Are you a vampire?

whats crazy is now they 3d print them mostly… and still charge the same prices

Yeah, I think I even went years without gaming but I tend to start missing it at some point and come back when I have the time - like now. I prefer online games these days, but I wanted to catch up on a few great singleplayer titles like RDR2 so I took an advantage of the Steam summer sale… still sitting at like 17% in that game :smiling_face_with_tear: 10 years back I’d be already finished with it :smile:

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multiplayer games are only fun at my age when u got like minded people u can relate to to play them with …

single player games can be good but they have to be really good ones to hold my attention now.

RD2 for example it was fun … for a few hours for me i ran around role playing a serial killer… finding inventive ways to kill and hide bodies in plain sight…

but after a while i got bored the game took itself too seriously.

EDIT: i recently bought a ps5… and have been playing through some of those titles with my dad… while i stay at his flat on work days…

its some of the most fun i had gaming in years honestly…

couch coop is where it’s at.

It’s only for their own showcasing models.
They don’t sell 3d printed minis. It’s still moulded plastic/resin.
Price is still bonkers though and it has gone up significantly over the years.

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yeah i havent played warhammer tabletop since the early 2000’s and it was expensive then i can only imagine what it is like now.

from the age… 9 - 12 most my days were spent in a local shop called cyberdyne … playing warhammer table top against other customers lol … that and various card games…

magic the gathering
vampire the masquerade


Yes I am, and I am bloodthirsty

Debatable “good” thing though is that the latest editions have moved away from big models counts in favor of speeding up games and making them less complicated, especially tournament plays.
So yes models are a lot more expensive now a days but you usually end up buying less of them so

Unless you’re insane like myself that do massive apocalyptic narrative battles.

Haven’t touched Magic the Gathering in years. Also not exactly cheap but I stopped playing when I went from “casually playing with friend” to game clubs and tournaments.
Like with most things imo it is not fun anymore when it becomes too competitive, meta tryhard.

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Sounds good, sadly my immediate surroundings are full of non-gamers so gotta make those gaming friends online ^^

I know what you mean with multiplayer… it’s tough… sometimes when I really wanna chill and not deal with randoms, I just mute the channels and enjoy the vacuum. They’re still more fun for me to play against than bots or npcs. I like the random fails and chaos humans bring. It’s funny if you don’t take it too seriously.

Ngl, I almost felt like giving up during that lenghty intro in RDR2 ^^ It’s more like a simulator that game. It’s a marvel to look at though. I’ll finish it eventually I think, just at a snail’s pace :))

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was the same for me with magic the gathering… i started playing in leagues and just lost interest in it in the end…

gave it all up and started skateboarding.

yeah all my mates have kids and wives now… so real life is not really like it used to be back in the day … just go round whenever and play games all evening etc…

all has to be working around their family scheules…

not a great thing being the only single guy in ur friends group… can get lonely at times… but i make do with focusing on other things like my fitness and personal wellbeing these days.

people think i like being single because im good at it … basically. they judge me as a lone wolf kind of guy before even trying to get to know me lol …

it is true though i don’t mind being single… and i’m more can capable of dealing with it :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think you’re doing well, don’t worry about others. Things will fall into place when it’s right for you and only you. One has to have themselves sorted out first or everything else ends up a mess.

There’s nothing wrong with single life either, if anything, it’s been getting more and more popular for multiple reasons.

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Woah, we moved onto to Warhammer with me knowing!

Dude I’m so excited about the return of Squats to 40k!!!

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My greenskins can’t wait to crump sum squat gitz!

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To the land train!! I’m gonna paint it purple… Surprise train deep strike!


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Are you Czech/Slovak by any chance? :thinking:

Funny how a vampire thread turned into a nostalgia thread. I saw some teenagers playing Magic the Gathering in McDonalds the other day, made me happy to see that it is still around and that kids “these days” do other things then Instagram :joy: My cards are somewhere in my basement I think.

I hoped you’d pick up on it. Well, I knew you’re a fellow Czech the first time I saw your name :)) Fitting for a rogue indeed.

its not the same game these days as it used to be…

i tried playing again with a group of friends on tabletop a lil while ago …

the rules are all different now there is “commanders” >.>

never used to be like that.

we literally ended a battle with a 400/400 monster fighting against a 400/400 monster…

EDIT: old magic the gathering was better.

Nice! Good to see other Czechs on here!

I remember how annoying blue/black card players were hahah. This conversation made me realise I have become a “old times were better” person :rofl:

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No my dear boy
Im a vampire werewolf!
Blah blah blaaaah

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Well I’m a redhead so half way there, for sure.