Archaeology, how many solves did it take for you to see an 85 weapon

I just fancy getting a general range of how many solves it has taken someone to get either the sword or the staff.

If you have it, just post at what solve you got it as

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Everything about archaeology is RNG every aspect

It’s going to very wildly

But overall it’s a massive massive time sink unless you basically win the lottery


Im aware its RNG. Doesnt mean i cant get an overall on peoples experiences

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You only have a chance to get an epic weapon so long as you have 1x of a common find. If you have 3-10x or some commons and 0x of some commons its straight out bugged. Level arch on another character. There are people with 600 + solve that got not a single rare since their 70th solve.

This is what im trying to ascertain by asking.

Im trying to get data to help me conclude if you actually have less chance at 200+ solves as most people ive seen get it have been around 40-90 which many about 140+ have never seen one

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You will need a substantial amount of data for that to mean anything

And for something that’s completely RNG it wouldn’t mean much

Unless you think there is some hidden feature that grants a better chance at lower solves of getting an epic

Is this what happens to gambling addicts?

Only person that can confirm this would be a blue post, other wise you will be nit picking peoples experiences to try and make yourself feel better


400 solves mostly troll dwarf fossil and very few nerub and night elf, 0 epics besides the mount.

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I’m at 100 Night Elf solves and haven’t seen the trinket. What’s strange is I also havent seen a single rare artifact, even a bad one. Not for at least 70 solves.
I’m not sure if its relevant at all, but I’ve noticed that macros that track solved count per artifact will be set to zero for the currently in progress artifact. If you solve it and then get the exact same artifact again, the solved count will then be set to the correct number. If you solve it and get a brand new artifact, that new artifact’s solved count will then be set to zero. I’ve also noticed that I very frequently solve an artifact only to get the exact same artifact again.

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It’s weird people dont understand how random this is

Is it a coping mechanism?


How do you not understand if you collect enough data from people that you can get a general idea of the actual drop rate?
Like all the loot tables on wowhead, do you think blizz confirmed those? No, it’s just data collected by players. Are the drop rates 100% correct? Hell no, but most of em get pretty close.
Jesus christ these braindead L takes you guys got.


Some clown posts in here, OP’s asking a very simple question to get a general idea of what the drop rates might be, guess some ppl never went to school or something.
GL getting closer to the data you’re looking for, OP.

“BuT iT’S rAnDoM LolLK”

“GamBLinG AddIctS”

Lmfao you guys. Gotta watch what I post or I get another vacation from this hellhole.

Better thank the gambling addicts for providing us with as accurate as possible drop rates we got on wowhead. Did you think blizz confirmed every single drop rate logged on wowhead? Lmfao.
Ever looked up a drop rate on wowhead? “BuT iT’S rAnDoM LolLK”
It’s actually 50/50 and you’re all wrong. There is nothing random.

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Its weird you don’t understand there’s a difference between 1 in 10 random and 1 in 10000 random, and risk assessment is all about understanding the odds as best you can.

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At least 1 guy with brains in this thread.
It’s common enough to get a pretty good idea of what the actual drop rate is if enough people contribute their solves. It’s nothing ridiculous like winning the lottery like some genius taurens might believe.

Im no wow expert but sounds like pure copium lad

If this was the case wouldn’t the information be posted everywhere?

Is this a bug feature of the pre patch you are trying to find or how people think it should work normally?

anyway, hows your data gathering going?

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Glad you found someone to help you out with your needs

noticed you tried to reply yourself and deleted it straight away, must have been magical
then this other guy posts

Did you go get your mommy?


sorry if your the OP and randomness is making you mad hope you find your epics soon, honest

muting you now so I dont have to listen to your garbage peace out

People who say “its random lol” has no idea how statistics work. In a straight-up 1% flat chance, you don’t expect 50% of the population to succeed in less than 30 tries. This is why people like OP are asking other wpople experiences. To get a general idea about how much more they need to farm. It is however pathological that some people need to insult others over this matter.

200 for troll so far and no weapon

got staff after 150 dwarf solves

115 fossil no shield

got all the nerubian from the few ek spawns, not done many, only 13 solves

no nelf trink but i only did 27 solves. EK is def not the place for nelf unless you are extremely lucky

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So far I’m 57 troll artifacts in with no luck. In original Cataclysm, Zin’rokh was my 123rd artifact.

Roughly 205 troll solves to get zinrokh.
Fossil shield was fairly early, maybe 120 or something if even that.

I got Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan (epic dwarf staff) despite having 0x solves of several dwarf commons, so this is false.