)

This is also why people say to vote with your wallet, because Blizzard aren’t known for moving without BIG shifts in player movements.

(inb4 somebody brings up the AV premades, those were exploits causing many issues for both hordes and the non-premade alliance players, in both NA AND EU. It’s not comparable.)

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Ok boomer.

:open_mouth: you know so much about premades, I can’t believe my eyes how well you informed about tactics while being Virgin Solo.

I personally play with premades because I like organized PvP, in other games my friendlists are full of unknown to me people, because again I like playing in team, not solo. I don’t give a single F about honor numbers.
Also it’s 50/50 that other premade team will let to cap everything, I had so many games in last days when we were on the loosing side and managed to turn everything around ~1k points. Pugs very often don’t stop fighting back and game ends up 2/3 capped basses.
Maybe I’m getting easier games, but no real IQ for you to use in-game voice chat and take a minute to set up groups and mark healers and turn solo queue into organized game.
Or just join premade discord and type “Virgi Solo Rogue LF AB/WSG”

Are there a lot of games going in the 50-59 bracket, what’s the queue time like? I’m considering duo boxing on horde side and leaving one of the toons at 59 just to farm and pvp

Play against orgnized groups then. Problem sold. And
 also that virgin thing lol how old are you?

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I’m playing against them :smiley: You’re crying about so many premades, guess what, I’m one of those people who play premades and most of the games I play against premades, so I’m good.

That’s a meme dude. Virgin (add anything you want) vs Chad (add anything you want).

Yes, memes. Hence you’re young :wink:

You play with “unknown to you ppl” so that you can play in team?

So what about having a ranking algorithm like in MOBAS so that you can skip the time consuming “searching ppl, scheduling a time to play” thing by just pressing a “quick match” button and play in a BG “full of unknown to you people” anyway?

i dont remember the original vanilla being this bad for pre mades?

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That way I can’t weed off boosted people, ragers, afkers, drunk people. “Unknown people” are people who I choose to play with, that’s the main difference :slight_smile:

But doesn’t this butthurt come from the fact that they got people to play with to form a premade and you don’t?

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