Are MC Heat 2 and 3 really worth it?


Probably a noob question, but returning player here, please have mercy.

So I saw a lot of discussions about farming dungeons, bosses and mats to craft specifics things and get specifics stuff in order to get enough FR and access the two higher levels of Molten Core, fine.

But from what I have read, we just get more loot from H2 and H3 (and a bonus boss in H3), isn’t it ?

Thing is:

I’m a Shadow Priest who returned two weeks ago, had my share of adventures within my guild in classic and now I play SOD in solo mode.

I joined two PUG MC (basic) and ended up with a total 5 tier pieces + Ring of Spell Power.

I could also have won the Eye of Divinity since I was the only priest on it, but this damn Leaf dropped twice instead, too bad.

So yeah, 5 tier pieces, a killer ring and almost Anathema, all of this in just two weeks !

To be fair I don’t remember getting that much loot in this short amount of time back in classic.

Was I simply lucky ? Did I returned for P4 in the right time ? Or Am I clever enough to NOT join a guild that will obviously reward old timers over newcomers (which is fair).

Because it seems joining PUG only is a better alternative after all. You just SR what is not HR, if it drops you get it or roll it, no back door discussions about who should get what, simple and straight to the point, I personnaly love it.

I think I could just run normal MC for a couple of weeks and get almost all I want.

So yeah, are MC Heat 2 and Heat 3 really worth all this farming trouble after all ?

You will naturally grow into 96 FR and if nothing, Geddon makes the heat 2 more interesting. Plus extra loot will help and that automatic filter that you’re not carrying green geared scrubs will be great. So, get that head, legs and Cloak enchant and go H2 ASAP. As for H3, I advise skipping on it. You invest 1500g to not use MC gear you got, but some craftable solo/AH content. On top of that, you’re a priest, so glowy weapons don’t affect you at the slightest.

Heat 2 is great
Heat 3 isn’t worth it because it requires your char to regress and be weaker for an artificial reason.

If heat 3 guarantees you a legendary Item , it is worth it for guilds that can afford it

We did MC every lockout since the first week it was out with my guild. Heat 2 on the second lockout and still we haven’t seen a single link for thunder fury or a single eye of ragnaros. We are going to heat 3 this week to finally have at least one of them

We done heat2 every reset since release, did heat 3 this week, still 0 legendary…

Heat2 worth it because of +1 drop.
Heat3 only worth after you geared with tier sets, so you need more specific loot like from Ragnaros, which can drop from every boss on Heat3 because of shared loot table.

I envy you little, I went to a MC pug last night and lost a total of 10 times for loot.

But that’s the nature of rolling MS-OS, better luck next time.

Funny you say this regarding loot, i have missed 1 lockout since release, and have full T1 now. Not seen legendary or rogue dagger drop yet however. I think the drops are higher than orig classic generally.

We have stuck to H1 as a pretty chill, casual guild where not everyone has the req FR, but pushing H2 next week. 1 extra piece dropping is still a big deal i think.

I really think H3 does not worth the effort and gold required to have somewhat good gear + FR. Yeah you get a loot pinnata in the end and I think you can get important loot -like ToeP - more easilly (is this the case in H3 only?) and some molten appearance weapons. But imo, H2 is better rewards/time spent ratio

Thanks eveyrone for your insights :+1:

So it confirms what I thought, at least about MC Heat 3.

I joined a guild for like…two days, out of curiosity, until an officer started to tell me I had to craft some of these Flarecore gear. I gently said “no thanks”.

I have now 106 FR unbuffed, result of 5 tier pieces from two normal MC PUG and regular dungeons farming, not that much of an effort, so I guess I’m now set for Heat 2 by default.

went heat 3 yesterday for the first time, and honestly i hardly noticed a difference from heat 2.

that being said, raid leader insisted garr and geddon be skipped (we did heat 2 for those) because the raid was late and we didn’t wanna risk going overtime or not finishing the raid in 1 night.

people up to this point have been talking about “oh man heat 3 is so hard omg so unforgiving what do?” and bro we straight up ransacked it, we even did rag heat 3 with 19 ppl and no world buffs, first attempt ever, ez clap.

like bro, people drastically overestimated the difficulty of heat 3 its honestly a joke considering what i was lead to believe before trying it out myself.

like on the shaman tank discord people use words like “absurd” to describe how much damage shaman tanks take in heat 3, and i was like “bro shaman mitigation is great, we are walls of rock and you are gearing incorrectly if you are having issues”.

guy saying this looked up my logs, noticed i had only done heat 2 and literally said “you are irrelevant”.


i guess now i can officially declare that he was wrong.
*****ing paladin lurker.

his name was “Moon” or something btw, and he hangs out in many different discords, so if you see him and he starts acting up, don’t take him seriously.
he is clueless.
he also think its ok for offtanks to parse 0 because WCL staff are too lazy to add an offtank role to their system which is topkek.

to address the topic though; its easy to gear for FR. there are 3 enchants in the game for +20 (cloak, leg, head).
there’s an enchant for +15 on shoulder (argent dawn exalted though, which is yikes).
a trinket in DFC for +20.
a trinket in LBRS for +15 (+ active effect buff that gives 30 more for 5 minutes).
when honored with waterlords and doing the MC quests (kill mobs + collect hands) you get a free +20 FR epic ring from quest reward.

craft an item or two from professions and get a couple of tier 1 pieces and you are easily on the 226 requirement to enter, which is the only thing you need to worry about if you are not tanking.

Seen two Geddon Bindings, all on Heat 2, so its just RNG. H3 doesn’t guarantee a leggy

this is not true.

i’ve invested less than 200g to craft the one piece of FR gear i couldn’t get from a non-crafted source and i am at 255 FR which as a tank with FR totem brings me to 315 which is the maximum.

tier 1 + bits and pieces you can get elsewhere in world boss raids + dungeons and some enchants will easily get you what you need.

if you invested 1500g into your FR gear you are either bad with money or you are too lazy to actually play the game.

So not only Heat 3 prep seems to be annoying, but finally reaching it its like stepping in a a room with even more judgmental players.

Who really to spend that much effort for this ? And am I subscribing to be surrounded by sweaty people who can’t understand we all have to start somewhere ? Hell no.

So yeah, definitely not Heat 3. Or maybe in late phase, just for the fun of it. Because at the end of the day, all this is only supposed to be fun.

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OP is a shadow priest, this meanins Fine Flarecore legs, chest, gloves and shoulders are up for discussion, bracers are bad.

These cost quite a bit on my, ally side, of Living Flame. If you wanted to invest into it, under the idea that you also want FR resist enchants on head and cloak, the price is 1500 easy. Ofc, you can farm the mats on your own and get FR resist enchant on your own (stop being poor btw), but the pricetag would be around 1500 to get to 226, as a clothie.

Price can be reduced ofc, by doing FR enchant on your own, by farming the non raid mats, doing Mooncloth slowly etc, by farming the raid mats over Tarnished reals. Some enjoy that grind, some aren’t poor. It’s a matter of personal preference.

Point is simple. As a single player, doing your stuff, aiming at H3 is worthless. Doing it as a part of a guild achievement has value. As a priest, you don’t use the glow weapons so you have even less to worry about and if you want to get Fine Flarecore done in a day (under the presumption that you have enough Embers from BRE event), it’s pricey. Just naturally get H2 resistance and enjoy yourself.

i suppose people who did heat 3 had this idea that they were mega elite players and that somehow this difficulty level is out of reach of the common player, which is so far from the truth its actually disgusting.
i dunno what they are smoking tbh.
spreading the idea that heat 3 is somehow beyond the scope of difficulty of anything hitherto seen.

its just flat out incorrect in every way, and i guarantee they are spreading these falsehoods only to make themselves feel better.
its peak egotism, literally brown nosing their own delusions of grandeur.

my guild is literally a chill casual andy dad guild.
we are bringing people who parse grey and we absolutely clapped heat 3 no problem.

two of the players we brought had to have last minute patch up work done to even reach the FR requirement (which means they were using mickey mouse green rings etc.) which is why our raid was late and thus the reason we decided to skip garr and geddon for heat 3 (i predict we’ll clap them easily next reset).

few guilds are like mine, unfortunately, and honestly if top parsing guilds are going to sit there and pretend that this content is hard or should be gatekept due to difficulty, then i can only conclude that the sweatlords far overestimate their own importance and skill level because this is NOT hard.

that’s your choice mate.
i would advise trying heat 3 at least once so you can get an idea just how absurd the rumors about its supposed difficulty really are.

the only reason to do heat 2 is because its simply easier than heat 3 - you can max out your stats way better on heat 2 as well, because the FR requirement is so low, which is why people do it over heat 3 - and all you’ll miss is the +1 drop per boss and the fancy glowing weapons nobody really cares about.

heat 3 does have a slightly higher chance to drop legendary items though, and you do get that 1 extra boss at the end, so there’s that.

or you can just play the game.
do a daily tour of each dungeon for tarnished reals and use those to get the mats needed to craft the gear.

BRD can literally be skip-runned for easy 10 coins +/-.
LBRS is easy and can be AOE’d to bits, and while you’re there you might as well do UBRS for the 5 extra coins, you can even bring the 10 players into LBRS before or after UBRS and do it even faster if you want.
Strat and Scholo are about 10-12 coins each and you can get some dark runes and righteous orbs in the process, so while being slightly more annoying due to their many aoe silence mechanics on the mobs there, it is fast and easy too.

skip all DM dungeons cus they give very few coins.

assuming you are looking for FR gear (which is the case here) add DFC to the list for 5 coins + chance on trinket.

this should easily net you more than 50 coins per day and thus cover the cost of the lava/fiery cores needed to craft everything in less than a week.

do the searing gorge dailies 2-3 days in a row to get the embers you need to upgrade.

ez pz.

just play the game.

oh, and i haven’t even mentioned guild bank assistance yet, which i assume is something most people do as well, cutting the effort needed here in half if the guild bank is anywhere near reasonably generous and ran by a guy who is invested in the wow economy.

for example, if your guild bank guy wasn’t selling all MC mats you found during week 1 and 2 of MC release, you just missed out on thousands of gold, so fire him and get a new guy if that’s the case.

mooncloth price is dumped to like 10g and steadily going down still, there is no excuse not to be able to afford it.

Indeed, the guild achievement value and it’s fair !

My best classic moments are the ones I shared with my own guild, from servers launch to our 1st Kel’Thuzad down (and a bit further).

But I’m just pass all of this now. The guild environment, the dungeon progress, already done it, I don’t feel I have to prove anything else to myself and others.

When I decided to give SOD a go I wanted it to be a whole new experience: opposite faction, brand new class I never played and solo mode. Because, it’s all about “Discovery”.

So yeah, I guess H2 is a fair goal for me after all.

I will try it of course, not really for the challenge, the parses or the loot, I’m just curious about this extra boss hehe.

Zmug, stop being poor

Aldraeth, enjoy the game as you like. By the looks of it, you’re taking it easy and in stride, so do exactly as you wrote, H2 and once you get enough good gear there, grab a few FR pieces and do H3 once or twice to check it out. I’m doing that on my chars. Three are 226 FR and 2 are 96 FR. Honestly, if incursions didn’t allow me to level an alt army that turning into CD army, I’d probably only do 1 char on 226 and and one alt max.

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my guild keep doing heat 2 only so far.
We still lacking of the crucial BIS drops for the most of the raid. Zero drops for many things like magmaddar claw or ring of accuria e.t.c. And many of those things are bis to the multiply people in the raid.
So heat 3 is definitely is go2go.