Are we still denying that World of Warcraft is dying?

I am dying. You are dying. Whoever posted above me is dying. Whoever will post after me is dying. Everyone and everything is dying since it simply became to be. Do you know how do I know that I’m dying? Because I’m alive. Being alive equals dying.

Pls…just quit playing and stop posting on the forum this useless thought u have…:rofl::rofl:

Yeah it s weekend no wonder we got this post…:crazy_face:

I have no trouble pugging, I have a quick queue for BGs. I’m not really sure what he issue is.

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of course not. any niceitys they would have done in the past are gone. they are all about the money now.

it is very popular i’ve heard. but a lot of them are not true to actual vanilla? also, with more people in one place, its more fun than over a hundred servers in retails where a lot of them you actually see no one cause the server is dying :frowning:

true, but vanilla was 15 years ago. some people are looking back with rose tinted glasses, and also have burdens that they didn’t have back then maybe (job, family, kids, etc).

this is the thing. i think classic may do well, but not be wow’s saviour. i just cant get my head around playing the same content again 15 years later. but like you said, we will see.

i can agree with this. it is an abomination.

They must be playing at 3am
I don’t think I’ve ever had a queue longer than 10 minutes this expansion outside of my post midnight play sessions.

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You think this is bad? WOD was far worse. Then they turned it around and gave us Legion.

I’m not even remotely worried.

“Tell them only that the lich king is dead and that world of warcraft died with him”.

I mean… when story started in warcraft3 ended at wotlk, the warcraft part of it was basically done. What have we got after wotlk? Cata, pandas, alternate reality stuff.
One might say that legion is some kind of continuation because there is illidan, but I feel like its not the same anymore. I wont argue about it, though.
Bfa? Its… something.


You’re both right and wrong at the same time.
If we look at just amount of content and delays between patches, you’re right.

But if we take a look at quality of what was available back then - then you’re wrong.
For Pvp’ers WOD was superior to BfA. The Pruning wasn’t so severe, and classes were still kinda fun (I have been leveling my first ever Warrior back then and loved the toolkit of fury). And very important aspect of RPG for me was I could equip any weapon I wanted to, no matter how viable it was. I could.
Dungeon and Raid quality was far superior to the BfA ones, and even questing held rather consistency and “cool” factor untill Garrison’s were discovered as ultimate BIS source of everything, and Blizzard gave in to the whiners and abandoned the storyline half-way through jumping straight to the end of the script leaving lots of things confused.

I liked WoD way better, than I do BfA.


Did a count on my dead RP server SteamWheedle Cartel Saturday 20th July 11pm and 200 were playing - was shocked because everywhere I went was empty & dead & silent -mustve all been in those dungeons playing !! :nauseated_face::rofl:

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Why would anyone deny that? It’s clearly nearing its end, anyone can see that. But, why promote it? Let’s just have a blast until the end. It’s hardly the world that’s ending.


Sharding keeps numbers low in areas so they don’t get over worked total opposite of what you said. They are set to a usual max of 80 players in an area.

The only numbers blizzard release are the MAUs. We don’t get sub numbers anymore. So I would also be really keen to see these sources.

I do love this silly notion that we now have to disprove what people claim rather than them back up their claim with facts. It’s like that whole ‘change my mind’ meme.


i can prove my server is dying. i counted it on my very own fingers. and i wish i was joking :frowning:

more people were still active that i knew back in start of WoD. i think too many people rib WoD. while it probably was the worst expansion without exception before BfA came out, it was only once we settled down that we realised this. like you said:

however, right from the start, people have had a bad feeling with BfA.

i think personally, BfA may have nicer things, but there is too much rng, and too much mishmashed content. no clear goal on how to do certain things. maybe also things are just different in the real world now that are effecting some peoples playtime/style. i know things are quite different for me now compared to WoD release.

i think people just wont or cant agree. however, i think BfA is being given a little too much praise, and WoD a little too much hate overall.

Yep. it’s dead. I gave my sub the last rites 10 years ago in fact.

I for one never play that game.
“You made the claim. The burden of proof is on you. And no. You don’t get to play the Oh Ill answer a question with a question to you game nor do you get to play the whataboutery game.”

it might work for people who think Ben Shapiro is a debating genius (google him if you dont know who he is, basically he only likes to yell loudly at left wing leaning students) or Corbynistas who can’t accept Corbyn isn’t the world saviour they thought he was. And don’t even get me started on the clickbaiters who title their internet puke piles with “SO AND SO DESTROYS SO AND SO”


Define “dying”. I played back in Cataclysm and recently got back, and I still get dungeons and battlegrounds with a few minutes wait time in low level. That is pretty decent to me, and hardly dead compared to a lot of other MMORPG’s. The staying power of this game is quite titanic. That said, there seems to be less players then there were in Cata.


Ppl are screaming wow is dying since WotLK. In fact all hated expansions were good.

At the start of legion there were tons of posts how bad it was. Well it was a great expansion with cool content, great raids and nice additions. Some of the best looking class sets were added in Legion. mage tower was a hit. Artifact weapons were great and nicely done. Also mythic plus.

Everyone screamed BFA is bad. But in reality its quite nice. It has at least three story plots tied. It has allied races and heritage armor. It has warfront wich is cool. Island expeditions. Great warfront sets. So no, wow is not dead.

The only flaw it has is due years. This game is old and engine its made on is old. But it works just fine amd is still fun to play given you have ppl to play with. I am having as much fun as I had in WoTLk and as I had in Legion.


You have shown nothing to change anyone’s mind about anything.
So yes i will deny that as other games show you can still work fine at 40-50k people playing games (look at the old mmos that people want you to switch to from wow)

WoW is still having the highest population of mmos around, so how is it dying?

And how do YOU know that is a majority?
F off it is pure speculation on your part not even remotely close to evidence for anything.


The game is fine. Ofcourse less people then in the past but thats normal for a 15 year old game.

WoW still delivers more and of higher quality content then other MMO’s. This is a fact and can be proven.


WoD had a magnitude better class design