Are Botting & RMT really impossible to fight?

Hello guys,

I spent many time playing WoW since 2005 and today I’m reaching my limit I guess…

The reason ? RMT, botting, and tokens too.

For me the farm in a mmorpg is a part of the game and now for few € you can have most of thing in game. Gold, PvP rating, Rio Rating, Raid curved, etc etc.

I live in a high quality of life country and my financial life is very good but
ironically (or not) I never cheated in a mmorpg, RMT or everything else.

I qualified myself as an average-good player (2900-3200 rio / 3-5 /8 Mraid) so

  1. I m not jealous because I dont have enough money to spent in the game (i ve money)
  2. I m not jealous because I m not enough good to achieve things in the game

But these last days I m reaching my limits… I m use and tired to log in a game, spending hours and hours ( And I m ok with this contract, its a mmorpg after all). But After all of this time play when I see people buying gold, achievements, etc just by swiping CB like in 5min for obtain things that others players spent hours/days and sometimes months to obtain.

“duh it doesnt affect your game”

Yes I does, when “normal” player spending times in a mmorpg, everyone know you ll never take back your game time you spent. And people who buy golds and stuff it leads to devalues and turn it to ridicule the time “normal” player spent in the game.

After all of this monologue my question is, as the title said, Is that really impossible to fight and win against all of that ?

After all of years playing WoW now I m feeling like :

"Meh why log and spent hours to do this or this or farming gold… when other just swipe CB and obtain un 2min what I farm for days/weeks…


Your title is about activities that aren’t allowed in WoW but then you go on to complain about the token and boosts that are allowed.

Banning bots and catching those involved in RMT is a constant cycle.

The token I personally have no issue with nor do I care if people buy boosts (for gold). Some people will farm their own gold, others will just buy it. The token also allows others to play for free and/or convert to bnet balance.


You know that the token is the legit way to counter the bannable act of buying guild by “the other way” the impact still the same on economy and symbolic of game time spent by non buyer players.

The token also allows others to play for free

sub : 13 €
token : 350 000 gold ~ needed

tell me which legit way, in the game, to farm 350 000 gold and be competitive comparing to a half/full time job €/hour salary.

  • what is the poorest country in EU ?

As of the latest data, Bulgaria is considered the poorest country in the European Union in terms of GDP per capita. It has the lowest income levels compared to other EU countries, though it has shown some economic growth in recent years.

  • what is the medium salary in Bulgaria ?

As of recent data, the average gross monthly salary in Bulgaria is approximately 1,500 to 1,600 Bulgarian leva (around 750 to 800 EUR). However, salaries can vary depending on the region, industry, and level of experience. The capital city, Sofia, tends to have higher wages compared to other areas in the country.

750 / (4x40h) = 4,70 € / h

for 4.2h of an average job, in bulgaria, you can buy a token which is 350 000 k ~ gold

Tell me puny how to earn 350 000 gold in game in 4.2hours ?

I do not see your point.

The token is fine. Though the price is not set. It goes up and down.

RMT and botting are not.


Feels like jelousy and envy to me. “Why can others get stuff which I dont have?”


I honestly dont care if Johnny over there swiped his card and bought his achievments. It doesnt affect me or my enjoyment of the game in any way at all.


I earn 8-9k depending of the month, 3,1k Rio and 5/8 MM

There is no jealousy, I never swipped for nothin’ . If I wanted I could.

Problem here is : legit accomplishment/time/effort in the game is devaluated by swippers.

read the topic before saying “duhhh its jealousy”

Why is there numbers in your name

Then perhaps stop caring what others do or dont do?
You play for yourself. People wanting to “cheat their way through” something will happen in virtual life and real life as well. There are rich boys and girls who get almost everything for “free” with daddy’s money. Ok and? Should I have I have droped out of uni, refused to pursue my career simply because some “rich Arabian prince can get it the easy way”?

its still jealousy in a way if it affects you what other random people do or dont do.

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I didnt post since years I guess and rarely enough time to log on forums. I guess the browers choose one of my old reroll which as name taken and asked by the system to rename :dracthyr_shrug:

Desrtoying botts. RMT., and things like this is very easy in my opinion and there is no CYCLE .
the problem is that A lot of wow players are living in good countries like you said.
“I live in a high quality of life country and my financial life is very good”
so most of wow players really dont care about rmt or botts.
if a high number of players start creating topics and telling blizzard to do something about it . then im sure they can remove them for good.
i give you a simple example.
right now atleast 20+ of those botters gold sellers or abusers are reporting me .
i got multiple wrong ban.
multiple wrong name changed and i appealed it but they are still there.
doing exploit.
and rmt and ect day and night.
the problem is that as i said blizzard will never care until very high number of players do something

I want one, id never change it


I recently saw today, a youtube video about the guy who started the website for chasing hunting and killing bots in hardcore servers. He got irl doxxed (irl name, adress and stuff) and spotted on taiwanese discord servers by taiwanese mafia then contacted by them and threated to irl death and torture if He ll not stop hunting bots

because for them its about 3 Millions € / month revenues.

I think we hit the edge and its time to do something.

yes everyday this happens to me too.
most of those mass reporters gave me their phone number and discord and asked me where do i live,
im just one player and imagine how big problem babadonda is for them.
how cant blizzard destroy them?

And provided absolutely 0 proof of this. We’ve been over this, if that really happened he wouldve gotten the police involved and he didnt.


“contact authorities then we’ll excute our threats on you”


“hello officer, a World of Warcraft mafia is threating me to irl death and finger cutting if I dont stop to kill their in game bots”

“- World of … whooat?”

“its a video game, officer”

“lol okay just stop play the game”

I for one believe tokens were a big mistake, but also allowed people who can play lot or play smart, can play the game for “free”, without spending real money.

Eu has many different country where wages different one from another. One place u can get 1 month sub with avg 2h works, other needs avg 1-2 days.

I’ve always been poor in WoW, I’ve just never cared about gold. The only time I farmed any was for the AH mount back in BfA and that pretty much confirmed why I don’t gold farm.

I can’t play the AH, I don’t do anything to generate gold in game. Even my professions are just for me/support guild. I have no interest in touting for business in trade.

I have friends who sit at gold cap and I’m happy for them but I will forever be poor. I do other bat guano crazy stuff in game collecting etc. Farming gold would feel like a job.

This really sums up my feelings too. Equally when my hunter alt got a Hc Sylvanas kill boost back in SL so I could get the bow legendary for tmog reasons, it didn’t affect anyone else.

I have no idea when I did the first three but that was probably a try for the mount (which I still don’t own).


Impossibe to fight? No. the fight is going on even as we type.

Impossible to control? Absolutely. Despite what you may read on these forums from people who apparently have no clue how botting works, botting will never be controlled. Not by Blizzard or any other videogame developer.


see? thats my problem with this kind of words.
how isnt possible to control?
ban 10000 of them every week and you will see how they run out of accounts and money for buying another botting account.