Arcane Mage Issue

Dear Blizzard.

Could you please tell me what have you done to the arcane spec?
My Main Arcane Mage is 205 in item level and also have very decent cunduits and Legendary, but the over all damage output of the arcane is so low that basicly in raids it is always ends up at the very bottom of the list.
This is cannot stands.

And i am not willing to rerol to Fire or frost, becasue i dont want to re gear my character including grinding out the Ashes from throgast to make a new legendary. Sure fire is strong, but not everyone wants to play as fire mage.
So i have come to the conclusion that who ever is in charge of the class design is completly clueless of the acrane spec. wich is shameful.

On the PTR before SL prepatch the talent row was changed on the row reverberate was at the 50 row now its in 45. you promissed to have arcane orb as a base line spell and it was a baseline spell in the PTR durring the pre patch event but some one changed it. Basicly now row 45 is usless.

Change the reverberate location to the 50th row, and put back enlightened to the 45 row. Becasue at this point the whole class is usless.

Second. the arcane spec needs at least more then 10% overal damage buff to be at least in a competative state. While fire is over performing even in blue items, due to the OP conduit wich should be nerfed at least to ground of 3% from 11.+ thats insane.

Arcane basicly dsoent even have any damage buff bonuses from conduits. while teh rest of the 2 specs are does. I want to know why devide the community with this pruning of the arcane mages?

No one wants to basicly invite any arcane mages into M+ or raids (that inclueds Guilds as well) One of my guild mate who is also an arcane mage on HC Sludgefist he were only abel to put out around 1.6k damage IN HC in BIS gear. And the dude is bascily knows his class inside out so well that bascily even blizz should hier him so basicly the arcane spec would not get so damn F-ed up. While the other 2 specs is over performing in god damn blue gear. Are you kidding me?

And lest not talkign about other classes like feral druids and surv hunters etc…
Do somethign about this! Like bascily yesterday. Not to mentison the item stat messes. siriusly what were you thinking to put so much versatility on every god damn items in the game for mages? should we supose to be tanks or something?
thats just stupid i am sorry, but thats the fact.

Arcane needs a huge damage buff and fixing its tallents rows. Period.

PS: the loot system ? damn its a trash i am sorry to using bad words but thats just facts. 10 out of 10 bosses you only recieve the god damn anima. Nice job i haven’t been abel to get anything from raid for more then a month now thank you.

If you look at Warcraft Logs, Arcane is actually doing more damage then Frost (on Mythic, for some reason it’s reversed on HC).

A good idea to improve is to take a look at one of the top Arcane players on Warcraft logs and explore exactly what they did in one fight - they will show you second by second casts of what happened, it can be a real eye opener.

If you check on Sludgefist HC specifically, the median damage for Arcane mage at ilvl 206-208 is 3.5k DPS. 1.6k is less than the lowest recorded WCL (the lowest they have is 2.8k). The top 10% of Arcane runs were at 4.4k DPS at this ilvl. So, there is a lot of room to improve if you’re seeing 1/3 of that.

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Problem is that arcane isn’t “bad” (if you ask the sims at the least), but that it’s almost impossible to do as well as the sims in an actual raid environment where you’re not at liberty to choose when to move and when not to move. This has been a problem for a longer time now, arcane needs a rework.

I have no idea about raids, but ive did few m+ where i had arcane mage and to my surprise the dmg difference wasnt that bad and was on par with boomy and hunter.
Sure, as fire it could be maybe better, but its far from bad spec, perfectly viable.

Just kinda lacks the burst i like on fire, when i know fire is about to combust i can pull big and i know things will melt, with arc im unsure.

But then again, overal is kinda similar.

Can you provide me a link for that? thank you :slight_smile:

I’ve found on Arcane that queing dps spells (Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage etc) after an Arcane Blast can often make that Arcane Blast appear as if it did no damage (no damage number appears) and also causes for that Arcane Blast to not show on Details even though the mob/boss/training dummy lost health.

Welcome to the club of neglected specs.

Take a seat inbetween survival hunter and fury warrior.

Thank you my friend :slight_smile: i take that seat.

Here is the best Arcane Mage DPS log for Sludgefist, you can see exactly what they cast and when:

htt ps://

You can see their gear here as well:

htt ps://

Edit: not sure if it’s ok to include links like this. If this gets deleted, you can go to Warcraft Logs, go to Castle Nathria > Rankings, click the drop down that says “DPS” and select Arcane Mage from there, and from the “All Bosses” dropdown select “Sludgefist”, click on the person with the highest DPS, then on the page that opens click on the boss name, then on the DPS value on the next page. FInally, in the last page go to Damage Done, and select Timeline view (you may also need to select the option to Translate a the top of the page).

Edit edit: you may also want to select a certain ilvl range in the rankings if you want to compare only with similar ilvl.

thank you.
i just realized that thiese mages are more then 214 and 218+ and there is no 205 on the list.

This is why I’d never roll a pure DPS class. As long as at least one spec for a DPS class is performing very well, the chances of you seeing buffs for the other specs is minimal.

Oh, you were probably looking at Mythic difficulty, forgot to talk about adjusting that. On HC Sludgefist at 206-208 ilvl, the best mage is Linkuri:

https ://

You can also check the second best, who is the more common Night Fae.

Damn i am lost on that site :smiley:

Inb4 Gerikee/Minnji say Arcane is fine and/or git gud/play Fire.

Sure thing but thats not a good example when it comes to performing in raids or dungeons. Basicly i was thrown out of the raid today becasue i do less damage theny a BIS geared mage. i mean thats not my fault when the RNG is sux and the game is basicly became a mele centrick sheet show while as a mage you have to be stationary and also you have to timing well with your CDs.

Except the current raid is very melee unfriendly and ranged is the meta. But yes, Arcane is in a very poor state and I’d be happy to see some QoL rework done for them to make it less clunky to play and some ST dmg boost. Even tho I don’t play the class, I feel for my sis who’s in love with Arcane and feels so bad when despite her best efforts she ends up low on a ST fight. :frowning:


Arcanes smack bang mid table for nathria, it’s not so much it’s bad. It’s the classes under it not many people plays like survival/BM/assassin/arms/destro/enhance etc. Which makes it look worse then it is for sure. There are 12 DPS specs below arcane though.

i saw the numbers fro my self as well. Fire is always at the top mostly due to the over powered conduit, while arcane is bearly even on the list above the tank on the 13th place.

Frost last I checked was near the very bottom and arcane barely above it, so that isn’t saying much?

“You’re in 19th place doing a bit more damage than the person in 20th place! Woooo.”

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yeah thas a huge porblem.