Are female and male identified as 1 and 2 only now?

Weee…sorry mate. I did miss you quoting him and not me :heart:
Shame on me :sweat_smile:

PS: EU / DE (we have USK here, but doesn’t matter, you’re still correct.)

Its good that you are in a good mode.

My weekend has been very great I’ve picked up a class wowhead says this about’t%20Work%20in%20Mythic%2B

Easily offended by blizzard? You claim that I am? If that’s your belief of me, when you state bold claims of my IQ and what I should be feeling. Actually I’m In a very good mode just curious to why we are numbers.

I think this is an uno revers all That Im stating on This OP is that it feels weird to be called a number.

Also by a Company that should be more mature.

lol ok my bad

No, my fault, not yours. Like they say: don’t play and react to posts on the WoW forums at the same time. Or something like that x)

Wll you did make a thread about body 1 and body 2 that became a pathetic joke about 5 seconds after Blizzard brought it in that people with IQ’s in double digits laughed at watching people slam their hands across their heads screaming “oh won’t someone think of the poor corrupted children???” so… Yeah? You are offended by it? Sorry if pointing out the obvious… offends… you but I merely pointed out that you got very upset about body 1 and body 2…

How dare you misgender body 1 & 2. Male and female doesn’t exist in WoW anymore :sweat_smile:

‘Stereotypes and broad generalisations are acceptable when I do it!’

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They get lots of replies.

Trolls get to troll and virtue signalers get to signal their virtue. Everyone wins and there are usually some decent lols to be had.

If either side actually cared they’d be making a difference IRL. Not posting on WoW forum.

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It’s not black and white. There are gray areas and honestly there are even people who are born with both. This is simply easier. Rather than assume, the devs are telling you to fill in your preference.

A very extreme minority. One so tiny a portion of the population that most people will go their entire lives without encountering them.

It isn’t. It’s more divisive and comes at the expense of what the vast majority of individuals on the planet adhere to.

It isn’t the business of a video game developer to get involved in this stuff in the first place, though that isn’t the reason why they are pushing this stuff. They are being bribed to implement it through the securing of ESG/DEI/BRIDGE policies and funding.

So… you prefer to pretend they don’t exist, i suppose?

Sorry, but the “vast majority” needs to grow up and learn the world is not two dimensional. It’s very much brainwashing.

Exactly why it isn’t is why they leave it for people to choose their preference.
They are doing it cause the people that don’t fit the 2 dimensional paradigm exist and being inclusive is a good thing and gains goodwill for the company image. Also, cause even if you think such people are so rare because you force them to be afraid to come out by wanting to erase the knowledge of their existence and discriminating them, they do have some of them on the dev team that did.

The more this topic comes up the more I’m inclined to move to the body type 0 line of thought.

i.e. blank state humanoid body, manipulate as you will, make what you like.

Granted this is primarly because I want to see the foaming at the mouth brigade start to explode further at all the inevitable cat people. The fact it would allow trans folks etc to truely represent themselves is a bonus.

Boy, you’re still talking. Nobody even realizes, that neither the current situation nor the previous one is serving both sides.
Most of the people being unhappy with the old situation are still unhappy with the current one.

What we need is, additional to the “body type” choice, a choice for the gender. And to make more people happy it should be “male”, “female” and “diverse” (or “non-binary”? whatever fits best for the 3rd option).
Also the quest texts, titles, etc should reflect the chosen gender.

That way the people who were happy with the old situation can be happy, the minority that is happy with the current situation can be happy and the big part of the LGBTQ+ community which is not happy with the current and old situation can be happy as well.

The only ones not being happy after it are those who are against accommodating for those thinking different. Well sorry, but who cares about those not caring about others… :person_shrugging:

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The “foaming at the mouth brigade” would probably just troll by doing stuff like making a current type 1 and giving them a type 2 chest and voice. Then claim anyone who said they were trolling was transphobic.

Also at what point does a type 2 chest on a type 1 become a chest that cannot have a hidden shirt?

If these changes are intended to save money on voice acting by giving “neutral” genders I guess its OK. I dont agree with less immersion, but it is a logical explanation.

If its to pander to trans people its the wrong approach. Trans people were already catered to, because people that feel like a woman can make a woman toon. And vice versa. They can be what in RL they cant be.

And nobody cares too. Its a game. So tolerance is built into the system.