Are people seeing a healer problem in TWW

Most often ? Yes IT is.

A lot of people stay in guilds because they enjoy Dave or Joe as person and banter with them on discords but they CBA to RAID with them because they Die to every single simplest mevhanics.

That’s why do many people enjoy season of dads because you need like 5-10 people to carry 40 Man raids with bosses having 1 mechanic.

I can see the appeal - if Blizzard werent such … I would still be runing icc classic till today like once a week for that aspect.

And instead i have to wAit 4 years untill Blizzard released wolk season of dads :wink:

So are you in a social guild or do they keep you around for your looks?

Do people really guild raid this content?

Because i just do a PuG run and it works wonderful.

Some of us do yes :blush:

I do, and i do guildkeys as well, havent pugged a single thing this expansion

Seems annoying to have a set time for something so easy, or well i am just impatient and want to do the fun content instantly.

But you do you.

I personally enjoy the raid very very much this expansion, Because it’s so puggable.

That’s not been the case in previous expansions

We are just different, i wouldnt raid if i had to pug it. What makes it enjoyable for me is doing it with people i enjoy playing with. Same goes for m+. I have never pugged it. If i didnt have friends and guild to play with, i wouldnt play wow.

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I am definitely people before content. Pugging is just like playing a single person SIM.

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Don’t think i’d had any one i’ve talked regularly with or cared about in WoW since legion and since then i have guild raided in Classic since 2019 and also played through the entirety of SoD.

WoW is just not a social game for me any more, Since eventually everyone will leave you, there’s no need for attatchments

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All fine and good in an isolated guild group where all players are on the same page, but the moment you open up for pugs (nonmatter your description) you’re gonna invite people that want to kill bosses, period.

Nobody, and I mean literally nobody in the game pugs to have a chill run filled with banter and jokes. They pug to get loot, and to get loot you need to kill bosses.

If they want the chill banter they would join a guild like yours.

I think this is right, we only pug because we are forced to not by choice.

What healer problem? There is a healer problem?

Has the content been made really hard for all healer classes but resto shammy? I mean i play resto druid and i felt it so only pushed weekly best and that was all i did for dungeons.

Quite a contrast to what it was before which was to push key to see how high i could get with the gear i had at the time. In BfA and SL i could play M+ for hours. Now its get that low slot for some creasts in that bracket and do one more as a highest one then quit.

So instead of running maybe 10 dungeons in a night i would do 3 per week.

Healer problem? Well, start watching some clips on what the dungeons are like so you dont look like a tool stepping into a 4 or 5 and still have no idea what to do on bosses. That alone makes any healer start hating doing keys and this expansion is full or tools who did not do their homework.

But iwould not know that there is a healer issue as i am playing FF14

God please no ! People are idiots.

Easy to say when RDruids were meta for 3 expansions in a row. Literally.

So yeah… :smiley: Welcome to the RShaman life (in ALL other seasons since BFA atleast).

after blizzard repeatly screwing my spec why the hell should i bother healing? infact i stopped and playing something else that i find more enjoyable.

When? BfA?

Ill give you BfA and only the later seasons. Early was rough. Sl? Maybe half of it as priests started taking over. By the end of Sl it was over for us. DF? Forget it. The spikey damage at the start made me stop not only dungeons but the actual game.

So hardly 3 expansions.

And since when did i subscribe to this idea that there has to be some sort of war between the classes, just because blizzard has never, ever, been able to balance anything but its own balance sheet?

20 years of %25 DPS and HPS differences, every single week. Week in and out its the same story just different classes that are top and bottom. They want it this way. There is no balancing as that is the balance. The balance of their bottom line.

I never cared for that and was not affected by FOTM promotions by blizzard. I stuck with my resto druid through thick and thin.

Till this expansion. I made a resto shammy. And you know what? With one simple button push of a totem i am able to do what 12 globals did with my rdruid. I would have to use 12 globals to stack all those hots and it will still be less than that one single passive totem.

Its only this week where i am not startign to actuall feel not so inadequate anymore. And we are still way below others as rshammy are king. I hav eno issues with this. I want parity. I dont want war. That is for other people. But since blizzard is incapable of makign the classes and specs on equal terms we are stuck with what they dish out. It is not nice to be on the end of week one and two of this expansion as a rdruid. It sucked really bad. I mean really bad to be in dungeons that is. We sucked hard core. After nearly a %20 buff overall to all healing we are now not so bad. Still need work but mostly done now.

And i did not leave keys just cos a rshammy was there. I was just glad we had a healer. Make due with what you have and what you are capable of. I dont ask for more. If we time it, great, if not lets at least get to the end…

Not anymore though. I cant be bothered now to stick around with some of these keys with people who are way, way over their heads and have clearly been dragged to lofty heights by others.

I am not being an elitist. I dont do that. But i can clearly see that some people have no clue on what to do in some of the keys i do. Positioning is bad, killing non priority targetrs first leaving the dangerous ones alive till the very last, even when marked.

I am seeing a lot of people way over their heads and they did not learn anything from all previous keys on the way to what ever key it is that they are in now.


Resto druid was OP as hell at the start of DF.

It was borderline unhealable on holy priest when you compared to a resto druid, before holy priest got buffed and dungeons nerfed.

2/3 from which I have data. You are right about SL.

But still. RDruids have been up there in the meta for quite enough…

That is not true. You don’t heal the same with 1 button. You are confusing a proactive healer (RDruid) with a reactive healer (RShaman). Each has strengths and weaknesses.

There is no war. I argue the following : Maybe buffing/nerfing classes will never acheive anything near balance.

How about a different approach ? Like normalizing the dungeon mechanics ?

Because let me be honest. Dosent matter what you say about RShaman doing wonders with 1 button… nerf us and some other healer will take over and heal with 1 button.

And YOU will never be happy unless its RDruid. Its literally that. And such a selfish stance on class balance… well… then I have no choice than to reciprocate.

It does not matter to you.

I said what i said since i dropped my resto druid, made a shammy and played the same dungeons with the same gear levels. I am speaking in terms of personal experience and not some hyperbole. When both actions roughly tend to achieve the same goal this gets noticed. I noticed how easy it is for shammies to heal. There are reasons as to why shammies are good. I am not here to argue that but the seeing how many are up there speaks for itself.

I can see why. With one simple totem drop, once again, they can get rid of all poisons and diepells this week. Something a resto druid has to wait one minute for as they are on a 12 second cd. Alternatively i heal them off or theu use personals. Which they are not doing at all this week so far. Not seen it once in the keys ive run.

The effort required to achieve the same goals on both classes is miles apart. One simple healing stream totem, and possibly a riptide on top just to make sure, kept the bars in the same state as all 3 hots i can put on you. They both did the same thing. One took 12 globals to achieve. The other was a passive totem drop and one additional spell.

Have you played a resto druid at all? Do you understand what i a saying here?

I will be happy if ever the classes will be all equal. And i said this before.That wil never happen.

And since i know that rdruids healing is based on multiple stacked heals, there will never ever be one single simple solution to equal a shammies totem. The only thing that comes close is convoke.

And i am not happy and a selfish person because of that? I think something got lost in the translation there from your language into mine. At no point did i state anything remotely close to throwing a tantrun since my rdruid was not top of the list. Weird comment.

And i am confused as to your assesrtion that i am selfish when it comes to class balance and that i am that way since i want my rdruid to shine. I dont get it.

I played my rdruid through think and thin since 2010. At the start of this expansion we had it really rough. I was stacking all 12 hots all the time on all i could. Be it on a DH who got out of range faster than you can say MB, or some rogue who used sprint. I worked my rear end off using nearly every single global and it still only did as much as when a shammy dropped a simple little totem.

Dont blame me. Blame blizzard. There are reasons as to why shammies are at the top of the list.

I have tried druids. And here is where I disagree :

That 1 button you say heals the same as you in 12 globals ? I wont argue with that.

What I will argue is that we had that button in DF too. An expansion where 1/2 of it RDruids were meta with their 12 globals.

So… what is your point again here ? If we are so OP now. Why weren’t we OP in DF ?

Fact of the matter is that when it comes to pure HPS RShaman is not the best. PEvoker and HPala pump out more.

And the fact that RDruid needs some love. And that they made a terrible mistake with those NPC trees… Has nothing to do with RShaman.

Because you could also argue that HPala heals people with 1 lay on hands when you need 12 globals. Or PEvoker with 1 dream breath that does the same as your 12 globals.

You simply picked RShaman because they are over-represented. And that is a huge bias from your part.

Let me explain why Shammies are good now.

(A) Dungeon dispels.
(B) Synergy with melee classes
(C) Raid Buff
(D) Utility

The (A) is particularly atrocious. There is literally nothing but curses and AoE poison mechanics. And it should not be like that. They did NOT learn their lesson from S2 Exodia comp. And it shows.

There should not be any AoE that can be dispelled. By any healer. And every other debuf in the dungeons should be either dispelable by ALL healers, or by NONE.

And (D)… druids also have a ton of utility. But never in history has there been a dungeon pool where each and every single utility of Shaman is so useful. And this should not be the case. Utility should not allow you to cheese bosses. It should simply make them slightly easier.

Literally that. Because everything else, including “dropping a totem” is something we had in DF. And HPS wise we are middle of the pack.

I m seeing that again and again Hpriest are on the bottom of healer tier in m+

As usual.

Thank blizzard to show us every seasons how you hate Hpriest.