Are you a gamer or a WoW player?

Some crazy stat sales have come out that in 2024 , only 6.6% of ALL console and pc players bought a game in 2024 released in 2024.

30% of console and pc gamers won’t buy a single game this year.
38% will only buy 1 game , that’s not released in 2025

I play alot of Wow but I play alot of Switch , xbox and playstation. I am living in a bubble . I buy at least 1 game a month. I thought everyone playing wow were avid gamers.

I have alot of alts on different realms . I’m on different discords and guilds.
I started asking players do they play other games than wow ? Do they play more than one Blizzard game ? Aka Overwatch / Diablo / Starcraft

The resounding answer was no to both !

I can’t give you numbers but the majority told me. They only play wow , they don’t play anything else or play other Blizz games.

The one’s who did play other games tended to play on mobile or free to play games and WoW.

Many told me if WoW was shut down tommorrow they would just join private servers and continue playing WoW. Or they just not game at all.

So I’m asking on the forums , I see most commenters are avid wow players. Are you gamers ? … or just WoW players ?

I was always under the assumption since WoW is a video game , players would be into gaming in general. How wrong I was lol


Do you also count board games or P&P as gaming?

I play a variety of games.

Given many new games cost $80 I’m not surprised at all. Were in a recession and prices need to go down not up.


These days I only play WoW. I’ve tried several other games that have been released only to find they all make me feel sick and I’m fed up of it.

I played a lot more games as a teenager but still not nearly as much as other people. I can’t use an xbox controller to save my life and handheld devices never interested me.

I don’t need a label though.

For years I was just a WoW player myself. The game felt enough not to want to wonder off to other franchises. I dabbled in Diablo and even Hearthstone for some time. Overwatch was too childish for me so I never ventured there.

Recently I discovered the joy of other RPG’s and it has changes my gaming habits completely. I am starting to find these are far more engaging and far more immersive. Mainly because none of them have any heavy grinds of any sort.

One thing though is that they are not as social allowing only gameplay with a limited numbers. When I feel like group content I will log back into wow but only for a limited period compared to the past.

I encourage anyone to go and experience other games you will surprise yourself.

Been a variety gamer since the ‘90s/early ‘00s, but played WoW exclusively from late Vanilla onward. After BFA, I began venturing outside Blizzard’s gardens, exploring FPS, survival, and ARPG games.

I’ll always play WoW - I love its universe and probably have a semi-unhealthy attachment to it (hello, sunk cost fallacy). But the truth is, there are too many great games out there right now to ignore.

During drought periods like this, at the end of a season, it just makes sense to fire up Steam and dive into something new.

That said, in recent years, I’ve been a lot more frugal with game purchases. My Steam backlog is massive, so instead of buying more, I’m focusing on playing what I already own.


Same here. Not really buying anything new but playing through what I own. Set myself 100 completion goal so most of them I am playing from scratch and with out any mods.

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I was for a few years during vanilla/tbc, but now I love to play a vareity of games, especially the indie scene has been making some really great titles in the last decades, I feel like I would really miss out if I limit myself to WoW only.

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I play a lot of different games, but I usually buy them on sale, unless a game is really amazing like monster hunter wilds


Once I was almost only WoW player from long ago.
But after I become normal player when I play other games as I wanted.

Since If I have burned out/bored. Or No fun play (like WoD and SL. I quitted it and play other games)



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I would say I’m more of a gamer. Mind you I have played wow since its original release and WC3 before that.

But I definitely needs breaks from this game, there are too many others that I enjoy for completely different reasons. Sometimes I realise just how many other games I’ve missed out on and that’s definitely a time to step away from wow.

Though I do got to say that is starting to get to me:

All the PS5 games that I’ve bought in 2024 were second hand games from likely 2023 or before. I find the console prices absurd. The only game I bought last year near its release was Baldur’s Gate 3. Being a PC game it’s much more reasonably priced (and was worth every penny). Finishing some older games now (SW Jedi Survivor, Plague Tale: Requiem, then I will finally give Cyberpunk 2077).

Games that I’m waiting to come out on full release before I buy them: Hades II and Path Of Exile 2.

I think it’s very important to play other games especially if you’re interested in how wow can evolve in a productive manner. Best example I can think of is the following:

M+ as a whole learning some lessons from the game HADES. If we get a game mode that will have some kind of blend between M+ and Torghast inspired by the systems that HADES had but then with wow’s signature gameplay… Blizzard will be laughing all the way to the bank, and their shareholders will buy their 8th Yot with swimming pools and helipads.

Sir yes sir! :saluting_face:

Another thing is that new games are simply not as cool and hype anymore as they used to be. Not because they are new, but the vibe of many modern games is just really cringe. Compare the Skyrim/WoD/Witcher 3 trailer to some of the releases of last year and it makes sense. If a game is actually good, it will probably sell really well


Notice the vibe difference?


I’m somewhere in between, realistically.

I used to be a gamer, but nowadays I don’t play much else besides WoW.
Although the past two years I’ve actually played more games besides WoW, than in the previous … 5 or so, combined.

Some games I’ve played in the last 2 years or so:

  • Hogwarts Legacy
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 (didn’t finish)
  • Dragon Age Veilguard (didn’t finish)
  • Life is Strange Double Exposure

I think that’s it.

I am currently playing Lost Records: Bloom & Rage. It’s my ‘late at night, cozy snuggle up with a coffee or hot cocoa and play a bit’ type game.

I’ll probably try Avowed when I’m done with Lost Records.

But yeah, I’m long past the point in my life where I just try out a whole bunch of games. My time is precious; I only play what I’m truly interested in.

My main game is WoW, but I play other games as well, at times. My last favourite is Baldur’s Gate 3, I really recommend trying it out, if someone likes RPGs. I also play sometimes big classics for nostalgia.

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I used to play A LOT more, but as time goes on, I enjoy it less and less, mostly because every game feels a bit like something I’ve already seen and done, so most of the times I don’t even bother starting. There are a few exceptions of course, but even then, I find myself with less time I want to invest in those. So currently I only play wow, and every now and then I start a new character on fallout 4 and do it all over again cause I will never get bored of that game.

I mostly play WoW these days but still have thousands of hours in other games like CS and Dota. But absolutely love the occasional singleplayer game too. Huge fan of Mass Effect and God of War!

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A gamer is anyone who plays any game. Are you saying wow players aren’t gamers?

I’m sick of this rubbish where unless someone has 3 computers and 7 consoles and plays 23 hours of games a day they aren’t a “gamer”


Nowadays I’m just a WoW player. I have played a few other games in the past but find now I don’t even have enough time to do everything I want in WoW so it would be daft for me to start others.