Are guilds Dead?

Hello everyone of the forums who read this. I have been trying for a while to find an active guild but has no succes. i will try to explain why i say this.

  • First of all most people of guilds offer me the same text (we do m+,raiding and stuff etc,etc,etc…)
  • Secondly sometimes there are 300 mebers or so or more and like only 10 people or less are online
  • Third people barely typ unless its to ask to do a dungeon.

So yeah are guilds dead in this game?

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End of season… a lot of guilds have stopped being active waiting for new season for M+ and Raids.

This cycle literally happens every season since the dawn of time.

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Dunno, maybe mythic dungeon guilds are.

Alright, so what are you looking for if those things aren’t it?

Like people said already: It’s the end of season. Activity is lower than usual.

A lot of people hang out on Discord and such instead of typing.
Plus if you combine this with your point 2… Yeah.

Raiding guilds fall into two types - one that has too many people to raid and one that doesnt have enough people.

Guilds in general are “progress oriented” no matter if its RWF or casual heroic progress… or casual / social guilds that serve no real purpose - have many etrenally online/offline people that are either unskilled or lazy… and they will almost never help you with anything - just kind of player aggregates… with some pointless chit chat.

And ofc personal/bank guilds.

There is no reason to have guilds - people can join any on any server, cross realm raids, cross realm crafting if you joing another guild for a moment…and then… heroic can be pugged easily from week 2, say, mythic some bosses after a few weeks. guilds dont guarantee any better organization these days than more strict pug.

then you realize guilds are full of “more equal” players or tolerate useless players who drag the guild down. Then people bail on the guild and it just keeps happening.

MY friends who are obsessed with guild raiding change guilds all the time but not because they are kicked - the guilds suddenly stop raiding mid season or cancel raids because GM cant come or not enough people…

Also if a guild raids ofc you need to find one that picks exactly 2 time slots that fit your schedule and with people working all kinds of jobs with evening/night shifts etc… it’s increasingly harder to get people who can join.

There is a lot of issues with guilds, from the hierarchical organization that doesnt favor non-officers, through people who jump guilds to steal loot and move on, to guilds that randomly become inactive.

I’d say one of my friends had more stress from finding guilds than actually playing the game or “pushing”.

What I said is mostly anecdotal and just observations over years but I never really found any benefits of guilds.

As a RP guild, I disagree.

I kind of agree with you. Since Legion, it has only happened twice that I found people who wanted to do the same things I wanted to do.

The first time was during Season 2 of BFA until the end of Season 3. I had so much fun in the game because of those people, but then ambition came into play, and everyone went in different directions. The happy times ended, and I was sad.

The second time was in Seasons 1, 2, and 3 of DF when I discovered that old members of a very old guild from private servers were playing on retail. I randomly bumped into them, joined their guild, and from that point on, we played together and had so much fun in the game.

I’m still in that guild, but since Season 1 of TWW, when the difficulty increased a little, they stopped playing.

And if they hadn’t quit raiding, I would still be playing with them, even though they aren’t the best players under the sun. But that’s not important to me because I can help them with HC raids anytime, and the reward for me is the fun and jokes on Discord during the raid. I miss that.

My observation is that the game’s difficulty for worse players and the ambition of semi-hardcore players have completely ruined many good friendships.

I consider myself a semi-hardcore player, but I never traded friendship for a few Mythic boss kills. I prefer the social interaction on Discord after raids.

That’s why I started playing WoW not because of the numbers, but because of the people.

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Being in a guild has the benefit of being with a near consistent group getting geared up from drops in Raids till everyone’s gotten what they wanted…

Pugging you’re constantly competing for drops against different players every week.

Give me a guild over pugs any day.

It’s easy to look for guilds if your interest is in a group activity like raids. Its much harder to find a pure social guild. All the recruitment sites are geared towards matching raids etc.

Most socialising in guilds has moved to discord. This means you’re also not bound to just WoW. Some people like to sit in a voice channel all the time, others prefer to join when some group activity is happening. Like a raid, m+, bg etc.

I’m terrible for noticing guild chat because I’m generally engrossed in whatever I’m doing in game. But I can look at discord at any time and the see any activity, respond to others etc. Its not so time sensitive.

Although my guild is still raiding, it’s the end of the season so many of us are playing other games in between. When S2 hits more people will be around as the gearing curve starts again.

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My guild use to do weekly normal, heroic and progressive mythic raids (including splits)

In between loads people doing M+

Was very busy.

Now you’ll be lucky to have 5 people logged in at the same time. I know most are on classic and waiting for new season.

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It’s end of season so most people are taking a break. Even in my own normally active guilds i’m lucky if there’s more than 5 people online right now.

Just wait until season 2 hits and you’ll find your guild a lot more enjoyable activity wise :slight_smile:

Hello hello.whose speaking ?

Depends on the guild and what you are looking for .

I play both retail and Cata Classic and I can say for sure that classic is way more social than retail.

In retail most guilds(and people in general) seem to be focused on M+, while in classic there is a big focus on raids but atleast in the guilds people talk to each other.

Guilds have felt or less useless for the last couple of expansions. Why join a guild when you can join a community?

I think that in retail people are too focused on their own thing, to collect stuff, do WQs collect mounts and gear. Grouping is automated by a click or two. There is simply no need for socialising.

There’s seems to be quite a few guildless players out there. So yeah, I also have the feeling that the concept of having guilds are dying.

I think guilds are mostly for friends and family now.
Communities are for grouping with others to do raids, m+ or pvp.

Guilds work for the most dedicated (mythic raiders and roleplayers) for more casuals guild are now less necessary, i managed to raid twice in dragonflight on No Pressure EU discord for example

I have seen some very diverse anwsers from several people, I will of course keep trying joining a few guilds seeing if i can find what i am looking for and hopefully find the little golden gem among them with some fun,progressive and talkactive people its a lot to look for but i hope there are still guilds out there not completely deserted and dead.

What’s your mythic raid progress in PuGs? In my experience, progressing with PuGs is very hard. You need to work really hard at the start of the season (or just buy achievements) to be in the “skilled crowd”. And with mythic raid pugs - it’s more like alts of mythic raid guild members who able to kill more than 1-2 bosses, if you are not one of those, you won’t be accepted. Mythic raid lockdown being special is what makes guild raiding superior to PuGs.

That’s because classic raiding is easy and attracts all the kinds of people, including very social ones who serve as a glue for us, nerdy types. Retail raiding is unforgiving, especially for people having real life, so the only ones who left are mostly nolifer ones and we are bad at social skills, so we don’t talk in /g.

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I have been playing WoW for 20 years now - over 50 chars (yes, altaholic!) - and about ten of my chars have ended up as guild leaders - the vast majority of guilds, whether social or raiding focussed, rise then fall over a few years. my largest guild (big horde guild on EU Silvermoon) has over 900 chars in it, but only a few online at any given moment.
Most players seem to play the game for a month or two, then vanish - people come and go - this fast turnover will make finding a friendly and useful guild for your needs quite hard

Or people with excuses for everything.
As much as it can come to you as a surprise. People with families, kids even can raid mythic just fine.
All boils down to willpower = if you WANT to raid then you will find a way to do it even with 10 kids to take care off.
If you dont want to…then ofc you will hide behind whatever excuse is your favorite.

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