Archeology findings & bugs

Title: Archeology findings & bugs
Digging results: Three results: main, alt & guildie (both done via 80-85)
Gathermate Data: If someone would point out how to export data from gathermate2, I’d upload EK/Kalimdor’s data.

So I wanted double 1H from tol’vir archeology, and this is few facts durring digging. I’ve tried to withhold anything besides facts which I’ve encountered durring my time with archeology.


  • My main was lvled normally. My alt was lvled through archeology (80-85).
  • Archeology needs a larger distance indicator. There is no color’s difference between 80yrds and 500yrds.
  • Don’t dig without gathermate or similiar addon. Digies have mostly fixed cords. You look at indicator and minimap. Ignore the rest.
  • Last rare/epic from specific race takes at least twice the amount of solves as the sum of the rest. Tested on few races within two toons (NE’s doll & Fossil’s shield as last ones x2 toons).
  • Sandrake (Tol’Vir) pattern counts as “rare”/“epic” finding.
  • It’s possible to discover few rares at once or in a row. Two seems common if you don’t have many rares/epics.
  • If you want BoA items pick up good class. That means for instance for kalimdor go with 80+ mage. You’ve got north (MH), Theramore & CoT portals.
  • If you’ve hitted the wall - reroll on different toon. It’s better to “waste” 2-3hr lvling archeology than digging few days.
  • Being stuck and having last rare/epic to solve are two different things.
  • Rested works in archeology.
  • You can brute force “into” rares via spamming solves from completed / other races. Best personal result was 3 rare/epics within 10 solves (tol’vir / fossil / NE).
  • Easy life with Tol’Vir: If you’re focused on that race then start always from north (i.e MH), and push south every possible digsite. Meaning dig them out till you’ll land with 4/4 in Uldum.
  • Easy life with Tol’Vir: Always aim for 4/4 in Uldum. It helps (at least with NE/Fossils completed).
  • Easy life with Tol’Vir: From double archeology experience it seems that Tol’Vir has a fixed value from rare/epic to another. It was always 10-15 solves from each apart.
  • RNG used is the same as everywhere else. It’s not personal - it’s server / region wide. That applies literally to every RNG-ish aspect of the game. So if you feel you’re being scammed then don’t worry. That how RNG in this game was designed.
  • You can go through 2800 fragments without rare/epic (6th Tol’Vir with NE/Fossil completed). This doesn’t include keystones. Different / finished races.
  • Level of your character/archeology doesn’t influence digsites’ zones.
  • Don’t expect Sandrake’s formula on first jar. Mine was 6th or 7th.
  • Tol’vir Hieroglyphics used on both toons: 400+. Around 20-25% were digged out, and the rest was AH. So instead keystones go and buy 359 trash 1Hs.


  • Sometimes due the textures of the region you cannot see pointer’s color.
  • The degree of the pointer can be random. Meaning anything between 0 and 180 degrees infront of you. Doesn’t matter if it’s correct.
  • You can literally start at point A → B → C… → E and then come back to exact point A.
  • Range indicator can be wrong. Sometimes it goes from Green to Yellow/Orange to Red.
  • 50% less chance (Kalimdor) if you’ve found all rares for instance for NE/Fossils is lie all the way. When you finish race you won’t get the race which has the most missing items. You’ll get most of the time the race which misses for instance 1 rare.
  • If you solve in a spam/row clicking way you can be screwed. Meaning for instance if you spam NE’s you can land in tol’vir race. Wonderful way to waste fragments from other races.
  • Some waypoints point beyond digsite.
  • If you change the zone while trying to “solve” you cannot. “Solve” button just doesn’t work.
  • “Completed artifacts” wasn’t working as intended when this was being written.
  • You can sheep target which stands next to you (durring digging), and don’t get combat at all.

Some data from early cata digging. Missing rares: Tol’vir (6) vs Rest (4)
14 digsites - below 480 / 1 tolvir
14 digsites - 480 - 525 / 1 tolvir
14 digsites - 525+ / 2 tol’vir
80% of incomming fragments were NE’s.

PS If you’d like the data, go for reddit’s thread with the same name. This forum “requires” some posts before allowing to post links.

Best regards

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Kalimdor has 48 digsites of NE, 24 of Tolvir, and around 24 of fossil + around 5 troll/dwarf.
Without any race solved, the chances of Tolvir are around 20%. 2 out of 10.
With the random it could be 1 in a 15 and be totally normal.

I had NE and Fossils solved, which made Tolvir to be 40%, so after getting 4 sites in Uldum I could boomerang in Uldum 10 tolvir dig sites in a row.

The degree of the pointer IS random and always WAS random, even if it is green.
You’re just coping and not sure what you expected.
1 hander from Tolvir is THE hardest item to get, people don’t get it in 700 solves even on retail.

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