Are we paying for a unsuported game

I tried wow for 2 months subscription is ending today . Won’t be renewing it .
My main grieveance are these booster ads .you go in trade chat .all messages are of them . You can’t give your other message out .bots continuously roaming in cities .
Wanted to do arena stuff but guess what smurfs are completely filled with them .with most people using boosters to get better rating . This is first game I have seen where you don’t even need to use cheats .just pay money in game with gold and you can cheat the whole system .no skill nothing required just make your way with money .

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didnt even read.

Wish they would SORT THE BOTS OUT

It’s a way for some fools to defend their precious company. “It’s free so you can’t complain!!” Which makes no sense anyway.

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You’re paying a subscription fee for a spot on their servers.
Classic you got for “free”.

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Yeah I paid 65euros x 18 months = 1170 euros of sub fees + 6 paid character transfers(120e) for classic.

Classic I didn’t get for “free” because it isn’t a new game, it’s a recreation of an old game version, I’ve bought 5 boxes of “classic” when I first made my account and bought the wow bundle. (I’ve bought 2 copies of my accounts in 2005 when it was 60 euros per one licence and other 3 I’ve bought in later expansions bundle packages) So I’ve paid at least 120 euros on “classic” content many years ago.

You’re forgetting that when you buy a wow package there is classic+TBC+wotlk+mop+cata etc. included in that, which you pay a price for.

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Make it out to whatever fits your world.
You’re still renting a spot on their server and you own nothing in game.

Game subscriptions . Many massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) use monthly subscription models. Revenue from these subscriptions pay for the computer servers used to run the game , the people that manage and oversee the game on a daily basis, and the introduction of new content into the game .

Anywho…it’s described in Blizzards EULA.

When you buy any service you don’t own anything but you are still a customer and asking for good quality is not a shocker. This is how service industry works on the contrary to traditional “real industries”.


  • you have an internet subscription from an ISP, you don’t own it but ISP has customer support and provides you the service.
  • you have a TV/satellite sub
  • you have a youtube/netflix/spotify/whateverdafoq sub
  • you have a parking lot sub from municipality

You don’t own any of these but you can demand good quality/customer support and continuity of their upkeep.

Normal people learn these at the age of 14, you learned it now, congratz.

oh and by the way, almost forgot: from your own quote:

*** Revenue from these subscriptions pay for… the people that manage and oversee the game on a daily basis*

This is the whole discussion here. I can understand that it is hard to grasp for you, but the whole idea is that there is no “people that manage the game on a daily basis”. There is 10 bots that are farming on the exact same spot for 3 months every day 20+ hours, I reported them like 300 times at least. If there was any “daily management” they wouldn’t be there now.


Cherry picking to fit your narrative doesnt help the fact that you still renting online services.
If you are not happy with the services provided you can always unsub.

Your insults are laughable at best.

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to respond to the title of this post,



I’m not insulting you, just trying to help you, because you need it.

It is not my narrative, I’m speaking scientific facts that also exists in your own quote.

Also, yeah, I unsubbed 8 of my 10 accounts, will unsub another one when TBC releases. Yet your “love it or leave it” response is again what most people left after they became teenagers.

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Thank you, but I dont need your help.
Im more than capable to find the unsub button in my account information if I am unhappy with a 15 year old game, which I knew were not provided a healty team of game developers when it launched.

You are a pristine example of being a succesful shill and 5head at the same time.

There might be some museums out there that might need you in the inventory.

Classic is not a game that is being developed. It only needs community managers to contact with customers on forums and game masters that deal with cheaters/hackers in game.


They dont exist in Classic. Sorry to break your hope.

Suck it up or unsub, those are your choices.

(Back to my main before you go detective gadget)

I choose to complain on the forums about it and ask for GMs and CMs in classic. See? I found an easy solution.


Why would I? Do you feel the urge to prove something?

People have asked for them for over 1 year now, they keep themself in the Shadow(lands)

Then people need to ask more for those, because in the first Q/A about classic wow, when we first learned about it, Ian Hazzikostas started by promising that “they will always keep in touch and take an hands-on approach in classic”.

They were communicating for first month or so of classic, then they vanished into thin air, there is absolutely zero touch, no ingame support, no GMs, bots are rampant and economy is trash because of bots/RMT gold transactions.

So whats your solution?

You do have a solution right?

Yeah, keep making threads like this and QQ everywhere, they will hear about it at some point.
Easy solution.

You do that then.

Just don’t keep your hopes up to high.