Are people seeing a healer problem in TWW

I have to say at the moment our guild is finding it hard to find healers for heroic raiding.

People have maybe stopped playing, or the ones when we pug them in just want to be carried and leave at first problems. And recruiting is hard.

Is there a general problem with healers in the game, heroic social raiding progression ?

Is it down to delve gearing or just people are not playing ???
Just tyring to understand it.

It’s a bit of a generic question and hard to answer without knowing your guilds circumstances.

Most pugs don’t join with the intention of a night of progression. Even when its explicitly stated… So they will be more likely to leave.

If you have trouble attracting healers to your guild then there are probably a lot of causes. Many can just pug these days, maybe you’re a bit behind the curve and expectations mismatch, maybe people just don’t get along socially with your group. Maybe a mix of all 3.


HC raids aren’t really hard to heal. Some require coordinating major CDs and utility for AOE phases but in general it’s rather chill. Especially compared to M+.

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Really ? In the guild i got my evoker to last week we Had a problem because we Had 7 healers and 7 dps signed up to alt run because everyone is rerolling resto shamans ATM :smiley:

But yeah i can see how from healer perspective its much better to join hc zerg clear then Play on schedule in guild :slight_smile:

I wonder if there are players out there that like to progress heroic but never want to raid mythic any more or is everyone always pushing ?

Maybe your guild has too high requirements?
Maybe your raiding times are bad?
Maybe you want to have too many healers in the raid so people avoid it from the start?

What exactly does that mean? Is that the code word for “we are fun but don’t play mechanics”?

None of the above, we have slots, it’s very chill and social we do clear HC most seasons, we do have progression on hc, we never have and have no desire to ever raid mythic.

Normally it’s not problems at all but now hc only healers seems to be like unicorns.

According to my experience it always meant “we don’t play mechanics and take a break every 2 pulls”. I can see why people would want to avoid that.
What’s your raiding size and how many bosses do you have down atm? What are your requirements?

Does that mean people only want to push only and gear is prio rather than social experience.

Idk what raid-days you use, but do consider that when the content is relatively easy (I heard, haven’t raided myself in years) - then you’re basically fishing behind the net if you don’t raid on Wednesday or Thursday eve.

What social experience are people expecting in a MMO where the player base is already +30??
Almost of people is here to push… Have very little patience, etc…

No, I think people want to value their time and actually play the game when they go online. I don’t think that’s absurd. Not everyone enjoys 80% talking and 20% playing. I think if someone wants preferably social experience, they find much more platforms for this. In fact even being on Discord would suit this more than playing WoW.

I think that answers my question. We value the social interactions and fun over boss kills the raid is just something to bring people together. But it explains it if that is niche and not the majority of players.

Well because most people have tons of possibilities being social but only one possibility to raid in WoW. If you don’t get anything done but only “have a fun time”, it’s not appealing to most people. You could also do both but prolly seem not willing to do so.
Let’s be honest, who likes the people in the gym who are only talking and not getting anything done yet blocking everything? :slight_smile:

I think part of the problem is that alot of ppl just wants to pug and have no commitments. Many doesnt play wow for the social aspect anymore, they just login, hit the signup button and wait to get invited. They dont see the value in having a steady guild and friends in the game. We’ve also been recruiting a bit and its not like we are getting flooded in applications.

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I think there is nothing wrong with the social aspect, in fact I’d even claim most people want it.
The issue is that those people who claim to offer this, don’t really do it, while also waste people’s times on top of that. For me it’s the opposite of being social, basically anti social, if you make 10-20 people come online, for a group activity, waste their time, make them wait, make them fail their goals etc… If the goal is only to talk, you don’t need WoW for that.
Yet you can still play the game and have fun. The social guilds just choose not to. I was in several “social guilds” in WoW and most of the time all you have are people who just waste your time. Look, it’s fine not reading a guide, I rarely read/watch them myself but I also don’t die 10 times to a super obvious mechanic and be like “we just playing for fun, chill out”. For me it’s not social nor fun doing stupid stuff and waste the time of 9-19 other people. In fact I rather try my best and make sure the people have an easier time. Respecting their goals and time is what means being social to me.

You assume social = bad. Thats not the case though. You just have higher goals and expectations and thats fine, there are other guilds that suits that (while also maintaining the social part ofc).


I don’t assume it, that was literally my experience. Every single time.

sure but when its progressing a fight its going to be harder to heal assuming people dont know the mechanics or how they work on heroic.

As others have stated - you’re queueing with randoms. Likely you’ve spent quite a while with friends which makes you unaware of how it’s going outside your friend group.

You’re inviting them to do content through a matching system, without talking and the goal is to just do the content as soon as possible. I understand how you feel because I feel the same but you can’t do anything about it. Plus they can’t exactly be a part of your social experience with 10 other guildies when they’re a complete stranger quite often.

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