Are players not spending enough on the game?

You can’t seriously think zeroth mortis is better then the dream???

Sorry forgot everything must be dark and brutal

Doesn’t have to be dark and brutal. Which is why I said “some if not all the names”

But neither does it have to be “Pebblechomper”, which as I said, is straight from a Penguin children’s book.

Absolutely. ZM had:

Rares with actual rewards.
New gear system.
New player power system.
Interesting theme.
Decent storyline.
Was bigger with more to do.
Had dailies that related to the zone theme rather than being typical WQs.
No braindead zergfest 15fps event.
Challenging WB that isn’t just easy kill.
You could actually die in some areas of the zone BUT could still do most things solo.

In what way do you think the new zone is better?

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It has taken me weeks to collect everything in ED but if you don’t care about collecting, achievements, then no patch is going to have much in it for you. That is also fine. I did use alts to speed up my collecting.

I didn’t do any shenanigans to get my rep grind done, just went on my main. That also took time. I stopped doing all the WQs after that as I no longer need them.

Not all content is going to appeal to everyone. How quick you are done with something depends on what you want to do. Some people don’t care about the story, collecting etc. They just want to get their rune for raid and be done.

But the mounts were very quick to collect, as were the majority of pets and the back tmog drops. Only the currency tmogs took a long time, and we’ve had so many tmogs in DF it is hardly core content.

Edit: I know you don’t like grindy content, I remember you hated both the Azerite grind and the ZM grind for mounts and pets. But grindy content used to be a part of the game and now it is suddenly not. You can keep saying there’s plenty of things to do… but there is only plenty of content for players who want to go into the new zone for an hour or two a week per alt to collect stuff. For players who want to spend an hour or two a day and also three or four hours on a Sunday in the new zone on their main there just isn’t the content.

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It felt less Grindy then zm. More variety in stuff to do to get to the required rep for the rune. Zm felt more like a chore

I like grindy stuff. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stuck with the game so long. But now it seems that too many WoW players are not able to tolerate some rewards and content being locked behind grinds, so the devs have removed it.

It makes me sad, and makes me fear for my future as a WoW player.

That my issue. It feels like people want to remove the grind from the mmo when it’s an important factor

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ED wasn’t just some drop mounts. Full guide can be found here:

In my case I farmed

  • Achievements (rare kill/WQs etc)
  • Reputation
  • World Boss drops
  • Treasures
  • New Pet Battle Pets
  • Appearances/gear from the weekly caches
  • Appearances from open world/quest rewards
  • Completing activities until you got Dream Infusion to use with vendor for pets and mounts
  • Seed Bloom vendor items, complete weekly seed planting quest to get currency to spend
  • Super Bloom

I don’t have a druid but my druid friends spend a lot of time farming things there.

I didn’t like ZM because it didn’t just drop from the rares and it wasn’t just farm this material and make them. They had awkward drop items to make some. Korthia was much more pleasant. I only very recently managed to complete my ZM mount collection. Having to farm one ingredient from the raid over and over until it dropped and the paragon recipe.

Different people like different things. That’s always going to be the case. ZM didnt’ exactly offer a lot if you weren’t into collecting either. You did your weekly bar filling.

I was but when I saw quest markers appear I was more interested in not taking weeks to hit max level :smile:

I followed the shiny gold and gear to the end like breadcrumbs and forgot about the lore.

I think thats what they were testing with the digs in Zaralek Caverns- except with Delves, similar principle but with more roles

On top of the drop in content in DF and likely in the next, the race coming out feels like an odd decision.

I mean look. I know the Horde have been jealous since Vanilla to see us handsome Dwarves in our unassailable Kingdom of Ironforge digging up Mulgore and proudly standing with the Alliance. I’d want Dwarves on my side too! But ye won’t catch me nakedly selling me brethren out for cash! I’d have less to say about content and money if I saw Ogres and Naga in the makings.

The other thing is that if the world content was a little more difficult, I really think players would band together more and that could help the game a lot. Its identity is based on a certain amount of grind as you say, but also on interaction with other players. I can’t help noticing the strangeness of playing all by myself in most content in an MMORPG.

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