Arcane Mage Issue

you are no alone

wich priest spec is at the same deep sheet in too?

Wonā€™t complain about it but if i say i have to walk as disciplineā€¦ then maybe after shaman i be accepted in to 12+ above keys as a healer :wink:

Lets just roll with Fire Boomkin mm hunter outlaw is so well made we canā€™t compete statement. #no hate

No ofc no hate taken :slight_smile:
But i will not going to re build my main from the ground unless Blizz is giving away the BIS loot tofire spec in my post when next time i login to the game then fine i play as a fire till then thats a no from me :smiley:

Ya Fire is a bit bustad at the current time of the expansion and blizzard did only buff frost mage so I donā€™t feel like ranting but i hope the balancing crew wakes up from the koma :frowning:

Well we will see. Until then i highly doupt that. i want results and fast. like the rest of us.

I think one day Will Chris Metzen slam the door and state lets fix all the class specā€™s left out from the game

Except the fact that he is retired, an di hardly doupt he will ever comeback as a fundamental pillar of this game.

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Calling bull on this. Absolutley bull, that is what healers put out if they do occasional damage

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That is if you look at the Mythic statistics, which only includes the first 4 bosses of the raid for Arcane. Swap over to heroic data and it is the lowest spec once you look over all bosses.


Why not post on your arcane main so people can take a look at your setup to see if something can help you there?

Never played mage, but I miss wotlk arcane. Idk why. It just I remember looking at some video with lich king kill and it was mage pov. He was critting for like 10k and I was amazed at the time with how much it is

To be fair Iā€™m 2nd best on Sludgefist HC wordwide atm, and beat all other dps in the group on that try. A small practice here and there, and you can safely beat 90% of other players.

Class / spec matters for sure, I did a +15 yesterday with a boomie, he did 7.1k dps overall and I coudnā€™t beat him no matter how hard I tried but for a +15 my dps was far enough as well so at the end it only matters if youā€™re pushing +20 keys or going for wf.

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First of all, this fight is on the few instances Arcane shines. The overall performance remains low.
Secondly, you being good doesnā€™t remove Arcaneā€™s issues. Is it harmful to ask for buffs?
In raids we suffer very big for having to move (not teleport), and ST damage is just bad (especially in PvP), itā€™s been said a million times, AB damage is undertuned and CC proc rate too low.
About AoE I absolutely have no problem, but the main power comes from Arcane Bombardment Legendary, it makes up my most damage in M+, and AB comes fourth (!!!). Without the legendary AoE is just about average.


Sludgefist timers are usually bad for arcane. You need to wait 1m with AP at the start, also with the conduit that reduces AP cd for every clearcasted missiles, the cooldown usually around 1.5m which is terrible once again :smiley:

That has nothing to do with arcane. Meta followers tend to care more about their DPS than non-meta players which means if fire is the best DPS spec for mages, arcane parses will be naturally low.

Also because the best players in the world play fire, arcane wonā€™t get that much theorycrafting and high skilled players than fire. This was discussed in multiple threads even on Wowhead before, lower tier specs seems to perform worse than theyā€™re actually capable of. But this just a statistical thing and thatā€™s why logs arenā€™t that accurate for analysing DPS rankings.

Not at all. But acting like arcane or any other underperforming specs are unplayable is harmful.

Yes, but most of the time you can avoid downtime by the clever use of Blink and your instant spells.

Agree on the PvP one, in PvE itā€™s far from bad.

That should be increased for sure, because Arcane Echo lacks consistency atm, but still itā€™s not like the spec is unplayable because of it.

Most of the classes would love a legendary that makes them a beast in AoE. But I donā€™t get why itā€™s a bad thing that comes from a legendary.

Again I donā€™t see why is that an issue. In m+, you usually AoE big packs of monsters. Casting single target spells to deal damage is really inefficient.


Then how can you explain the fact, that with all CDs popped + Prideful (unlimited mana) + (with no movement to screw it) I always get beaten by miles in ST bosses in M+?

Because, Arcane Missiles surpasses AB damage, even with itā€™s low proc rate. Arcane Blast is cast far more frequently and itā€™s still behind in total damage.


There are several explanations for that.

Are they playing with a single target legendary while youā€™re rocking with Arcane Bombardment?
Are you using single target or aoe talent options?
How long is the boss fight?
Are there any difference with gear or consumables?
Of course personal skill comes to play as well.

In m+ it depends. Usually you wonā€™t cast neither, and if you have to, then missiles is a better option with clearcasting beause you donā€™t have to stack up charges previously (and of course you wanna dump charges for barrage). Also if youā€™re playing properly you want to cast AM during single target Touch as well so thatā€™s a great damage boost for it. I donā€™t really recall what is my 3rd damaging ability in M+, but I donā€™t think it matters when you donā€™t want to cast any of them.

Hmm, I do 2k dps with my arcane mage at 170 ilvl with equpment glued together in 2 days in raid finder and I am not even NF. Seems alright to me?

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My arcane mage which was a lot of fun back in cata days sits there as a leveled up tailor and enchanter only. Minimal gear. I wont take her out into M+. Not done anything meaningful at all with her since before BFA came out. I think legion was the last time i used her.

Telling arcane mages to dump their largest dps output spell in favor of lower ones, due to mechanics that make you move every second is not the answer.

The last time i enjoyed playing her was cata. A long time ago.

If you are not FOTM, forget it.

While we have decent mobility and utility what good is it if we are hamstrung from the moment the tank pulls as we cant even get off the number one dps output spell consistently. I said consistently.

A lot of classes have instant dps spells with not much rampup involved unlike arcane. I have trouble ramping up and keeping it up there if i have to move every second due to some forced movement or die.

While SL is better for arcane as far as less crap on the floor that makes you move all the time it is still there and present.

But what i cannot fathom is how there is a nearly %20 difference between top classes used and the lowest class.

To get these numbers above the %95 percentile was used in Mythic raids. These are people that know their classes and can tap the keys like a metronome. On time, with no wasted time and no wasted movement. I take it that these numbers are real.