According to some Horde players, there are more Horde WPvPers than Alliance WPvPers… so you’d think there’d be some Horde WPvP guilds, but I can only find Alliance ones on the WoW forum.
I’m looking for WPvP guilds to add to my list. If you know of a Horde WPvP guild please let me know. Even if not an Outland guild. Need Alliance WPvP guilds too, but have no Horde ones at all on my list.
Maybe you want to create a Horde WPvP guild, but can’t find enough support. Let us know, maybe discussing it can stimulate something. Having an enemy might help… on Outland, you’ve got Honor Capped. Yeah population is imbalanced, doesn’t have to be an Outland Horde guild in WM.
Yes, sharding makes it difficult to find an enemy guild in the world… a challenge. Joining a WPvP community and using its members as a network, in addition to your own guild members, could help you find enemy guild members in shards.
I’ve seen some negativity among WPvP guild members about state of WPvP in BfA. And ofc opinions are fine. But maybe we can turn things around, build community - encourage recruits rather than put them off WM. Need both factions on board tho, Horde… where are your WPvP guilds?
There is no guilds on outland horde 
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Thanks, will check the more pop realms like I should have hehe.
if you need Alliance WPvP guild Honor Capped is your best hope
Yup, gotcha on my WPvP guild list 
Would be good if there was a couple per faction, for variety.
I guess if there’s no Horde WPvP guilds, just target any Horde guild until they are official enemies.
Who the fudge do you fight tho?
In modern WoW, WM sharding + LfG = gotta kill em all, since there are no Horde WPvP guilds or surefire way to interact with them anyway. Spy addon’s Kill on Sight list is good for killing non randoms tho. However, I have suggested a virtually impossible strategy to hunt enemy guilds. They don’t have to be WPvP guilds, but they could be turned 
There does seem to be an increase in Alliance interest in WPvP guilds and communities, possible further increase with 8.2. Hopefully, if Horde see Alliance being more community orientated, Horde will be more WPvP community minded in response. Are they gonna let Alliance WPvP guilds get away with it!? It’s not the same as the ol’ days, but it can be its own thing in modern WoW! The trouble is finding specific enemies!
Your best bet is waiting for vanilla wow.The community on here has been destroyed.
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Gonna be on there too for sure 
What happened to Weapon X? They were a very active Horde WPvP guild on Outland.
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Thanks for info, I don’t see them in guild recruitment. Anyone know anything about weapon x? I need recruitment info for my list, but only if they are wpvp active.
The good ol’ days are in the past, but we can rebuild, work within the current WM pros and cons. If not motivated, fair enough. This is really aimed at players that enjoy WPvP in WM.
The way I see it, there’s gonna be no magic finger click to make community a thing again. It’s going to take obsessive persistence.
Step 1: Need a proactive Horde to form a WPvP community. Starting a Horde community will be easy, and free promo from me and others! I had linked to a Horde community, it got plenty clicks, but its invite link was expired! There is demand, and owner/mods can inv more via LfG groups aimed at WPvPers.
Step 2: Maybe a Horde WPvP guild can form out of the WPvP community, but that’s down the line.
Hey mate, I miss those days 
omg what happened to you like you just disapeared without a trace
Weapon-X is a Horde WPvP guild… but I am not sure if they are still “self-aware”, we kill-on-sight their very few members who are left, but nowadays they have no idea why we target them.
Just face it guys, the Outland-Horde got decimated by Honor Capped back in Cataclysm expansion already, marking the beginning of Outland-EU as a Alliance-Only realm.
Thanks for info, shame about Weapon X. If only a proactive Horde would stand up to Alliance 
Took a break from the game when my computer started to mess up, in our WPvP raids I used to get 10 fps ha, how’s things with you mate all okay ?.
Yes all good hc is now 9 years old. Still going sort of even when the expansion is awful
Nice one mate, nothing really happening on the horde side TBH in regard to WPvP, how you finding Pally this expansion ?.
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