Are they really doing this?

I had exactly the same experience on rogue btw, I did really experience a sense of progression there. Made it extremely enjoyable to level, I haven’t had that as strongly with other classes.

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I get your point, but honestly I don’t see an issue here. Making DF the new player experience zone would mean they get to experience dragonriding earlier, absolutely, but this would only be locked to the Dragon Isles - I’m sure for everywhere else in the game they’d follow the same usual rule of ground/fast ground/flying/fast flying, either putting dragonriding in with fast flying or making it 10 levels after fast flying.

Blizzard could try to lock dragonriding from newer players, but that would be a pretty dumb move considering how huge and awkward the DF zones are when you’re not dragonriding (you’re doing almost if not all of the campaign on foot/ground mounts since pathfinder is still somehow a thing!) and the fact that dragonriding is both pretty important in the campaign and a huge feature of the expansion.

It could honestly be that the resounding success of dragonriding means Blizzard wants to cement it as the default way to fly for new players, as opposed to the ‘static flying’ of old. Once these new players start making alts, we’ll see how they choose to fly once they unlock dragonriding in other zones. I imagine getting a taste of dragonriding on their first character is gonna make the carrot a lot sweeter on their alts :smiley:

Its because rogue gains power by gaining new tools, I couldn’t pull more than 2 mobs until I picked evasion in talents, i couldn’t burst single mob quickly until i got passives to regenerate my energy quicker, I always have “death timer” when I’m trying to aoe spam pack of mobs because the only thing that keeps me alive is evasion and its not exactly a very long buff.

Ffxiv does it in similar way, I never felt much of a powerspike through levels or leveling gear but i felt powerspikes when I got key abilities of my rotation, like for example dps samurai class has “main damage” ability that you can use only after gathering max amount of main resource, and much more lately you gain ability to REPEAT this ability right after using it, suddenly my ritual of killing mobs became much quicker.

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10.2.5 will introduce new flying to every zone and for every mount possible

Yep! Early on all that kept me alive was sapping a lot and chugging health pots lol. Was very fun to experience that growth and get the fun tools and cd’s. It was ‘class fantasy’ all over.

It’s weird tho, in theory that should be the case for all classes but it usually feels… less relevant? As if you don’t need the full kit and often run out of health in mobs when you want to get the hang of your rotation.

Either way, being close to death unless you out trick it apparently does add to the immersion :wink:

There is almost no risk for most classes, they all have very potent healing options and can pretty much shrug off any threat just by pressing heal or save spells.
Warrior could have some incentive to pick fights in a more smart way if he didnt had victory rush that basically trivilizes every combat scenario, paladin… ehm, well I don’t know how to balance this healing monstrosity but I guess heals must cost more Mana and bubble must come much later, also paladin’s first skills are judgement and holy strike - both spells that basically oneshot mobs early and don’t have much synergy to them, while rogue has resource gainer and resource spender as his first abilities.
I guess there is too much to write for each class, the more simple way to say - proper feel of gaining power can be reached by motivating player to use limited amount of tools that your class has in a way that forces you to make decisions

Of course it does.

I can understand how having to do it again and again on alts would grate, but that sense of accomplishment of working toward something as cool as flying, something you see other players doing that you really want to do so as well, but seems beyond you initially, should not be taken away from a first-time player.

As for alts? I guess I’d be okay with the idea of flight being unlocked account wide, via the Warbands system.

If you want sense of accomplishment - find a job

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Oh snapppppppp :rofl:

I never got this mentality. Ever. You are supposed to work for the right to enjoy yourself. In a game you pay for monthly. Now I don’t know what people’s deal is that they think that mentality should be inflicted at such a general level as “new players” but I really hope Blizzard ignores that crap.

First of all character progression does not exist in prior expansions and how could it? Most people don’t care about questing through the Barrens to find that orc’s wife or whatever so what are these new players supposed to look forward to? Getting to where everyone is or running through a desolate world?

So instead of complaining about dynamic flying, which I’m honestly tired of hearing, how about you do something productive and suggest a legacy progress mode. Where players would level through past content via a string of storylines that reward fluff or something like that. Then you can have a reason to have dynamic flying restricted.

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WOW will become a game for toddlers, unfortunatley.


You do realize that todays gaming doesn’t revolve around spending days, maybe weeks, even months around making some levels to just get a default feature unlocked? That’s not what is attractive anymore to a modern audience.

Someone who workes a lot and barely has time to play WoW would never unlock Dynamic Flying in a reasonable time compared to people that basically no-life this game every day for several hours.

Todays gaming audience wants to have the fun “now”, not “in a few weeks after lots of investment”.

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Better than giving them the chance of trying out “TBC classic”. It’s a perfectly good plan to slowly eliminate that ancient mechanic.

…which I addressed in that same exact sentence you cropped:

I’d be incredibly shocked if they didn’t do either of the above (though it really should be 10 lvls after fast flying). You’re not gonna be seeing level 10s dragonriding around the entire world, even with some of the choices the devs have made that would be a truly moronic decision

Dragonflight will be the base game next expansion so it wouldn’t make sense since DF has been built for flying from the beginning.

Ehm… are you new to the game. They’ve did that since I got to level cap in Wrath.

I started in WoD, then dropped out and came back for Classic. Have been dabbling in Retail as well.

I realise that they’ve been doing it for some time, I just think it’s a misguided design philosophy.

There’s no such thing as “today’s gaming”. What was attractive to people before, will remain today and for the same reasons. See the success of WoW Classic.

There’s no reason for WoW retail to be a slog, with the amount of systems that are present in the game nowadays. They should just be delivered to players in increments, instead of dumping it on us in a way that is overwhelming.

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For someone preferring a “simple structured Game” WoW Retail is “a bad game”. For someone disliking a “simple structured Game”, WoW Classic is “a bad game”.

Objectively both aren’t bad games. They just serve different tastes.

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I didn’t say Retail was a bad game. It has the framework to be an incredible game. Fantastic zones, music, graphics, art direction, and some – not many, but some – interesting mechanics.

That said, its potential has been woefully untapped after years of appeasing to an aging, spoiled, instant gratification type player (“I’m too old to put work into this!”) with countless “convenience” features that have gradually turned the game from an escapist fantasy world into a lobby-based, menu-sifting, min maxing, button-mashing frenzy that’s nearly impenetrable for anyone wanting to come into WoW fresh.

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RTS was highly esteemed and profitable genre, now it’s dead. Point and click quests were very popular, now they are dead. Mmorpgs were very popular, now they are on constant decline.
And its only brief examples, game industry changes, popularity of things changes, that’s the fact