As of 2025, the poorest country in the European Union in terms of GDP per capita is Bulgaria. Bulgaria consistently has the lowest GDP per capita among EU member states, reflecting lower average income levels compared to other EU countries.
who many time, with a bulgarian salary, is needed to pay a world of warcraft subscription or a WoW token?
To determine how many times a Bulgarian salary is needed to pay for a World of Warcraft (WoW) subscription or a WoW Token, we need to look at the average Bulgarian salary and the cost of these services.
1. World of Warcraft Subscription:
WoW Subscription Cost: A standard WoW subscription costs around €13 per month (this may vary slightly depending on region or promotions).
2. WoW Token (For In-Game Currency or Subscription):
A WoW Token can be purchased in-game for real money and used to either extend your subscription or buy in-game gold. The cost of a WoW Token is variable based on market fluctuations, but it typically costs around €20 to €30 (real money) for a token.
3. Average Bulgarian Salary:
As of 2025, the average monthly salary in Bulgaria is approximately €800 to €1,000 (though it can vary by region and occupation).
WoW Subscription (€13):
For a Bulgarian earning €800 per month, the subscription costs approximately 1.6% of the monthly salary.
For a salary of €1,000, the subscription costs 1.3%.
WoW Token (€20 - €30):
For a salary of €800, a WoW Token would cost around 2.5% to 3.75% of the monthly salary.
For a salary of €1,000, a WoW Token would cost around 2% to 3% of the monthly salary.
So, to pay for a monthly WoW subscription, a Bulgarian would need about 1-2% of their monthly salary. To pay for a WoW Token, it would take roughly 2% to 4% of the monthly salary, depending on the exact salary and the cost of the Token.
800 e / 160 hours = 5e / hour x 4 for a token and less for a month sub
And that exact same video also explains in detail why it´s effectively impossible to combat them all. So you either didn´t watch most of it, or you´re cherry picking what parts to believe and what parts not to.
The only way to permanently stop botting in your game, and this in no way applies only to WoW as the video also clearly lays out, is to permanently ban all of the players that purchase gold from illicit yources, drying up the market so that the electricity costs are higher than the income generated. Period.
At the beginning of an expansion, this is peanuts.
Currently, close to the end of S1, it takes a bit longer, but is still easily doable in under a week by someone who plays 2-3 hrs /day, without resorting to becoming an AH goblin. I recommend Studenalbatroz on Youtube for tips.
they come again because there are several months between each ban wave.,
if we had brutall ban wave each week no one could do botting anymore.
20 days ago i was talking to a dude who is doing botting and he told me that buying botting accounts are expensive in his country,
the fear factor is very imortant.
if they are scared that they can get banned in each week no one will go for botting
There was a thread about a month ago where I went really in-depth into what can and can´t be done and how the cat and mouse cycle works, starting from putting a rock in front of the first ones to the ramifications of today’s bots that can often play better than a human can… Unfortunately, I went so far into detail and /or got flamed so hard by numerous posters for being a Blizzard shill that it got locked and unlisted
Because for the very simple reason that as soon as Blizzard shuts down one bot channel the botter opens up at least another 2.
Are you really THAT naive that you think as soon as a botter gets his bot shut down he or she immediately sits back in their chair and says “oh well that’s then.”
How long have you been playing online videogames because let me tell you matey. Botting was a major problem in Doom multiplayers.
Thats why id developed their cheatbuster program. And that was over 30 years ago.
Botting isn’t new. Certainly not for WoW. Did you play vanilla? TBC? WotLK? Cata? MoP? WoD? Legion? BfA? SL? DF? are you seriously trying to tell me that there was no botting then?
If youy are trying to tell me that Blizzard has this magical cure for botting, why is there still botting and why hasn’t every other videogame developer used the same technology.
Botting is like organized crime. The police are always. ALWAYS. playing catch up to the criminals.
So are Blizzard with the botting.
This piece of bleedin obvious information brought to you by someone who has been playing videogames for 45 years.
how is that as a normal player i can realize who is bott and who is not bott in the middle of even an epic bg and blizzard cant see them when they can get real time data from the accounts
Then apply for a job and tell them you have a genius cure for the botting problem that has blighted videogames for decades.
Because I can tell you this for free, if you think that someone hasnt already suggested that they ban 10,000 accounts every week I have moon diamonds to sell you.
Weekly ban waves = weekly upgrades to the bots. Effectively does nothing but making them harder to detect faster, because it makes it easier for the Bot developers to figure out what got them banned.
Again, the only real solution is to mass ban the people that buy gold. Which at this point would probably be somewhere around 3-5 million accounts.
im not naive. dont call me naive.
im just questioning everything that is making my mind busy.
your the naive person that seeing everything simple.
how is that botters find a way to bypass blizzard every year but blizzard cant
Ban waves are more effective at catching more people. They can work out how to detect that bot programme and then detect all the players using it. Then ban them all in one swoop.
If you ban on the go you just give the programme writer notice to change it to no longer be detectable. Then all those other cheaters get away with it for longer.
Account investigations aren’t instant either. Which is just as well. It would be awful it was automated. People would be wrongfully banned left right and centre.
Some things are more straight forward for bans, like the old days of gold sellers, those people spamming chat with sites or trying to impersonate GMs. They get banned constantly, they were banning thousands on a daily basis and they’d all be back the next day.
The thing that stopped the bulk of that behaviour was the token.
precisley. They may as well send the botter an email saying “Hello. This is your weekly Blizzard email alerting you that we will be shutting down your bot account this week. Please dont make a new one… we are tired of sending you this email”
Botter. “LOL. I already made a new bot account from from the money I made 3 years ago, and by the time you ban this account I’ll have enough money to open another 5 accounts.”
excuse me but I’m not the one who said “just shut down 10,000 accounts, that’ll learn em.”
You did.
You’ll have to do a lot, a LOT better than that with me sonny.
I have given you a semi detailed reason why simply shutting down 10,000 bots is both utterly a waste of time and resources. It’s not my fault you chose to ignore it and said “oh just ban 10,000 accounts a week, that’ll learn 'em” because if you think that will work, then yes. You are naive.
And as you’re clearly the type when provided with facts you just slap your hands on your ears and yell " NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH" I see no merit in talking to you any further.
one of the ways that blizzard can stopp botters is working right now in world of warcarft war within.
so in the zone where the bees and the big wolfs are there so many elite npcs that you can kill and skinn their leather.
in the past this kind of zones were full of botts and now they are not . you know why?
because now the npcs are elite and you cant kill theam easy peasy . you need a group or really high gear items. this stopped botts from going there and botting.
ITS AMAZING and its working fine.
for the first the they made the game against the botts. and it worked.
i said this in order to try to say that there are ways
After thinking about it for about 30 seconds, if they really did Weekly bans, videogame Bots would likely be some of hte most advanced AI currently on the market, because they would have been developed 25x faster than they already are, for the past 30 years
Thats always the problem with an arms race, all your technology improving actually does is make the other side improve theirs faster in response… it doesn´t actually stop or end the race at any point, rather it just makes it harder and harder to compete…
Fun fact: That´s why the Cold War actually ended, not because of political ideologies like Glasnost and Perestroika as many would have you believe. Ronnie Raygun sped up western and esp. US arms development so much that the USSR flat out bankrupted itself trying to keep up and (thankfully) realized that if they kept going anyway they would starve all of their citizens to death, and thereby no longer have a country to protect.
Idk how they find bots but wouldn’t it be rather easy to hire someone and see that there are several players on the same ip address in the same area? So it likely would be bots farming there and then just instant ban them. Also for those players that are using VPN Activision-Blizzard clearly states in their TOS you can’t use VPN while playing their games.