True- every time i watch repeats of Buffy, i always expect Willow to say ‘And there was this one time at band camp…’
We just going to pretend the best character didn’t exist…
To be fair, I did like Spike - great as a villain and equally good as a semi good guy. Fun fact - the guy who played Quark in Star Trek TNG was also the school principal in Buffy
He’s Andrew Ryan in BioShock too! (Voice of course)
He was cool in Buffy but really did shine in Angel
Used to love UK TV back then - 6pm The Simpsons, 6.25pm buffy/angel/star trek depending on the day
Yes… and now, please lean a bit closer.
For an itty pitty scratch of course!
Don’t worry… it won’t hurt. Anymore.
Dunkiee licks her bright red lips as she eyes Erine.
I have played Fallout 2 like a 100 times. That game has so many possibilities. My favorite playthrough was as an evil character.
Is Planescape Torment the one with that Morty skull that follows you around?
OT: I used to like vampires until Twilight came out, now I just cannot help but associate them with that awful franchise.
No i am not a vampire…
but thank you for asking
Nope, but my character loves blood sausage.
I’ve played it too many times as well. I liked sniper build and then leather jacket and pistol only. There were so many gameplay options and it was fun to explore everything, the dialogue options were great, just starting a random fight in a town and trying not to die was fun. New Reno is my fav city forever.
Yeah, it was Morte, he was damn funny and one of the highlights. That game was not so much about the gameplay (Baldur’s Gate 2 was better in that regard) but the story and world was awesome. I got most games with Score/Level back then
Re: Vampires, Blade and Underworld series were where the good stuff was at!
Damn, that looks great. Wish I knew about it.
its a great game still pretty fun today
No sparkles, no vampire.
i do not like robert patterson…
this is a true story…
when i was 19 i was in bath city with my brother…
i was approached by a random lady who asked how old i was and if i wanted to audition for a movie part.
i told them i was 19 … and i was unfortunately too old for the part by half a year…
i later found out it was J.k rowling talent scouting for robert pattersons role in the harry potter movie…
so yea since then i do not like robert patterson…
in another life i could of been batman.
I don’t replay games anymore and I’m very picky with new titles. These classics will always have a special place in my heart but gaming is not my main hobby like when I was younger. I guess it’s that way for most people my age. However, I don’t regret those times, I like my gaming memories
honestly the same for me these days i rarely sit down and game now…
used to be all i did once upon a time … bu tnow i have not really played anything since feburary