Are they really doing this?

I don’t think I’d find it an easy game to get into if I bumped into it now no. I’m unsure whether what WoW used to be would appeal to young(er) players tho. I’m not saying what made it great then, isn’t great now but I think it would appeal to largely the same audience. The younger audience may look for very different things, and modern WoW may be better for that. I have no idea, just something that crossed my mind.

It wouldn’t surprise me if with making DF the starting experience, and the calculated design of the next few expansions, they’ll try to reinvigorate the playerbase by attracting new blood. Whether they’ll manage to get the veterans who left to ‘come home’ and then stay is a question. Time will tell :slight_smile:

this thread shows exactly what’s wrong with the game, full of casuals that don’t even do any hard content trying to gatekeep something that will obviously make the game better for new players, “time and effort”, give me a break, you get your dragonflying mount the first 5 minutes you’re on the dragon isles, and it takes you like 30 minutes to get all the glyphs, how delusional can you be to try to make an argument that new players shouldn’t get dragonriding, leveling in the open world is already disgustingly bad, why not make it a little better?

Feeling of progression is very needed in games same as unique rewards encourage a lot to participate in most time consuming activities… with milion recolours we have atm it feels like no reward is worth grinding

“Millions recolors” provide transmog, fashion is endgame, because of warlock set of current tier having a purple version and I have legitimate motivation to farm it.

He says, while hitting those seeking the carrot with the stick.

Dragonflying is available in like the first hour of the dragon isles, I dont see the issue
Its not something you had to grind months for or something

I dont even see it as a new shiny bauble, its just the modern flying mechanic that partially enables them to upscale the zone design in size because theres faster ways to traverse them

Yes, and Dragon Isles is level 60+ content.

“but you get a level boost to 70 with the expac”, you’ll say.

Yeah, I know. And you shouldn’t. It devalues the time and effort of people who bothered getting to that level “manually”, so to speak, and does nothing for the new player as there’s practically zero chance they’ll stick around after being flooded with an overwhelming array of skill trees, dungeon unlocks, mechanics, mounts, pets, reputation xp, hotkeys, etc…

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Nah, considering DI will be the new leveling experience as they’ve announced they’ll have access to it long before 70 so the boost isn’t exactly a factor here imo
Its leveling content, lets not pretend its a challange getting to 60
the biggest challange is not getting bored out of your mind on the way to 60 because all leveling content is so trivialized its like playing a game with godmode and 1 hit kill cheats on. In that sense I still believe that its good that if flying is supposed to be unlocked early, it will either be the newer dragon flying or at the very least will include the dragon flying once dragon isles becomes the leveling content when TWW comes out.

I do agree with you that there’s a lot of sensory overload for new players because of the amount of legacy things in wow that just pile up and up and up, but thats a different arguement entirely imo.
One you still have a valid point with, mind.

There is a lot of sensory overload. Some people would argue the game is just bloated.

I don’t think it’s that at all: the more systems the better. The problem is in the way they’re implemented and delivered.

For instance, I just arrived at Dragon Isles as a new player, and the first thing that happens when I tick over level 60 to 61 is that a dungeon is unlocked. So basically, the game is directing me to run a dungeon that is connected to a part of the narrative I haven’t completed yet, and have no frame of reference for.

Blizzard could easily address this problem by unlocking the ability to queue for specific dungeons only after players have completed them “manually”, and in the context of whatever quest chain leads up to it.

This would make the experience much more palatable for new players.

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Neither did I say you did. I was merely making an observation.

Hence they are going back at making the game fun and engaging again by changing the gameplay loop more up without parasitic systems like borrowed power.

I disagree with everything you said.

How very elucidating.

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I think the statement is more than enough. It doesn’t need a 5 page explanation.

Well, here is the question about Bel’Ameth and neutrality/friendly to horde: ARE THEY REALLY DOING THIS?

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I assume this is to allow them to add DF to Chromie Time.

then it doesn’t really need to be said.


Having finally tried Dragon Riding, it’s a fantastic upgrade to standard flight but should absolutely not be accessible to players in early levels. And by early I mean any time before 50.

Why not? Normal flying is at 30.

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Yeah, if normal flying is at 30 then it stands to reason Dragonriding would be somewhere in the 50-ish range.

So with plans to make Dragonflight the main levelling up expansion as well as the planned revamp of zones coming soon, I get why they’re doing this.

Honestly, I think classic flying is just going to be there for anyone who doesn’t like dragon-riding.