Arcane Mage Issue

Yeah? But Skoldus Hall is not available right now so you won’t be able to get it anyways. Unless you get Skoldus Hall during a Twisted Corridors layer 3+ run.

Maybe hard to get used to but it’s pretty much required to do well on Arcane, it’s just too good and really worth learning.

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Trust me sexy elf mage i love Arcane and i am willing to do anything to make it better in this expansion. btw it didnt mentioned on teh tool tim i have to do specific twisting corridors for arcane bombardment O.o thats a new info to me. But thank you :slight_smile:

Not specific twisting corridors but rather Skoldus Hall which can be a part of the twisted corridors. :sweat_smile:

Otherwise wait until next and we might see Skoldus Hall once again in the rotation of Torghast.

oh titans help me with patient :smiley:

2k against what? A target dummy?

No, in raid finder (before the wipes start)

Oh i have seen the same damage out put number on HC as well. the spec is simply just weak. and teher is too much movment mechanics in the game, and basicly timing is the esence thats okay, but when you have a window to be statinoary you are already not even on the dps list no matter what.

This is why i dont even bother with my mage. Constantly moving. Once i ramp up. They force movement. Rampup wasted. Time wasted. Game wasted. So i dont bother. My mage has max prof. That is all she is ever goign to do from now. IF i transfer her profs to another class i can play i will and she wil get parked till further notice. She has been parked since BFA.

BFA M+ and arcane mage? With the amount of crap on the floor forcing movement? Not just the dungeon mechanics but also the affixes. No way. I am not doing it. She is getting parked till M+ takes all classes into consideration and not just those with decent mobility as well as no stationary and rampup requirements.

Others have said this is a l2p issue. They can kiss me where the sun dont shine.

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I think Arcane need little dmg buff but my opinion is we need more better mana sustain, because i think arcane dmg is not bad but maintaining the dmg when your mana is gone after half minute is what start put arcane dmg behind. They should rework arcane mastery to have increased mana regen or shorten the cd on evo. In PvP arcane biggest downside is one spellschool that is in arena when everyone have one or even several interrupts very bad + paired with that Arcane must stand on place when doing dmg put us in not good situation. So blizz should revork some of spells to provide arcane mage pushback/interrupt protection for few seconds or spell that would allow arcane mage cast while moving for a few seconds.

i completly agree with you it is not a l2p issue at all. the whole dungeon and riad mechanics are requering to constantly move and you have to put out damages, wich is impsibel for arcane mages becasue we have to stand still. sure we have 3 peresence of mind and arcane orb, and barrage and stuff, but thats not enough. Arcane needs back the a same amount of damage buffs and bonuses what we had back in legion with the artifact traits. And less constant moving around in M+ and raids. becasue at this point this state of the game only favours the constantly abel to moving classes, like mele, hunters etc. Arcane needs a damage buff, and also needs increased damage on every arcane spell when you are at 4 arcane charges including missiles as well like back in legion.

Yes arcane needs alot of damage buffs and more mana, becasue with 61k mana even with proper mangements the spells are too expensive. about the pvp i dont do pvp at all it is not worth my time and effort to do it.

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