Are we still denying that World of Warcraft is dying?

I don’t play Undead, so can’t say that for me.

Well your bait is a lil tainted but my honest opinion on BFA. Initially I didn’t like it at all but over time it has grown on me. However, I don’t think there has ever been a time in wow when there has been so much different content for a diversity of players.

Yet activity and subs keep on tanking and that is simply because you cannot please everyone and if you persist you will just alienate them.

Enjoy the weekend!

I hope once WoW actually dies all threads like these will die too.

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No they are not. Those few doomsayers in vannila and so on have no weight at all. There is difference talking about game is dying and game having 10+M players and talking about game being dead when game bareldy hold 1M active players.


Dunno what you’ve been smoking, but it can’t be good.

Please do provide your evidence for only 1 million active players. Because so far as I can see, there’s just as many now as there was in Legion.

Haha no if you look at context. Do you realize you have at this point sharded and crossrealmed pretty much entire regions. If you have 500k players playing and realms constaly shard them togetget ofc game will feel more populated. But consider number of pugs, queue times for bgs and LFG etc and all that being region corsshareded. Thats pretty pathetic activity.


Let’s say everyone agrees, then what? What is it to you?

Do we really need another negative circle-jerk… I think there are plenty already.


I am not gonna provide anything. Go on websites, checkout rends on fansite, forums, youtube and you will get pretty good idea how big playerbase is. Fact that i can sit in town for 3 hours and get litarly nothing in trade expcept few boosting services only support this claim.

Confirmation bias and nothing else. If all you’re going to spew is hot air, keep your mouth shut.

Than provide evidence it is not at 1M. Becouse there is plenty of sources that it is yet 0 that it isnt.

Sources? Probably not. Same doomsayers as those in vanilla.

Fraid the burden of proof is on your head her bucko, because everyone and their mother knows said sources are absolute bollocks.

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but thats what all the blizzard defenders are doing. the game IS dying compared to its previous status. anyone who tries to refute that is a fool not worth taking seriously.

current estimates are about 4.5-5M WORLDWIDE, with the eastern markets making up about half of that. estimated US/EU players are 2-3M. that is NOT 10M as you claimed.

the game IS dying.

  • look at all of the low pop servers fading away to nothing.
  • look at them bringing in sharding to try and make the world LOOK populated, when really it is not.

at the end of it all, to a US player, it doesnt matter how many play in EU and the east, it doesn’t help THEIR playtime. same as a player in china dont care about population in EU or US case we will never be able to help them.

the game is slowly sliding and has been for a while. legion propped it up a bit, but certain annoying mechanics like lego drops and AP being spec locked turned people off.

if you dont admit the problem first, you will NEVER find a solution.

admit wow has a problem. cause it does.


No they are not and game actualy only supports it. Just log into the game in prime time. Try some queues, sit bit in main cities.

I don’t think WOW is dying. It is still making millions of dollars for Blizz and I still think it has fairly decent sub numbers to keep it going.

Me personally, I have pretty much abandoned end game as I hate Naz and Mech and just loathe the whole character progression system. Just badly designed talent progression system on top of another badly designed talent progression system on top of another. It is just clumsy, clunky and poor design in my opinion. Just have one talent tree that covers all the necessary progression, not bloody 3 separate ones.

Levelling a Druid at the moment until Classic comes out.


World of Warcraft will not die as long as one Classic server remains active.

I am not sure about World of Mountcraft, I think it will continue plodding along but does anyone really have fun at this stage? I doubt it.

I think for many people, it has become a routine/chore/habit that they cannot break. So many friends have come and gone, good times have been had, they continue playing and hoping that feeling will come back, expansion after expansion.

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Also you:

Don’t you see, this is what you get with the new forums. 1000’s of similar topics because after 30 days it’s locked. Again clearly it is “current”, as op wanted to discuss that wow is dying, as did I and countless others will, so embrace yourself you will see much much more of the same thanks to well – 30 day locks.


while i disagree and think that it is on a declining trend…

THIS is the distinguising point that needs to be made.

  • what are the PLAYERS wants
  • what are the blizzard/activisions wants.

they are no longer the same thing. while blizzard of the past wanted to make a game we liked WHILE making money, thats not the case now, and the player is put firmly on the backseat.

i think blizzard will flog wow for as long as its making even a tiny amount of profit, cause its an established and easy cash cow for them.

they know that there are many players that will play rehashed content for as long as blizzard keep putting it out even though its visually at a standard far below other games now. it is a 15 year old game at this point.

talking about players that will accept rehashed content:

i still think that people have too much faith in classic.

CLASSIC IS NOT VANILLA. vanilla is gone, no matter how much we think back to those times. blizzard could make current expansions vanillaesq, but they refuse to.

i am looking forward to classic to be proven right or wrong. obviously a lot of people will try it, but the test will be maybe just after christmas, how many people are left.

BUT, blizzard wont release these numbers because they dont like showing ACTUAL sub numbers anymore.

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Blizzard aren’t making Classic because they are nice guys throwing a bone out to the fans, they are doing it because their extensive research has demonstrated there is money to be made.

It is hugely popular with more private servers out there than I can count on two hands. And no, it’s not because the incredibly whopping £9/€13 per month is too much for the average player to muster (unless you are living in some dark derelict corner of Eastern Europe).

You only need to look on Reddit and Twitch to see that there is loads of enthusiasm for Classic, more subscribers/viewers than BFA.

In fact I was in BFA beta, it was dead in two weeks. Barely anyone I played with even made it to Level 120. There was no desire to test out the mechanics, try out the new class changes. Classic beta on the other hand, kept going until the end with community made events. And that was only to Level 40 (which was a very stale meta).

Whether Classic is successful or not in the long term remains to be seen. But in the literal sense, as long as one Classic server remains, World of Warcraft lives on.

BFA on the other hand, is a completely different game. It’s barely even Warcraft anymore. It’s more of an abomination of Diablo 3 gameplay mixed with a Dragonball Z/Naruto storyline.