Are we okay with lazy 4th seasons?

Shadowlands and Dragonflight both introduced a season 4 without any new raid, dungeon, battleground and without new armors for each class.

Our collective silence is worth a seal of approval. We can do better.


I like season 4, being able to do all raids it’s fun.


It’s fine. The last season doesn’t need a pointless raid tier most people will just skip. they also have plenty of other content in the pipe line with Cata and Panda remix so if you really want your fill you’ve plenty to do.


As someone who doesn’t raid, I don’t care about the lack of a new raid either.

However, I’d still like new armors to collect and I stand by my stance that it’s a lazy season.


You forum guys are gonna give me a stroke I swear.

“It’s lazy season 4 doesn’t have a new raid”
-Guy who doesn’t raid.

You don’t have to have an opinion you know, you can just be indifferent about some things and enjoy yourself.


I prefer it over doing nothing until expansion. I like the raids rotating weekly and that they’re not too hard.

Not sure about the m+ squish though.


Allow me to completely disagree here.


I think this was gross negiligence on their behalf. They should have offered a recolor for PvP too. So in that you are correct. Though a season 4 might be lazy it is offering new gear and ilvl’s compensates for 6 - 8 months dry spell. Trust me I am not a fan either and would much prefer they offer a new mini raid etc but what we getting is not too bad even if I am aware it smacks of corporate greed.

I ain’t opening my mouth. With our luck they’re just gonna remove dinars and we’re stuck praying to the vault gods. If we keep quiet we’ll get to keep it and know exactly when we’re gonna get our BIS.


Indeed. A recolor is neither hard nor time consuming to make. That was the bare minimum.


There is more than raids, he play pvp example. I like having change in seasons in pvp and changes in tuning and regards set and all that, but I do agree with op on that they could had add more to this season.

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I see Tah on your thread but I haven’t seen him since I got back.
What happened to him?

Or her. What’s Tah’s gender anyway?

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No i’m not okay with it.
I rather they stop at last raid of expansion and just let the game be dead for 1 year so people can finish most stuff from previous expansion
this progression in s4 is not needed at all in my opinion
it’s just same as s3 but with higher ilvl and every week same old raid to clear

I liked one year long patch.

Tah the male gnome is the imposter account. The real Tah is on a break I believe.


100% agree

Your a pvper right? Why do you care

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The tales of mythic raiding and trying to launch a youtube channel from it kinda gave me the impression aswell. :thinking:

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I like to collect Elite PvP sets for my Monk.
I currently have 9 of those.

I wanted a new set this season so I could get my 10th elite set.

Fair point. No reason we can’t get a new appearance

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