Arcane Mage Issue

What are you talking about?

Like any other casters?

If you’re moving every second you’re really bad. There isn’t much movement in the fights, which can usually be handled by thinking ahead a bit.

Nop, you have some serious misconception about raiding / m+.

Again what are you talking about?

YOu cant read or what?

Read it.

What am i talking about you ask? Read it.

What is arcane mages biggest dps output spell? Well, what is it? Did you read it?

Or you just like posting line by line quotes to look cool?

Read it.

Yes, there is less crap on the floor that makes us move this time around but in BFA M+ on some weeks there was no standing still for two seconds to cast the biggest dps output spell consistently. I said consistently, mind you.

Read the damn post and quit acting like you dont know what i am talking about just to look cool with your line by line quotes.


NO actually dont read it. You strike me as a well seasoned troll out for bait. Go away


I read your sentences but a) they’re stupid assumptions b) make zero sense.

Start talking some sense instead of that crap, and maybe we can have a discussion.

You have zero proof or example, you just talking like

but when? where? Also arcane mage aoe consist of explo + barrage, so luckily there is no need to cast anything, you can just move 0-24.

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Go argue with somebody else troll

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xDDD Imagine crying on the internet, and when someone not agrees with you, call him a troll. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Tbh after Arcane Orb switched places, the ST and AoE build is the same except Arcane Echo/Resonance and maaaybe Arcane Familiar which is just bad considering I never oom in AoE rotation.

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I am just simply tierd of hearing that your dps is to low for this and ect it is not my god damn fault that blizz completly messed up the arcane spec, not to mention how hard to get bis stats loot from enywhere sience the RNG on loot is so bad that basicly i got nothing but currency basicly. today i got one item to my loot specific arcane but it was a fire bis stats i mean i dont want play as fire i am playing with arcane sience BC and i cant play with the other twoo specs and i am still nto willing to completly re gear my character from the ground. Not to mention rune of powering is also sheet fest on a boss when you have to move basicly so much that ofc you cant stand even near at 8 yard of the rune to do decent damages, it isjust basicly a sheet show. many mages are suggested to make rune of power as a buff spell and not a stationary thing. wich would be realy nice to be honest, at least you can move without worry about omg im not in or near to the runce circle, while basicly as a ranged you have to be stationary, im not saying to remove mechanics wich requeres more movements thats okay, but make it viable for rangeds as well. cos atm sience bfa every boss mechanics only favours the mele classes, cos they can move when ever the want and they just simply psuhing their instant skills do deal big damages. Or imploment the ESO combat system, that works realy well, you can cast naytime with any spell you want but still it hase tactical and mechanical requerements to not fail in those fights. and still you wont loos any dps while you move cos you are not sticked to the ground in one place as mandatory to do decent damages as well. This system is stupid in WOW sience BFA. I dont give a damn thing that Ion is a cement shamy, and he can hit like truck while moving around but rangeds like mages, priests and etc have to be stationary doing decent damages. This is not working out. chek the contents from back to BFA its was way better then now when it comes to ranged dps.

Yeah iam having issues as well can any help me with that too? :slight_smile: thank you :slight_smile:

It is. You’re bad with the spec. Give me your main and I’ll tell you what you’re doing wrong.

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You are a fire mage ofc you are the second best and you are over 210+ bith almost full bis ofc you are at the top with your over powered fire conduit :smiley: Roll to aracne and let see howmuch you pull out with lets say in my gear :slight_smile: Becasue i am at the bottom in HC. and trust me mate i know my class spec in arcane inside out. But this gear and loot, and RNG is just a mess for arcane.

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Well from looking at your character the first step would be crafting a legendary :sweat_smile:

Had one in 190 item level the time warp one. Bombardment is not droping from thorgast and i have been farming it every week :smiley: its basicly not existing any other worth mentioning besides lego? :slight_smile:

Did you check logs? I’m raiding as arcane. There you go mate:

I cheked your armory it showed me you are fire :smiley: probably it was not refershed.

It drops 100% if you are running the right wing on floor 3 or up.
Also Arcane Infinity is also a great Legendary for fights where you don’t BL on pull or just don’t have a second BL user.

Other than that always use rune of power and get familiar with Warcraft Logs and log your raids, then you can see exactly what you are doing differently from other arcane mages.

This is wildly wrong, the exact opposite is true. Shadowlands is famously bad for melee with lots of moments where you’re completely forced to move away and stop DPS, no matter how well you play.

Most likely what you’re experiencing is simply the fact that the raid itself is much harder than previous heroic raids in BFA or Legion. This is a known decision by Blizzard, making the gap between Normal and Heroic bigger.

Nope it is not 100% drop chance sure wow head says otherwise but it didnt droped me and i have done today the 8th floor and still nothing from it do you want me to give you a screen shot from my collected Powers? :slight_smile:

I’m playing fire as well for PvP, you might saw that. I bet I’m in PvP gear on the armory.

Yes :smiley: it show pvp gears :slight_smile:

Thank you the advice :slight_smile: but rune of power is hard to maintain in a boss fight when you basicly have to move too much.