Strategy to find enemy guilds on War Mode shards

It’s good to make enemies, even better if the enemy is an entire guild. Choose one or two enemy guilds, and start a campaign against them. The enemy doesn’t have to be a WPvP guild, although you might end up converting them into one.


War Mode spreads WPvPers out across multiple shards, we can’t easily interact with specific enemies.


  1. Network: in addition to your own WPvP guild members, use a WPvP community as a network to identify enemy guild members across WM shards.
  2. Identify: to make enemy guild member identification easier, use an addon like Spy - it helps identify specific enemy players and players within that player’s guild, and can report to guild chat.
  3. Battle: whoever spots the enemy guild member, forms a group and camps the enemy until there’s an enemy retaliation group - hopefully composed of guild members.
  4. Campaign: there must be conflict - relentless ganking of multiple victims within a single guild, and hope to become known in their guild chat. If you are both looking for each other, that improves chance for guild battle. If your victims fail to retaliate with their guild, or they use LfG, or for any reason, shame their GUILD on WM and realm forums. Promote enemy guild hate in your guild and community chat.

Suggested Enemy Guilds


That is something very cool, but it requires a HUGE effort. Plus, with how easily players can just shard-away from you - HUGE undisrupted calmness too, very strong determination and perseverance, from the whole guild.

I do hunts on a smaller scale - me vs other player / small guild, and I’m able to go for it once, maybe twice a month. More than that, and it becomes way too much work for too little fun.

With whole guild doing it, with every player going to a different shard to cover more shards in search for specific targets, and then grouping on one who found - yeah, it will work, but dedication needed - WOW, a lot, haha. Mad respect if anyone pulls it off.

I personally doubt any would go for it, since almost everyone who I ever told about my hunts didn’t understand “why would I even do something stupid like that”, and that “it’s just a waste of time” - they just want to come somewhere and WPvP just happen to them and maybe with players they know, most of the time.

But who knows, maybe someone will be inspired and won’t step away from such a challenge, hehe

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It will take just the right amount of obsession :slight_smile:

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